
I hate wind, as of now...

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I used to love the wind. It was nice. It was relaxing and soothing in a way. That was the way I felt until this past Sunday when we were told we weren't jumping because the winds exceeded 14mph. And I was so supposed to go for my first AFP class!! Well, I was going to do 3 or 4. But still.

It's like an itch that you can't scratch or that just won't go away when you scratch the crap out of it.

Just venting.

-=+ Skyliber, Disynthegrate, & Nucleaire +=-

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I feel your pain. Try living in the north west and have to deal with rain and clouds for 8 to 9 months out of the year.

Eat, Drink and Jump for tomorrow we die.....

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My dropzone is on Long Island. I've got the Ocean and the Long Island Sound to deal with. Sorry, you've only got a few monthes to have some fun with.

I hope this hurricane nonsense isn't going to effect my weather up here! I know it sounds cold, and that I should wish the people in the Hurricane Zones well, (and I do) but it's budding into my fun! :)

OH, I forgot to mention, it was absolutely beautiful outside. Not a cloud in the sky anywhere!

-=+ Skyliber, Disynthegrate, & Nucleaire +=-

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The ocean is at least 14 miles away from the DZ, the sound is what you really have to worry about. Take some days of of work, and try to bang out your jumps one after the other. If there is a windless day call in as long as yu have the sick pay. Today there was some good holes and the wind was only 5 mph. Even where there weren't any real holes he clouds weren't solid.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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The ocean is at least 14 miles away from the DZ, the sound is what you really have to worry about. Take some days of of work, and try to bang out your jumps one after the other. If there is a windless day call in as long as yu have the sick pay. Today there was some good holes and the wind was only 5 mph. Even where there weren't any real holes he clouds weren't solid.

If it were only that simple. :P

-=+ Skyliber, Disynthegrate, & Nucleaire +=-

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That was the way I felt until this past Sunday when we were told we weren't jumping because the winds exceeded 14mph.

Believe me, you do not want it. It is much better to be on the ground thinking "why can't I be under canopy?" than to be under canopy thinking "why didn't I stay on the ground?"
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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I used to love the wind. It was nice. It was relaxing and soothing in a way. That was the way I felt until this past Sunday when we were told we weren't jumping because the winds exceeded 14mph. And I was so supposed to go for my first AFP class!! Well, I was going to do 3 or 4. But still.

It's like an itch that you can't scratch or that just won't go away when you scratch the crap out of it.

Just venting.

Being grounded due to winds is damn near a rite of passage for students ;)

I dont know anyone that cant feel your pain :)

My mighty steed

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Being grounded due to winds is damn near a rite of passage for students ;)

And deciding to ground yourself due to winds should damn near be a rite of passage for experienced jumpers; too bad it often is only the really really experienced jumpers who will do it.

Me, I'm easily spooked. I see people with more jumps than me sitting down or I see the students being sat down, and I'm right there with 'em.

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>too bad it often is only the really really experienced jumpers who will do it.

Dunno about that. At the first jump of the Arizona Challenge this year, they were seeing 30mph gusts, and some people landed 4 times from the first jump. No one on the next load backed off. Finally one of the organizers called it off (which was a good thing.) And the challenge sees some of the most experienced skydivers in the world.

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>too bad it often is only the really really experienced jumpers who will do it.

Dunno about that. At the first jump of the Arizona Challenge this year, they were seeing 30mph gusts, and some people landed 4 times from the first jump. No one on the next load backed off. Finally one of the organizers called it off (which was a good thing.) And the challenge sees some of the most experienced skydivers in the world.

Duly noted. Sometimes they're dumbasses too. :D Is it a personal attack if I'm attacking an entire (world) class of skydivers? ;)

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