
Skydive harder with Viagra

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And look at all the new Exits you can try with all those extra handles to grab onto.;):D

But Im worried about some of the new Docks this makes possible.:o:S;)

I hear a truckload was stolen from the factory. A police spokesman said they are looking for a gang of hardened criminals.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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A cyclist who did not take Viagra could cover a stretch of road in the high Rocky Mountains in one hour, whereas the same rider could finish the same stretch of road in 39 minutes after taking the drug, the study found.

I have a hard time believing this result.

(and want rival drugs tested for comparison)

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A cyclist who did not take Viagra could cover a stretch of road in the high Rocky Mountains in one hour, whereas the same rider could finish the same stretch of road in 39 minutes after taking the drug, the study found.

I have a hard time believing this result.

(and want rival drugs tested for comparison)

I'm not sure if this should have been accompanied by a ;), or if it is a serious comment.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Since it dilates blood vessels and thereby improves blood circulation, including in the lungs, this actually make sense for high-altitude jumps...

That's why I posted it.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I just don't believe it can traslate to 21 minutes of gain over an hour. That's a huge delta and yeah if true, would be used by cyclists left and right. Most performace enhancers are only worth a couple points.

I agree, that has to be complete bollocks - if not the doping riders would have been all over it years ago.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Is Viagra solely a hemodilator?

I think you mean VASOdilator there young Jedi. PDE5 inhibitors, like Sildenafil have a complex mechanism of action. Prescribing Information for details.
And, keep in mind, at recommended doses, PDE5 inhibitors have no effect IN THE ABSENSE of sexual stimulation. The benefit to an athelete appears to come from the relaxation of smooth muscle and increased blood flow to non-targeted tissue.


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Since it dilates blood vessels and thereby improves blood circulation, including in the lungs, this actually make sense for high-altitude jumps...

That's why I posted it.

Oh, so this post isn't "parody". I can never keep up with when you're serious, and when you're not, since they all sound the same - like the fable of "the boy who cried wolf". ;)

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Since it dilates blood vessels and thereby improves blood circulation, including in the lungs, this actually make sense for high-altitude jumps...

That's why I posted it.

Oh, so this post isn't "parody". I can never keep up with when you're serious, and when you're not, since they all sound the same - like the fable of "the boy who cried wolf". ;)

Stay alert and read carefully.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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