
Feeling at one with the canopy

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Have you experienced this? Its been two jumps on the same type of canopy (spectre) and well there is no feeling quite like it. I find myself wanting to pull higher and higher just to be under her , just unbelievable.... My actual landings have never been bad , but never accurate, but not under her... not only are they where I want them to be but also soft and wow....

Okay this message was brought to you as a public service announcement of one who just jumped :|

Wow I love that canopy
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I find myself wanting to pull higher and higher just to be under her . . .

With a Spectre, that's not love, that's self preservation.

Do NOT go into a low pull contest with one.

BTW, one of the most versatile canopies of all time. I love both of mine.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Do NOT go into a low pull contest with one.

Why not?

Spectres have nice slow openings.

Mine takes 800 - 1,000 feet.

Obviously I'm not qualified/experienced enough to go advice, so talk to your instructors, but DO NOT get into a low pull contest with anyone on any canopy:P
but what do I know

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Soft is an understatement, it feels so clean and pure... That sounds so corny but dammit I love this canopy. Ive tried many different ones because I was so anal about buying something not perfect. I hadnt found a canopy that wasnt great until I tried her. Now the rest just seem to fast to open, to jerky in its response to my inputs. Before the canopy was a way to get me down to the ground and back in a plane.... now the plane is just a way to get me back under the canopy.

Ive always had a really hard time with accuracy, I spent the past 60 + jumps trying to figure out why I cant land where I wanted. I tried the little tricks I was taught, to no avail. Even gave up, thought at this many jumps I should at least be able to land in the area that is designated for me... then I tried the spectre and it just all came together. I dont know if its the different mind-set, the canopy, or the fact that I was a slow learner with accuracy all I know is I could spend a thousand nights in dreams of opening and hanging from a spectre and I could never get bored.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Im with you on the spectre too! I jumped one on sunday, first time off student gear jumping a spectre 210 and it was absolutely awsome, it felt like the canopy opened and suspended me under a bunjee rope it was that soft and landing it was a breeze and id say i coudl land it better than the student canopy i was on! Just bought a sabre 2 150 which i am looking forward to getting and if the openings are as soft as the spectre then that can be only a good thing!
Santa Claus cum down my chimney and emptied his sack on my tree!

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Do NOT go into a low pull contest with one.

Anyone still have those?

I know of a couple guys. :|
In fact one of em has a second rig for just that occasion. A big cruiselight packed to open VERY fast.
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Do NOT go into a low pull contest with one.

Anyone still have those?

I know of a couple guys. :|
In fact one of em has a second rig for just that occasion. A big cruiselight packed to open VERY fast.

Since no names are mentioned - how low do they go?

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800-1000 feet? Man that sounds like a lot, do you need a bigger slider?

I just watched Jay Stokes break his world record with 640 jumps in 24 hrs and he jumped Spectres the whole time. He jumped from 2100 feet and there is no way it was taking 1000 feet to be fully deployed. I'd say 500 at the most and he was on his way.

I've heard they have a long snivel but that is really looonngg.

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With a Spectre, that's not love, that's self preservation.

Do NOT go into a low pull contest with one.

Quade....why ya tryin' to take the fun out of the sport ?
BTW I do it all the time with mine.

Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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I have a spectre 150 and, yes, it is an absolute joy to fly.
one of the best jumps was a hop 'n pop from 10'000,
just crusing along.... friggin' awsome:)1000ft + openings took a bit to get used to, but soft, so soft

Tom, Tom Tom, Tommy, Tom Love

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Quade....why ya tryin' to take the fun out of the sport ?
BTW I do it all the time with mine.

Yeah, but you have a set of brass ones that I don't! ;)

no.....just a higher excitement level maybe.;)

Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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