
How Old? should you be for skydiving?

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I don't think you can use age as a bench mark for all individuals.

I have met some people at 17 years old who I thought were very mature.

I have met some 21 year old skydivers that I wished were as mature as the previously mentioned 17 year olds.

Here in the us 18 is a common minimum age because when you are under 18 you can't waiver away your right to sue. Some drop zones take younger students but they are taking a legal risk.

Only you and your instructors will know if your ready for skydiving. Just keep it serious, as fun as the sport is, it can still kill you!!
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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I feel like i sacrificed a lot to be able to jump and i've worked my fucking balls off with 60 hour weeks, doing nightshifts and being awake all friday night only to go jumping all saturday, still drink some beers before i literally die on my feet. And you know what? I'd do it everytime.

Hitching the final few miles to a DZ with brain bucket in hand to catch the eye of other jumpers was a good trick i learnt.

Maybe i have a chip on my shoulder about this but it annoys me seeing kids with parents who simply pile the money in to let Johnny Spoiltbrat go to a DZ, jump and go tell all his friends at school how cool he is.

But like the others have said, its a maturity thing. I'll happily jump with anyone whether they are 60 or 16 as long as i can have a giggle and be safe.

Welcome to the sport fella :)

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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Maybe i have a chip on my shoulder about this but it annoys me seeing kids with parents who simply pile the money in to let Johnny Spoiltbrat go to a DZ, jump and go tell all his friends at school how cool he is.

Waaaaaaa, do you want some cheese with that whine. :D
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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I'm Sixteen, goin' on seventeen this year and im doing AFF in four weeks. what do you think is a good age to begin?? :P

25 for guys. By that point you should have gained some maturity, judgement, and a career to support your skydiving habit.

To generalize, with less testosterone and greater propensity to listen to instruction women are ready to skydive sooner.

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I know what you mean... a lot of ppl want to do skydiving because they have seen it looking cool in films..just as they want to hold guns, drive fast cars etc...but when the matter of money comes to it they think..well maybe it isnt worth that much

Ive never jumped yet but have wanted to for quite some time...im 23 and have managed to save enough for AFF level 1 course....gonna do it this friday..after that im gonna see if its for me...but already ive made sacrifices to get this far. So to me if your mature enough to really want to do it, without any payments off anyone then your ready (but if some helps pay for that dream once youve tried to pay it all by yourself its still cool)

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I know what you mean... a lot of ppl want to do skydiving because they have seen it looking cool in films..just as they want to hold guns, drive fast cars etc...but when the matter of money comes to it they think..well maybe it isnt worth that much

Huh? Could you repeat that again with some punctuation, and maybe a hint of sentence structure?
I honestly have no idea what you are trying to say.

If you all are skydiving "for yourselves" then why do you seem to care so much about why or how the next guy is doing it!!!
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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Wanna keep some of that cheese for yourself?:ph34r::ph34r:

Personally i think we all skydive for ourselves, there is no way we are gonna throw ourselves out of planes for any other fucker.

But the friends you make along the way are a huge part, no doubt :D

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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I'm 16, and want to do my AFF ASAP.
I believe I'm mature enough to handle it, I've wanted to skydive for as long as I can remember and have put time into learning about it already, so I know (within reason) what to expect.
Some people I have met however, mainly the ones that say "we should all go BASE jumping one day!" well, I wouldn't say it was for them....

It's all to do with maturity

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My daughters were 13 and 14 when they did their first jump(tandem).
They both loved it and my eldest who is now 16 wants to do AFF this summer.
Expensive for me,but if she enjoys it i will encourage her to work to pay for jumps with a subsidy until she finishes college/university.If she doesnt enjoy it then nothing ventured nothing gained.
Swooping, huh? I love that stuff ... all the flashing lights and wailing sirens ... it's very exciting!

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When I was a senior in high school a guy in one of my classes told me that his dad own a drop zone and that he had been jumping since he was sixteen, this guy was very mature and i though he was so cool for getting to experience such a life....as I got older I never once though about jumping out of a plane, I never though it was cool and I was fairly sure I would never do it.

One I started my AFF I was Extremly envious of the other guys around the DZ who had the money to jump more often or buy a gear sooner. All that did was motivate me to work harder to get what I wanted in skydiving sooner. I did and I'm in a great position as far as my jumping situation is concerned.

I guess what I am trying to say is nothing matters if you yourself aren't doing what you want with your life. If you desire something with all the passion you can stand....fucking go for it with all the energy you can create. Life is what you make of it and rich or poor you have the ultimate say in the path you take.

Best Wishes

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Haha you sound like me ^^
i've been preparing for this by working every summer the past three years to pay for it... i started getting interessted when i moved to where I live now
(700-yards from our drop zone).
Where I've been goin and hanging out in the summers.
Can't get enough of it!
but on the other hand who can?

Just keep fallin'

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I started at 18 and i did it with my own money which is very rewarding because it's something i had to work like a dog to get, and even now i am officially hooked on the sport, it's gonna be hard to stay in it (school now eats up most of my working time) and i have to make a lot of sacrifices (no more weed unless it's free) but i think my life is better cause of it. adn it really helped me mature as a person.

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When you feel ready, depends on the DZ & the local as to what age they consider you a minor & whether or not, you are in in need of parental consent, particularly when it comes to signing forms & waivers!
Everyone's different, let your own heart & head decide! Blue Skies! Warning: It's Highly Addictive!B|B|
*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too!
*Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge
*Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie}

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