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In 2003 I cutaway what I thought at the time was a lineover, on a borrowed Sabre 135. I was wearing my camera helmet because it was a special jump from a dakota and I gave the tape to the guy who made the movie for everybody, so I didn't really look at it at the time. I just found the tape again, wanting to make a small movie from my reserve ride. But, this doesn't look like a lineover to me now? Maybe the pilot chute/bridle is wrapped around some c/d lines?

Anyway I opened at 4k, was open at 4k (ouch), and cutaway fairly high after taking a look at the canopy thinking I might try to fix it for a bit, was reaching for the rear risers (w/brakes still stowed), but then it started turning and I didn't think anymore just acted ;)

Of course this was just after my reserve repack, which explains me swearing a bit :ph34r:

Don't have the movie yet BTW, Premiere won't let me capture at the moment :S[:/]

ciel bleu,

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I'd name it Kevin.

ok, seriously - I think it's an A or B line on the right hand side over the top of the canopy. The last two shots show it best - you can see a line going from the slider gromet (front right) at an odd angle up to the right hand side of the canopy when it ought to be going more towards the front... at least that's my guess.

edit: Actually I'm probably wrong - the lines going off to the side because the nose of the canopy is folded to the side. Ah well... still think it should be called Kevin.

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I looked at it up and down the lines and something didn't seem right to call it a lineover. It wasn't until I resized it and looked at it hard that it appears to be a walkthrough. Look at the arrow and where the twist is...

It is a tuff call.
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What do you mean by walkthrough? I know a steptrough but not a walkthough.

BTW I had this chute packed, the last packjob of the day by a very very tired packer (he admitted to me later). Oh well, serves me right I suppose...

ciel bleu,

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Ok, so how do you pack a partial walkthrough without noticing it? Would being very very tired work :S? You can't flake the canopy... But the steering lines would be free I suppose (don't have a rig here to try).

Anyway the video is here:

Just discovered I don't really like Windows Moviemaker :S[:/]

ciel bleu,

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If it is a walk through, shouldn't there be the same condition on the other side? I don't see how you can have a walk through on only one side.
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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Yah that would be a tuffy if you continuously check your lines throughout the pack job. I know I do...


This to me looks like only a partial "step-through", but the name is innapropriate, since it probably happened during packing, AFTER the canopy was put in the bag.

I've done something similar to myself once.

To reproduce, pack as normal. Do a 4-line continuity check. Flake, s-fold, put in bag.

With the canopy in the bag, take one line, pass it around the pilot-chute and bag. In effect, that one line will now be fully wrapped around the other lines. It would be the same as a line-over that cleared to the wrong side, or a one-sided stepthrough.

What I've described will create a situation that's different than what's posted, though. It is definately possible to pack a step-through after doing a continuity check.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Just don't take your lines and pass them around the bag. Normal packing procedure calls for placing the bag into the container the step after placing the canopy in the bag. If one does that and doesn't mess around with the lines, one can avoid the lineover you describe... If you just put the canopy in the bag and close it up and then RIGHT after that put it into the container without taking lines and moving them around (why would you move lines around after the bag is packed anyhow) then you will be safe...

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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Just don't take your lines and pass them around the bag

Well, duh.

The problem is that the causes of malfunctions are usually far more complex than the models we use when we discuss them.

There are occaisions where the situation I described can happen accidentally, and you may not even realise it. Details of how I accomplished it in my specific case can be found here .

Clearly it was my fault, and I will not make the same mistake twice. That said, it certainly was not an obvious error, and I have no doubt that others have, and will make the same mistake without realising it.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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My only point was that I follow the exact same procedure every single time I pack. I've packed about 4000 times now approx with no mals. I never allow myself to get distracted during packing and follow it through to the final closure...

I'm sure you realize all of this though - just glad you are aight!

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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If it is a walk through, shouldn't there be the same condition on the other side? I don't see how you can have a walk through on only one side.

The best "word" definition in this case is a partial step through.
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It looks like a line over to me. Just not a brake line.

I agree. I've wathced and freeze framed the video several times. The left half of the canopy is fine so it doesn't appear to be a step through of any sort.. It doesn't appear to be a brake line but it does appear to have a line or 2 over the side.
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If it is a walk through, shouldn't there be the same condition on the other side? I don't see how you can have a walk through on only one side.

I've seen that happen once before on a tandem (one sided step through). The TI brought back some linetwisted, stepthroughed, drogue woven in and out of the only 3 cells able to be identified canopy, and the packer had to chop it in order to sort everything out. He everntually cleared it but must have flipped one of the risers through itself, creating a one sided step through. The main opened, flew fine, and was fixed upon landing.

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...must have flipped one of the risers through itself, creating a one sided step through...

If you start with a correctly assembled canopy, it is mathematically -- topologically -- impossible to create a step-through that results in one pair of risers (and its lines) straight and the other pair tangled. To create a "one-sided step-through" you have to disconnect risers or lines.


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I looked at it up and down the lines and something didn't seem right to call it a lineover. It wasn't until I resized it and looked at it hard that it appears to be a walkthrough. Look at the arrow and where the twist is...

It is a tuff call.

I believe the twist you are referring to is the point where the brake lines on the tail cascade down to the steering line.


Gary "Superfletch" Fletcher
D-26145; USPA Coach, IAD/I, AFF/I

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If it is a lineover then where did my pilotchute/bridle go? It has to be trapped underneath the lineover then, which doesn't seem that likely to me since it is just a small lineover and to the side. This is what got me wondering yesterday...

ciel bleu,

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If it is a lineover then where did my pilotchute/bridle go? It has to be trapped underneath the lineover then, which doesn't seem that likely to me since it is just a small lineover and to the side. This is what got me wondering yesterday...

Looking at the 'reserve.jpg' picture, there is some yellowish material visible directly to the left of the 'kink' in the canopy, where the 'lineover' appears.
Was the PC the same colour as the slider?

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