Anyone know a Huminsky?

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Thanks for the info kallend
He is in the Chicago area last I knew.

He was probably jumping when dinosaurs roamed the earth.
Honestly though he has got to be one of the best people I have ever had the privilege to meet.

I've got some pretty good pics from way back in the day too.

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I've got some pretty good pics from way back in the day too

Well then you should post them :ph34r:. Many of us have only seen Sky these days...

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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When I first met Sky on the big way circuit he commenced to tell me how to do things. I kept thinking who is this old grouch!

After a few years I realized that he was just being Sky and was actually a pretty good guy.

We have done some fantastic big ways together and become good friends even though he sometimes calls me Mike??? I hope I am half the jumper he is when I get to be his age!

He splits his time between Chicago in the summer and Z Hills in the winter.

Blue skies,


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I thought I had more pics but cant seem to find them. these are from the 1990-1991 time frame. A couple are from when we used to jump at the Gary,In airport and I think one is from a jump we did in Indy.
One of the pics is damaged so dont mistake it for some type of growth :D

then he was only 142 years old when these pics were taken
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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I thought I had more pics but cant seem to find them. these are from the 1990-1991 time frame. A couple are from when we used to jump at the Gary,In airport and I think one is from a jump we did in Indy.
One of the pics is damaged so dont mistake it for some type of growth :D

then he was only 142 years old when these pics were taken

And he STILL makes 500 jumps a year.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I thought I had more pics but cant seem to find them. these are from the 1990-1991 time frame. A couple are from when we used to jump at the Gary,In airport and I think one is from a jump we did in Indy.
One of the pics is damaged so dont mistake it for some type of growth :D

then he was only 142 years old when these pics were taken

And he STILL makes 500 jumps a year.

and he can still drink more cognac than me

edited to add pic
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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Where are his risers in the cheif2 picture? I first jumped with him and Donna at Three Rivers Mi in the early 70's out of I believe Branch's DC-3. I was at Gary when the Beech-18 bellied in on take off. The EMS cut up his brand new rig while saving his life. In the first picture the car in the back ground isnt that faraway. Thats just how tall he is. Wouldnt want him any other way

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I emailed him at the email address I was given but havent heard back from him yet.
If anyone sees the little old guy can you tell him I said hello and when he gets back north to let me know. I am looking to get back into jumping and lord knows he's put me out the door enough times I'd like to give him another shot at it.

Those of you that know Sky may have also known my other CW4 Ric Olchivik (misspelled?). I didnt serve with him as long but he was a good guy. I was at his memorial service on crutches from breaking my hip in a car accident.

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