
Whuffos / How would you describe skydiving?

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I haven't found words that can describe it, the people that have jumped because of my insistance say they reason they did it was because of how excited I get when describing certain jumps. Still I think my favorite saying is "trying to describe skydiving to a whuffo is like trying to describe sex to a virgin..." lol good luck if you're still tryin' :-)

When people ask "Why jump out of perfectly good airplane?" I reply "The door was open and someone said GO!"

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I'm not a skydiving instructor but I have taught other things. Is an instructors job to talk people into doing dangerous things??? I know alot about similes. Heres on: Your opinion is like something really gay.

And I have been shot in the face with a 12 gauge. And it is alot like skydiving( in the sleet ). And yes my face is doing ok. thanks for asking

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that was an amazing incident, can't believe how many actually ricocheted off your face with no damage. SO SICK when you spit those couple pellets out!!!! HA! I supposed getting away with that with nearly no injury could definitely be comparable to skydiving, like how we all 'get away with it' every weekend!
So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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And I have been shot in the face with a 12 gauge.

Holy shit! Well, you certainly know what you're talking about, then. I still think there's better ways to describe it, especially for jumps that don't go through hail storms. I don't try to talk people into it anymore, but whuffos still ask.

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How do you describe the sensation of skydiving to a whuffo? Do you even try?

I tell them to imagine floating in a pool without being wet...

I used to say the same thing, and went on to talk about all that I am not on a death wish and talk about AD and reserve drills. But eventually after seeing a sea of blinking eyes all the time, I gave up on that and just tell them what they want to hear.

The last whuffo I spoke to today, I told him I shook hands with the pilot of the plane through his window after I had jumped out of the back. He said "really" and I just replied with, "oh yeh" B|:D[:/]

If they are genuinely interested, I go back to the pool.


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I tell them that I jump out of airplanes for fun, and if they have any questions, I answer them in a serious way. I also emphasize the fact that it's a really serious sport, and that I went on a training camp with the national team.

I don't think it's anything like a pool at all, I tried swimming in the wind tunnel, but it didn't work at all.


Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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how does that old saying go

"those who do it cant describe it, those who dont cant understand it"

I just tell people how much fun i have and the good friends that i have made while skydiving.
The Altitude above you, the runway behind you, and the fuel not in the plane are totally worthless
Dudeist Skydiver # 10

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Skydiving is like falling in love. Your heart races and everything comes into sharper focus. Forty-five seconds can be a lifetime and it's still over too soon. It consumes your thoughts; everything you see, do and say reminds you of it. It requires trust, confidence, commitment and risk. Sharing a jump with people you know is like sharing part of your very being because it's not something you do everyday or that most people will ever do at all.

You know your gear and how it will respond, and even so, it is no guarantee that things will not go wrong. It is worth it. And, like others have said, no description will do skydiving justice because the best part about skydiving happens in your mind and in your heart and is so much more than the sum of the events involved in the jump. You must experience it for yourself.
TPM Sister #102

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or it's like a good hardcore porn: you walk away hard and if you're not careful you have a big mess to clean up while trying to explain to friends and family how it happened!
So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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I don't think it's anything like a pool at all, I tried swimming in the wind tunnel, but it didn't work at all.


You can swim in skydiving.

Most people's first time out of a helicopter they swim. :P
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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You can swim in skydiving.

Most people's first time out of a helicopter they swim. :P

Or when I did that naked RW dive. SLIPPERY!

Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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