
Going from A to B in a timely fashion?

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O.k.... So I know what I have to do to get my A license. But I am looking for some sagelike advice on continuing on after I get my A license. I definately plan on getting some free fly training. There's a school called freakfly that operates out of my home D.Z. I am doing my second Tandem in about a week. And a week after that I am doing my third:)
If a skydiver wants to progress in this sport.... moving on to get their B license etc. what's the safest way to go about it? Should I go right for my B as soon as I have my A? Should I take some time to gain more experience and then go for my next license? Can I use existing jumps towards the next license? I am somewhat concerned about learning everything to fast; but I do want to pursue this sport to it's full potential..... eventually.

Any input would be apreciated. Thanks in advance.

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what's the safest way to go about it?

Jump. Often.


Should I go right for my B as soon as I have my A?

A license is a piece of paper. What's important is mastering the skills involved in getting that piece of paper.

Focus on the skills and the licenses will come, if you want them.

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I have 230 jumps and still have only an a-license....Would like to have my B (and C) though...I only need to do one 8-way and that's it B|.

But it's only a piece of paper.....

edited to add:
probably a good idea to first complete your aff-training before thinking about getting linceses ;)


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what's the safest way to go about it?


I definately plan on getting some free fly training

Wait for that. Get the basics of RW (flat flying) 1st. All the stuff about levles, proximity, eye contact, anticipation, awareness, is a lot easier to get a hold of in RW. So take soem basic RW coaching, and THEN get some freefly coaching.

EDIT: but dont rush yourself.... start with doing you tandems and AFF. Thats plenty of challenges for a while.

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I got my A back in 1996.
Never have, EVER gotten either my B or my C.
In fact, only just "bothered" getting my D at all even just (less than actually) 2 years ago. Went 8 years & 900+/- jumps with "just my A", and only then just got my "D" because I ran the risk of voiding someone's record jump by not being "qualified". :S :)

The license itself, JUST for the license's sake, otherwise to me (obviously) really means NOTHING. The only thing I can say I ever regret (now) is that I was "D-Qualified" when the #'s being given out for that were still under 20k. So now when I am signing-off on log-books & things for some folks, it does raise some eyebrows when they see:

Blue Skies,
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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The license itself, JUST for the license's sake, otherwise to me (obviously) really means NOTHING.

When I was going for my A license, I figured I'd get each license in turn. But then I started to think about it, and I realized that except for a number, there's no value to me to get a B license - the additional privileges it allows me aren't ones I'm going to be exercising before I will get to a C license. A C license, however, will be very valuable for me, as it will allow me to land right at the airport at my home DZ rather than in the alternate landing area that's a van ride away. That's very much worth it! So I've worked towards the requirements for both, with the goal of getting the C license as soon as I hit 200 jumps

The B, C, and D license requirements can be valuable goals to measure your progress in the sport, but they're really a narrow set of goals that won't even begin to help you focus on and measure what you want to accomplish in skydiving. Get the A, then you can really start to explore what this sport has to offer and set goals for yourself, one of which may be to work towards the license requirements.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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The B license is a waste of money. Spend some time on your belly, learning to fly for the next hundred jumps. Then do some free flying if yu want. Get your C license when that rolls around at 200 jumps. Then you can get a coach rating and have some fun with that. At D, then comes the instructors ratings. But B license? I never got one.

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Waste of money, I dont consider the money I spent a waste by any means... Done 2 night jumps with it, and got some more coming possibly this month... It's all about what you want to / will do with it ;) And you can get a coach rating with a B and 100 jumps... (which I want to do eventually)

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
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Before I even start AFF I'll have three tandems under my belt.

If you know you want to take AFF so bad, why even waste the cash on the tandems?[:/]

It really boiled down to is the fact that I don't want to start AFF before the DZ closes for the winter and then begin again in the spring. I have been told that you can learn alot by doing several tandems. Some places have Tandem progression training for this reason.

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Waste of money, I dont consider the money I spent a waste by any means... Done 2 night jumps with it, and got some more coming possibly this month... It's all about what you want to / will do with it ;) And you can get a coach rating with a B and 100 jumps... (which I want to do eventually)

Ahh, but you only need to be "B-qualified" to do night jumps. The ticket is not required. Didn't know you only needed a B to be a coach. So that would be a reason to get it.

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Ahh, but you only need to be "B-qualified" to do night jumps. The ticket is not required.

That seems to be how I remember it too John. In fact, I had done already 4 night jumps (including multi-point RW) that way, right up until one time 2 seasons ago (just after the new ISP had been put in place?) when someone ELSE needed their RW night jump and asked me if I could help out (by doing it with them). When I manifested to do it, I was told I could NOT without the actual B (or higher), IN HAND, regardless that I was already an "experienced" (previous) night jumper. :S

Supposedly, something about the way the new ISP reads, or something. ...So I'm not so sure right now. Might wanna check on that.

coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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Soon there WILL BE!

SkyVenture New Hampshire

Region: North America

Website: TBA

SkyVenture New Hampshire recently purchased a SkyVenture 12 foot, 1200 HP recirculaing wind tunnel for installation in Nashua, New Hampshire just north of the Mass. border. SkyVenture is currently manufacturing the components for...

The site was Razed (by a controlled burning of the house that previously occupied the site to the ground) just recently, and construction should soon begin. Any further on that should probably be taken to (or looke dup in, as I think there probably already are a few threads going on about it) the Wind Tunnels forum, however.

Blue Skies,
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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