
Season Starts and Stops?

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In West Tennessee we jump year round. You will need some warmer clothes on the colder days. I have been asked by someone looking to make a tandem skydive if we "freeze to death". To the best of my knowledge we have not lost anyone yet to the cold.

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In CT we jump every weekend that the runway is clear of snow and ice, and they plane can get to jump altitude without icing up.

No different than skiing, dress for the cold, and remember you need to be able to operate all your handles easily.
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Most Canadian DZs close around Halloween and re-open around Easter.

What is this "season" thing you keep referring to?

I think that's a 'Northern thing'
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Alaska can be so amazing on good jump days, but thats only a 4-5 month window in the summer, and even then the winds tend to howl enough to stop jumping.

Although it's the unique things that really lets you know your in Alaska, last year when a bear killed a moose in the landing area they had to shut down for the day. :o


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Alaska can be so amazing on good jump days, but thats only a 4-5 month window in the summer, and even then the winds tend to howl enough to stop jumping.

Although it's the unique things that really lets you know your in Alaska, last year when a bear killed a moose in the landing area they had to shut down for the day. :o


... so the bear could finish his lunch??????

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It mostly comes down to weather. Some northern DZs might be open year round but most will close down or have reduced hourss because it costs more to open the DZ when there wont be many people to come out or only enough to do a lift or two.

Eloy is slow in the summer time when its a billion degrees and dust devils are popping up everywhere. They do reduced hours during the summer and take advantage of drop zones being closed during the winter making sure people can jump year round.

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