
Do you jump with an AAD

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If you've made tons of jumps and are used to the muscle memory of going for your main but at the same time do jump with an AAD and for whatever reason you've gone low (for whatever reason), please try to remember to go for you reserve handle instead of your main. Expect a spanker, but a spanker is better than a reserve/main entanglement. That's all ...

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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If you've made tons of jumps and are used to the muscle memory of going for your main but at the same time do jump with an AAD and for whatever reason you've gone low (for whatever reason), please try to remember to go for you reserve handle instead of your main. Expect a spanker, but a spanker is better than a reserve/main entanglement. That's all ...

It has been proven again and again that you will go for your main in that situation.


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It has been proven again and again that you will go for your main in that situation.

I believe that is due in large part to us not training that being low is an emergency situation, not unlike a total.

Everyone should have a hard deck at which point they will no longer attempt to deploy a main canopy. If an AAD is on the rig, that should affect what altitude the hard deck is.

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I didn't want to emphasis lost altitude awareness too much in the original post as I know some AFF instructors have it in their minds that they will pursue their students much lower than another type of jumper might. But lost altitude awareness is a root of many problems we may encounter.

I am a member of the Cypres club from a couple of years ago. I lost altitude awareness (even though I was watching the planet all the time), came off of a head down jump at 3k, had to wait a few seconds to slow down and pulled my main at approximately 1900 feet and the Cypres fired at the very tail end of the main's snivel. I got lucky and I sure hope the next time I find myself at or below 2k with nothing over my head that I go for my reserve handle. But time will tell.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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That's a VERY slow opening canopy. What I have is a neptune alarm set (3rd alarm) to sound when it's no longer safe to pitch the main(according to how long my canopy takes to open). For me that alarm is at 1600.
"The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. " -John Galt from Atlas Shrugged, 1957

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That's a VERY slow opening canopy.

Two things:

1) My Cypres incident occured in the thin air of Colorado back in 2003 where everything occurs faster than what may happen jumping at sea level. Oh and I was jumping a Sabre2 170 loaded at about 1.3:1 at the time.

2) The Cypres will fire a lot higher than the advertised 750 feet AGL if the right conditions exist (I think mine fired somewhere around 1100-1200 feet AGL) and I would say that you're playing with fire if you think you can pull at 1600 feet AGL. But you're an adult and it's your rear end on the line.

There are plenty of threads here on DZ.COM which have talked about how the Cypres works. Personally I think 2000 feet AGL is a decent hard deck for most of us.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Guess I'm lucky I don't jump in Colorado or use a Cypress aad then. ;) Also I turn the aad off if I know I'm exiting around 2K, just in case. :)
"The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. " -John Galt from Atlas Shrugged, 1957

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I turn the aad off if I know I'm exiting around 2K, just in case.

Jumping with a Cypress intentionally turned off is bad juju. Perhaps I am just superstitious but I sure would look like a dumb-ass if that was the one time I actually needed my AAD...
Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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>Jumping with a Cypress intentionally turned off is bad juju.

I can think of a few instances where the jumpers involved were very glad they either didn't have a cypres or it was turned off. All gear has its limitatons, and sometimes it is wiser to go without for a given jump. (Of course, sometimes it's even wiser to not make that particular jump, but shit still does happen.)

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You are stating the obvious course of action.

However if I lost altitude awareness, look down and things looks awfully ugly before I know I will be under a main.

When I go stowed in BASE I don't even know how the canopy gets over my head. The trowing bypasses my consciousness altogether, a good thing because if I had to think consciously I'll be dead.

I've pulled the silver only twice, I doubt I'll go for it if I'm low...even though I know I might end up with two out if I am jumping an AAD...
Memento Audere Semper


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On the handfull of occasions when I've pulled low (with an AAD), I've went with the, 'Keep an eye over your shoulder for the reserve PC' plan.

Keep in mind that the main is already sniveling overhead, but my thinking is that if my Cypres fires, I'll shoot for the quick cutaway. I'd prefer to lose the main before the reserve can get up there to join it.

I'm not a fan of the two-out, and I'm also not a fan of cutting away from a side by side or a downplane, as the main can catch the reserve as it goes by, nor am I a fan of inducing a downplane to separate them (and facilitate a clean cutaway) at 750 ft or less.

I haven't fired a Cypres yet, so this is all speculation, but it's all I've got to go with at this point.

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I'm also not a fan of cutting away from a downplane, as the main can catch the reserve as it goes by

????I am Confused????

Land the downplane? Perhaps this was a typo?
Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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