
Military skydivers

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My son is assigned to the 82nd, right now he is finishing his training at Ft. Lee he will deploy to Afghanistan in Dec. He plans on taking his leave here in Texas with dear old Dad. I plan to take him for his first Freefall in Oct. My question is can he transfer any of his static line jumps to His soon to be AFF training? and will he be able to continue his sport jumping while in the military? Ant advice would be appreciated. Thanks and Blue Skys

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If he is in Ft. Lee, is he a Rigger? If so he should try and get the "Ram Air Packing Certification" as soon as possible and try to get to a HALO Loft.

His Static line jumps from Ft. Benning do not really transfer to any thing he will do in the FJC other than he will be good on PLF training. But he will probably pay pretty good attention as he is used to the "Black Hats" unique style of instruction:P.

He will be able to get good training with the Ft. Bragg Sport Parachute Activity and Raeford of course.

He has an opertunity as he progresses to join the 82nd Team or even try out for the "Knights". He can even get to know the "Knights" he may see as try out cadre at the DZ prior to try outs.

And there are other Teams out there if he ever transfers to, oh Ft. Campbell. ;)
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USN - SEALS, EOD, Aviators, some NIC. SEALS/EOD go to Ft. Benning first though and are awarded "lead wings". USN/USMC golden wings are given after five more "consolidation jumps". There has been much discussion in recent times about the Navy doing its own thing and using its own facilities even for first jumps. This is basically because in a maritime "non-USMC" environment, static line jumps are rarely made. In Grenada they were, with tragic consequences. I hope this helps.

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ok. would a civillan like my self be allowed to jump from a military aircraft?
anyway lets keep going with the topic

Maybe and thats final;)

We were a Dept of the Army civilian and had the oppurtunity to join all the moral post activities, includeing the FT lewis sport parachute club.

Choppers incliuding chinooks, blackhawks & huey's. Cost was usually $1/day. That was the good news.

Noe for the bad news:

I'm sure some army posts were more jumper friendly thsn Ft lewis but we had to show up at the club house 2 hr'sprior to the bird arriving at the LZ for the jumper safety briefing, Than another acft safety briefing from the chopper crew if/when they showed up.

We usually figured out the chopper wasn't going to show until we had waited at the LZ for 2 hr's.

After the novelty of jumping from the choppers wore off, a lot of military jumpers that had the $$ went to the local DZ, paid the commerical rate, the plane was always there and they got treated like civies.

Sport jumping at Ft lewis has been cancelled the last we heard, but I think they still have a demo team.


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Active Duty USMC jumping Eastern North Carolina.

I don't jump with the military its all for fun.

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I don't exactly consider my military static line jumps that fun after a whopping 520 skydives where I haven't fallen down or hit the ground in such a manner. Not to mention wearing gear that weighs almost twice as much and strapped a lot tighter. Carbon fiber helmets are no k-pot either.

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I don't exactly consider my military static line jumps that fun after a whopping 520 skydives where I haven't fallen down or hit the ground in such a manner. Not to mention wearing gear that weighs almost twice as much and strapped a lot tighter. Carbon fiber helmets are no k-pot either.

Hi Matt

I don't think John was referrring to Military jumping as fun. It's a nasty way to get to a nasty job.:(

I think john was refering to my post about fun jumping with the military sport clubs on post. It can be fun because of the choppers, the price and some of the people.

However the army still has it's SOPS, FUBARS REMF's even at the sport clubs. Which can take some of the fun out of a nice weekend of jumping.


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I think john was refering to my post about fun jumping with the military sport clubs on post. It can be fun because of the choppers, the price and some of the people.

However the army still has it's SOPS, FUBARS REMF's even at the sport clubs. Which can take some of the fun out of a nice weekend of jumping.

Yep, exactly what I meant. When I hear of folks turning down $1 chopper jumps, something is screwed up. That's like a drunk turning down free booze. :)
Thanks, Roberto

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Military and Civilian Rigger and Jumper here. I agree that sometimes you see some silly stuff on the DZ. Some POGs/REMFs use there credit cards an buy some crazy fake military gear to jump on the Civilian DZs... and they are totally embarrassing to the military, but they think they are so "Bad Ass" with all their Airsoft gear on... lol. there are a couple of their fake HALO pics floating on here and a few other places.

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