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Heroes of the anti-woke

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14 hours ago, billvon said:

Today's anti-woke hero is . . . again the Tennessee GOP, who were recently overheard talking about the situation amongst themselves.  At issue was one representative (Barrett) who voted against ejecting Gloria Johnson (the only white person protesting.)  Her colleagues told her that she caused them a lot of trouble; they had wanted to eject the white person despite the lack of evidence to derail perceptions of racism.

“Man, you hung us out to dry … This would’ve been bad anyway, but good God … it brought the racism into it because you didn’t stay with us.”

Another was angry that he was being called racist for ejecting the two black representatives who protested.  "I’ve been called a racist, a misogynist, a white supremacist more in the last two months than I have my entire life. And by golly, I’m biting my tongue. And I’m telling you, all due respect, those days are wearing thin right now.”  Poor guy.  It's like you can't even target black people without being called a racist these days.

He then described his dismay that he would have to see this person back in the legislature.  "I’m going to have to swallow this seeing Mr. Jones back up here walking these hallowed halls that the greats of Tennessee stood in. And watch them disrespect this fucking state that I chose to move to. And by golly, it’s got to stop.”

Finally he made a statement that sums up Tennessee republicans perfectly.  “You got to do what’s right, even if you think it’s wrong.” Remember - party before morals.  That principle must be why the Speaker of the Tennessee House doesn't live in the district he represents.  Sure, that's wrong (and against the House's own rules) but you got to do whatever lets you hold on to power.  You got to do what's right, even if it's wrong.

Hi Bill,

Re:   “You got to do what’s right, even if you think it’s wrong.”

A perfect descriptor of today's GOP.  Hey, he ( a Republican ) said it, not me.

Jerry Baumchen

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15 hours ago, billvon said:

Sure, that's wrong (and against the House's own rules) but you got to do whatever lets you hold on to power. 

Never mind the House Rules, it is against their State Constitution. But I think we all know by now that for Republicans they really only understand constitutions when it comes to guns, anything else really doesn't matter. Well, as long as uppity negros don't also have guns.

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11 hours ago, billvon said:

Today's Hero of the Anti-Woke is the Oklahoma House of Representatives that just voted to allow teachers to hit disabled students.  

Pretty much nothing else needs to be said about that.

Well, if God wanted these students to be able to defend themselves he wouldn't have made them disabled.

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For today's Hero of the Anti-Woke we go back to Tennessee, to one of the people who voted to expel black legislators for protesting. 

Scotty Campbell (39) has just been forced out of the Tennessee House for sexual harassement of two much younger interns, making sexual comments to both of them.  One of them contacted the ethics committee after she became afraid of what might happen next.  The ethics committee kept this under wraps, but did spend tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars to relocate her to someplace farther away from Campbell, presumably so no one would find out what might happen next.

Campbell defended this, saying he "had consensual, adult conversations with two adults off property."  Needless to say, even the Tennessee government does actually have a policy forbidding such canoodling between elected politicians and the interns who work for them.

This, of course, is not an issue for the anti-woke.  "How can the government tell me what I can and can't say for the people who work for me?  I pay THEM!  If I want to use them for phone sex that is my God-given right as a powerful man!"

For voting to expel two of his colleagues for protesting with another group, while keeping his sex talks with interns a secret, Scotty Campbell wins today's "Heroes of the Anti-Woke" award.



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Today's award goes to Oklahoma school superintendent Ryan Walters.  When Biden cricitized schools for banning books, he fired back with this tweet:

"In Oklahoma the shelves are not empty. No porn, no indoctrination. We are fighting back to keep our classrooms from going woke."

He also showed a picture of some officially approved books.  Contained in one of the books was this child-friendly, non-porn text:

Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt.  There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emissions were like that of horses.

So today's Hero of the Non-Woke award goes to Mr. Walters, forcing children to read porn so they won't be woke.  After all, what's more important for kids to know?  How to relate to their classmates who might be gay or nonbinary, or how much horses ejaculate, and how much Biblical women love that?

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4 hours ago, billvon said:

Today's award goes to Oklahoma school superintendent Ryan Walters.  When Biden cricitized schools for banning books, he fired back with this tweet:

"In Oklahoma the shelves are not empty. No porn, no indoctrination. We are fighting back to keep our classrooms from going woke."

He also showed a picture of some officially approved books.  Contained in one of the books was this child-friendly, non-porn text:

Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt.  There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emissions were like that of horses.

So today's Hero of the Non-Woke award goes to Mr. Walters, forcing children to read porn so they won't be woke.  After all, what's more important for kids to know?  How to relate to their classmates who might be gay or nonbinary, or how much horses ejaculate, and how much Biblical women love that?

Ya gotta realize that 'those people' don't actually READ the Bible.

They just worship it.

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Today's anti-woke hero is Republican state Rep. Jeff Holcomb, who was angry that some people in the US military were described as discriminatory,  Why, that's absurd, he claims, because the Taliban kills homosexuals.  In his own words, "our terrorist enemies hate homosexuals more than we do."

For coming right out and saying that his party hates homosexuals, and justifying that hatred by saying that other people hate gays even more, Rep. Holcomb wins today's "Hero of the Anti-Woke" award.

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And today's Hero of the Anti-Woke is the Georgia school district who fired a teacher who read a book about acceptance.

She purchased several books - with her own money - at a scholastic book fair at the school, all of which were books that had been written specifically for kids, and the sale was OKed by the school.  She gave the kids a choice of several books she had purchased.  They chose "My Shadow is Purple" a book about acceptance of kids with any color shadown.  She read it to them.  The kids liked it, and she got several positive comments from parents.

Then the anti-woke Nazis in the school district got wind of it and fired her, lest the children in that school start accepting people who are not politically correct.  No doubt they are now trying to figure out how to ban such books.


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Today's hero of the anti-woke is the man who shot a wheelchair-bound trans man with a pellet gun while screaming anti-trans slurs.

Jonathan Blake-Newton, a Michigan transgender man, was headed to the store in his wheelchair when a car drove by.  The driver shouted slurs including "tranny faggot!" before shooting Blake-Newton several times with a pellet gun.  Blake-Newton was released from the hospital a few hours later.

For standing up to both trans people and lame-os in wheelchairs, and by wisely shooting them from a distance, this upstanding right winger earns the title of Anti-Woke Hero of the Day.  We can all hope he moves to Florida to ally with DeSantis and the rest of the anti-woke heroes of America.


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1 hour ago, billvon said:

Today's hero of the anti-woke is the man who shot a wheelchair-bound trans man with a pellet gun while screaming anti-trans slurs.

Jonathan Blake-Newton, a Michigan transgender man, was headed to the store in his wheelchair when a car drove by.  The driver shouted slurs including "tranny faggot!" before shooting Blake-Newton several times with a pellet gun.  Blake-Newton was released from the hospital a few hours later.

For standing up to both trans people and lame-os in wheelchairs, and by wisely shooting them from a distance, this upstanding right winger earns the title of Anti-Woke Hero of the Day.  We can all hope he moves to Florida to ally with DeSantis and the rest of the anti-woke heroes of America.


Well, if he hadn't been in a wheelchair, he might have been able to fight back.

These are some seriously tough assholes. 

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Our most recent hero of the anti-woke is Joseph Czuba, a conservative talk-show warrior who showed the Muslims who's boss:

Prosecutors say Joseph Czuba, 71, of Plainfield, had been listening to conservative talk radio about the Israel-Hamas war and became increasingly concerned about his Muslim tenants before he attacked them Saturday, fatally stabbing a 6-year-old Muslim boy and badly wounding his mother.

No woke coddling for him!  He knows who America's real enemies are - six year old Muslims.

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17 minutes ago, GeorgiaDon said:

If Trump is elected I foresee a pardon and maybe a Medal of Freedom.

Hi Don,

Here is someone who will probably not be voting for him:  “He is unquestionably mentally unstable, and he is racist, bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic, vulgar and prone to violence . . ."  “There is simply no rational argument that could lead me to vote for someone with those characteristics.”

This is an excerpt from a new book, written by Mitt Romney, about what he thinks of Trump.

He calls out a lot of Republicans for what they are.

Senator Mitt Romney, Republican of Utah, makes clear in a new biography that he is not pleased with the direction of his party.

Jerry Baumchen


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5 hours ago, billvon said:

...No woke coddling for him!  He knows who America's real enemies are - six year old Muslims.

Excellent post.

3 hours ago, GeorgiaDon said:

If Trump is elected I foresee a pardon and maybe a Medal of Freedom.

An even better one.

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On 7/21/2023 at 10:22 AM, billvon said:

Today's hero of the anti-woke is the man who shot a wheelchair-bound trans man with a pellet gun while screaming anti-trans slurs.

Jonathan Blake-Newton, a Michigan transgender man, was headed to the store in his wheelchair when a car drove by.  The driver shouted slurs including "tranny faggot!" before shooting Blake-Newton several times with a pellet gun.  Blake-Newton was released from the hospital a few hours later.

For standing up to both trans people and lame-os in wheelchairs, and by wisely shooting them from a distance, this upstanding right winger earns the title of Anti-Woke Hero of the Day.  We can all hope he moves to Florida to ally with DeSantis and the rest of the anti-woke heroes of America.


Stabbed the poor kid 26 times and left the knife in his body....

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Today's Hero of the Anti-Woke is a man who threw what looked like feces on a synagogue while ranting antisemitic attacks including "Gas the Jews!" 

He is part of a growing anti-woke (and anti-Semitic) movement that is building in America.   A recent meme shows Pepe the Frog, a conservative icon, spraying a fire extinguisher on a menorah.  This has grown to the point where the fire extinguisher itself has become a symbol of white nationalism and antisemitism.



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17 hours ago, billvon said:

Today's Hero of the Anti-Woke is a man who threw what looked like feces on a synagogue while ranting antisemitic attacks including "Gas the Jews!" 

He is part of a growing anti-woke (and anti-Semitic) movement that is building in America.   A recent meme shows Pepe the Frog, a conservative icon, spraying a fire extinguisher on a menorah.  This has grown to the point where the fire extinguisher itself has become a symbol of white nationalism and antisemitism.



Hi Bill,

Re:   (and anti-Semitic) movement that is building in America. 

Sort of like this:  New Jersey Muslims mobilize against longtime Congressman over Israel stance - POLITICO

From the link:   “But they have every right to protect themselves and defend themselves. Case closed.”

Jerry Baumchen

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On 10/19/2023 at 2:49 PM, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi Don,

Here is someone who will probably not be voting for him:  “He is unquestionably mentally unstable, and he is racist, bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic, vulgar and prone to violence . . ."  “There is simply no rational argument that could lead me to vote for someone with those characteristics.”

This is an excerpt from a new book, written by Mitt Romney, about what he thinks of Trump.

He calls out a lot of Republicans for what they are.

Senator Mitt Romney, Republican of Utah, makes clear in a new biography that he is not pleased with the direction of his party.

Jerry Baumchen


Whoopdedoodle, for him. I think he voted for his wife in the last election and Trump before that. He's a hypocritical asshole who could have done anything meaningful besides crawling on his belly like the snake he is to Mar-a-Lago to beg forgiveness. 

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Heroes of the Anti-Woke don't like talking about slavery, because doing so means admitting that perhaps there actually was some injustice towards blacks in the US - and awareness of injustice towards a group of people is, in fact, the definition of woke.

So they avoid it whenever they can.  Anti-Woke icon Nikki Haley did this at a town hall meeting recently, where someone asked her about the causes of the Civil War.  She answered that it was fought over "the freedoms of what people could and couldn't do."  Which is technically correct I guess - I mean, slaves weren't free to do much of anything.

But the audience member pressed her on it, asking her to be more specific.  She replied with a vague comment about how it was fought over the role of federal government vs the states, individual freedom and capitalism.

The audience member then asked her, incredulously, if she really thought it had nothing to do with slavery.  "What do you want me to say about slavery?" she fired back before moving on.

For refusing to mention slavery when asked about the causes of the Civil War, Haley wins today's Hero of the Anti-Woke award - and gets a few more of the cherished southern bigot votes.

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On 12/22/2023 at 1:27 PM, JoeWeber said:

Whoopdedoodle, for him. I think he voted for his wife in the last election and Trump before that. He's a hypocritical asshole who could have done anything meaningful besides crawling on his belly like the snake he is to Mar-a-Lago to beg forgiveness. 

Perhaps, but as far as party members goes, since the death of McCain, he's the best they got. All the others with a brain, with a backbone....Wait a minute. There is Chris Christie who in his latest ad called out trump as a liar and traitor.His identified support in polls is 2% so there is an odd GOP left who hasn't drunk the Kool-aid.

Has Christie's larger physique plugged up the drain for the bath water of the GOP? Can Liz, Chris, etc. tread water to resurrect the GOP post 24 election losses?

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FOX News found a new thing to complain about being "woke" - and ended with a hilarous note.  The anti-woke heroes of the FOX show Outnumbered were outraged - OUTRAGED! - that Disney hired a black woman, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, to direct the next Star Wars movie.

FOX News host Nicole Saphier: “Anything that she makes with this mentality is going to flop. I’m a mother of three sons. I’ll tell you, it is my sons and my husband who are always wanting to watch Star Wars. If her goal is to make men feel uncomfortable, guess what? They’re not going to watch it. And I’m certainly not going to be the one to pull it up. So just like Captain Marvel, when they try to put these women first agendas into these action movies, they flop.”

FOX News host Emily Compagno finished off the segment by saying “That’s why I’m a Trekkie and not Star Wars!”

Emily has apparently never watched any of the Star Trek series, which has regularly gotten in hot water over its portrayal of interracial intimacy, trans relationships, gay main characters, bisexual main characters, race relations, forced conversion of trans people to cis (conversion therapy) and polyamory.

For being triggered by a black woman making a movie, and being ignorant of their "not woke" example, the staff of the FOX show Outnumbered wins this week's Heroes of the Anti-Woke award.


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