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Trump the colossal idiot

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1 hour ago, brenthutch said:


The fact that we still have a country after four years of Trump and one year of Biden lends credibility to the notion of the “deep state” 

Please lay out in bullet points your list of Biden failures since January 20, 2021.

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IMO   If Donald had moderated his negative behavior, stopped demeaning folks, and reduced his mean tweets he probably would have been reelected. He just wasn't capable of doing that and people were tired of hearing it, among other things.

Rolling back the clock - wonder why Whoopi and all the others didn't leave the country like they promised?

Good or bad, if he had been reelected: the border wall would be assisting in managing illegal immigration, Keystone would be underway (at least until the haters found another way to slow it down or stop it), the US would be energy independent (or at least less dependent than we are now, that would be a good thing), we wouldn't have to listen to Jen Psaki lie and misrepresent the truth all the time (we could listen to the other side do the same), and doubt we would have had the social COVID spending that has occurred. It would be interesting to know how other issues would have been handled and what the outcome would have been.

CNN was $91, now it's $55. The scandals they've had haven't helped. FOX is at $43 ish from a 5-yr high of $41 ish.

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1 minute ago, JoeWeber said:

Please give exact examples and sources.

You are right. I exaggerated, should not have said "all." Should have said, "some of the time." And no, I'm not willing to relisten to her. It's been going on for a year. Just like the other side did the same thing. It was meant as a joke. It's crazy that you and I can't hear the truth without it being twisted, stretched and misrepresented.

Need to go fill the boat and fuel cans before prices skyrocket.

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18 minutes ago, billeisele said:

You are right. I exaggerated, should not have said "all." Should have said, "some of the time." And no, I'm not willing to relisten to her. It's been going on for a year. Just like the other side did the same thing. It was meant as a joke. It's crazy that you and I can't hear the truth without it being twisted, stretched and misrepresented.

Need to go fill the boat and fuel cans before prices skyrocket.

Man, your credibility with me is near shot. Why, when you are so prone to exaggeration and seem unable to back up what you claim is true, should anyone believe what you post? Even the bit about filling up the boat and fuel cans "before prices skyrocket" is exaggerated silliness that shows your newsfeed in neon lights. You're a smart guy. You can do way better.

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1 hour ago, billeisele said:

IMO   If Donald had moderated his negative behavior, stopped demeaning folks, and reduced his mean tweets he probably would have been reelected. He just wasn't capable of doing that and people were tired of hearing it, among other things.

Rolling back the clock - wonder why Whoopi and all the others didn't leave the country like they promised?

Good or bad, if he had been reelected: the border wall would be assisting in managing illegal immigration, Keystone would be underway (at least until the haters found another way to slow it down or stop it), the US would be energy independent (or at least less dependent than we are now, that would be a good thing), we wouldn't have to listen to Jen Psaki lie and misrepresent the truth all the time (we could listen to the other side do the same), and doubt we would have had the social COVID spending that has occurred. It would be interesting to know how other issues would have been handled and what the outcome would have been.

CNN was $91, now it's $55. The scandals they've had haven't helped. FOX is at $43 ish from a 5-yr high of $41 ish.

Hi Bill,

Re:  He just wasn't capable of doing that and people were tired of hearing it

He would not be Donald Trump if he stopped doing what he always has done.

I absolutely agree that people were tired of hearing it

He was and is, his own worst enemy. *

Jerry Baumchen

* Along with being a buffoon and immature.

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3 hours ago, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi Bill,

Re:  He just wasn't capable of doing that and people were tired of hearing it

He would not be Donald Trump if he stopped doing what he always has done.

I absolutely agree that people were tired of hearing it

He was and is, his own worst enemy. *

Jerry Baumchen

* Along with being a buffoon and immature.

Hi Jerry,


This has come up quite a bit on the Herman Cain Awards site.

These aren't my thoughts, and I'm paraphrasing the actual comments, but I think they summed it up well. 

It's partially that he simply wasn't capable of doing it. 

For the pandemic, he downplayed the seriousness of it, mainly to try to protect the economy and the stock market (which took serious hits) at the expense of the pandemic taking off.
He also saw that it was affecting 'blue' areas more, and minimized it knowing it would hurt his opponents more (and it did at the beginning).
Remember how he stated that aid would go to states where the governors were nice to him?

He has no ability to care about anyone else, or anything that doesn't affect him directly.

But that was only part of it.

Don't forget his supporters.
The ones who cheered when he called Mexicans rapists and Muslims terrorists. 
The ones who cheered when he mocked the disabled reporter.
The ones who ate up all the 'mean tweets'

If Trump had been able to do things like encourage people to take precautions, had tried to get aid and supplies to 'those people', had done anything the 'experts' said to do, his base would have gone bananas.

Keep in mind that these are the same people who booed him when he said he was vaxed & boosted and told them they should be too (note that he hasn't told anyone to get vaxed since then). 

So in part, it would have been impossible for Trump to 'do the right thing' because he couldn't, but also because his base would have attacked him viciously if he had. And he knew it.

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7 hours ago, billeisele said:

IMO   If Donald had moderated his negative behavior, stopped demeaning folks, and reduced his mean tweets he probably would have been reelected.

And expressed regret for his sexual assaults, and expressed regrets for his mocking of that disabled reporter, and admitted "I said some dumb things about buying Greenland, nuking hurricanes and redirecting storms by Sharpie" - agreed.  But that's not who he is.  The basis of his campaign is hate of the left.  (Note that it used to be hate of the right - he was a registered democrat for a long time. The common theme isn't the political party.)


wonder why Whoopi and all the others didn't leave the country like they promised?

Same reason Limbaugh didn't leave when Obamacare was passed (like he promised.)  Same reason Stephen Baldwin didn't leave once Obama was nominated (like he promised.) It was politicial theater, nothing more.


Good or bad, if he had been reelected: the border wall would be assisting in managing illegal immigration

He promised to complete the border wall if he was elected and have Mexico pay for it.  It was the central promise of his campaign.

He actually managed to construct 49 miles of new fence, out of the 1954 miles of the US/Mexico border.  And the US paid for all of it - by diverting money meant for (among other things) military families.  Had he remained in office, he might have constructed another 49 miles of fence in his second 4 years.  That's 5% of the US border with Mexico.  And since most illegal immigration happens at legal border crossings, that would have reduced illegal immigration by, at most, 2.5%.

So no, it would not have assisted.


 doubt we would have had the social COVID spending that has occurred.

Given that Trump's base now believes that COVID was 1) fake, 2) a Chinese bioweapon, 3) not mitigated by masks or vaccines - no, that would not have happened.  He would have pandered to his base as he always has and decried COVID as a Chinese false-flag operation.


And no, I'm not willing to relisten to [Psaki]. 

So you don't have any actual examples of her lying.  OK then.

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8 hours ago, billvon said:

And expressed regret for his sexual assaults, and expressed regrets for his mocking of that disabled reporter, and admitted "I said some dumb things about buying Greenland, nuking hurricanes and redirecting storms by Sharpie" - agreed.  But that's not who he is.  The basis of his campaign is hate of the left.  (Note that it used to be hate of the right - he was a registered democrat for a long time. The common theme isn't the political party.)

Same reason Limbaugh didn't leave when Obamacare was passed (like he promised.)  Same reason Stephen Baldwin didn't leave once Obama was nominated (like he promised.) It was politicial theater, nothing more.

He promised to complete the border wall if he was elected and have Mexico pay for it.  It was the central promise of his campaign.

He actually managed to construct 49 miles of new fence, out of the 1954 miles of the US/Mexico border.  And the US paid for all of it - by diverting money meant for (among other things) military families.  Had he remained in office, he might have constructed another 49 miles of fence in his second 4 years.  That's 5% of the US border with Mexico.  And since most illegal immigration happens at legal border crossings, that would have reduced illegal immigration by, at most, 2.5%.

So no, it would not have assisted.

Given that Trump's base now believes that COVID was 1) fake, 2) a Chinese bioweapon, 3) not mitigated by masks or vaccines - no, that would not have happened.  He would have pandered to his base as he always has and decried COVID as a Chinese false-flag operation.

So you don't have any actual examples of her lying.  OK then.

Love her or hate her, she is outstanding at her job. 

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15 hours ago, JoeWeber said:

Man, your credibility with me is near shot. Why, when you are so prone to exaggeration and seem unable to back up what you claim is true, should anyone believe what you post? Even the bit about filling up the boat and fuel cans "before prices skyrocket" is exaggerated silliness that shows your newsfeed in neon lights. You're a smart guy. You can do way better.

The post was started with IMO. Never claimed anything more than it being an opinion. Nice to see some opposing views and thoughts, the thoughtful ones are appreciated. Always learn something new.

On the gas prices. In SC we were at $2.95 3 weeks ago, at $3.60 now with most of that occurring in the last 4 days. Non-ethanol is used in the watercraft and 2-stroke equipment. That product has fairly large price differences. Yesterday it was $3.80, $75 got me 19.472 gallons. That's unusual, it's normal 40-50 cents more than regular. From my perspective, a 65 cent (~20%) increase in cost is substantial. I don't consider that type increase or the potential of larger increases "exaggerated silliness." Let's hope additional large increases don't happen. This is a CNN, "a neon lighted newsfeed", source saying it's gone from $50 to $105, since Joe has been in office, with the worst case being $140 a barrel. It discusses the potential for additional supplies from shale resources and OPEC to enter the market to help control prices, we'll see.   https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/23/business/brent-oil-ukraine-russia/index.html

Jerry's Post #9 is so true.

SkyD, in #10 you left off "HUGE, HUGE." Ridiculous bragging that still echos. Not sure about the maps but the crowds were large.

Plenty of truth in #11.

#12 has a few unsubstantiated claims. This is one that may be true but it's difficult to believe, "since most illegal immigration happens at legal border crossings." And yes, if the 2.5% figure would have been correct, reducing that would have been better than 0%, and that meets the definition of "assisting." IMO


As for Psaki, try these. 




Jen Psaki
stated on November 15, 2021 in a White House press briefing:

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1 hour ago, billeisele said:

The post was started with IMO. Never claimed anything more than it being an opinion. Nice to see some opposing views and thoughts, the thoughtful ones are appreciated. Always learn something new.

On the gas prices. In SC we were at $2.95 3 weeks ago, at $3.60 now with most of that occurring in the last 4 days. Non-ethanol is used in the watercraft and 2-stroke equipment. That product has fairly large price differences. Yesterday it was $3.80, $75 got me 19.472 gallons. That's unusual, it's normal 40-50 cents more than regular. From my perspective, a 65 cent (~20%) increase in cost is substantial. I don't consider that type increase or the potential of larger increases "exaggerated silliness." Let's hope additional large increases don't happen. This is a CNN, "a neon lighted newsfeed", source saying it's gone from $50 to $105, since Joe has been in office, with the worst case being $140 a barrel. It discusses the potential for additional supplies from shale resources and OPEC to enter the market to help control prices, we'll see.   https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/23/business/brent-oil-ukraine-russia/index.html

Jerry's Post #9 is so true.

SkyD, in #10 you left off "HUGE, HUGE." Ridiculous bragging that still echos. Not sure about the maps but the crowds were large.

Plenty of truth in #11.

#12 has a few unsubstantiated claims. This is one that may be true but it's difficult to believe, "since most illegal immigration happens at legal border crossings." And yes, if the 2.5% figure would have been correct, reducing that would have been better than 0%, and that meets the definition of "assisting." IMO


As for Psaki, try these. 




Jen Psaki
stated on November 15, 2021 in a White House press briefing:

You do realize that two of those links are about false claims that were made about Psaki, rather than made by her, don’t you?

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3 hours ago, lippy said:

You do realize that two of those links are about false claims that were made about Psaki, rather than made by her, don’t you?

And the other was a big  "probably will be inflationary effects, especially in the near term" but in the next sentence "However, the broad consensus among analysts has been that the bill’s inflationary impact will be modest and brief, and that over the longer term, the bill’s provisions should put little to no upward pressure on inflation".

I guess that makes her a lying Psaki of......... 

I give up.

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1 hour ago, JoeWeber said:I guess that makes her a lying Psaki of......... 


I guess that makes her a lying Psaki of......... 

I give up.

If you can’t think of anything else to say about her, just go with ‘Peppermint Patty’. Conservatives love going after women for their appearance. 

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25 minutes ago, lippy said:

If you can’t think of anything else to say about her, just go with ‘Peppermint Patty’. Conservatives love going after women for their appearance. 

Again, lippy to the rescue. For sure it's a redhead thing, you know, repressed memories and such.

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On 2/25/2022 at 1:15 AM, brenthutch said:


The fact that we still have a country after four years of Trump and one year of Biden lends credibility to the notion of the “deep state” 


Where we are now with Zelensky's brave and impassioned leadership in the face of the Russian forces over the last few days I hope Ingraham rewatches this clip and really thinks about what a terrible person she is.

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16 hours ago, lippy said:

If you can’t think of anything else to say about her, just go with ‘Peppermint Patty’. Conservatives love going after women for their appearance. 

That is an idiotic, false statement with no foundation.

SkyDekker said it best, "Nah, I just don't change criticism based on race or gender."

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22 hours ago, lippy said:

You do realize that two of those links are about false claims that were made about Psaki, rather than made by her, don’t you?

Yep, you are correct, didn't realize that. The last two are false. My mistake. Thanks for the clarification.

It appears that the other 3 are accurate and that meets billvons request, "So you don't have any actual examples of her lying.  OK then."

As to JoeW's concern that some economists agree. Her statement was, “No economist out there is projecting that (the Build Back Better bill) will have a negative impact on inflation.”  That is false. The word "No" in this context means none, and that is not correct.

" Psaki is wrong to say that no economist foresees inflation as a result of the bill’s passage. Numerous economists, including some who are supportive of the White House’s agenda, have gone on the record saying there probably will be inflationary effects, especially in the near term, if the bill is passed."  Come on Joe. You can do way better.

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9 minutes ago, billeisele said:

Yep, you are correct, didn't realize that. The last two are false. My mistake. Thanks for the clarification.

It appears that the other 3 are accurate and that meets billvons request, "So you don't have any actual examples of her lying.  OK then."

As to JoeW's concern that some economists agree. Her statement was, “No economist out there is projecting that (the Build Back Better bill) will have a negative impact on inflation.”  That is false. The word "No" in this context means none, and that is not correct.

" Psaki is wrong to say that no economist foresees inflation as a result of the bill’s passage. Numerous economists, including some who are supportive of the White House’s agenda, have gone on the record saying there probably will be inflationary effects, especially in the near term, if the bill is passed."  Come on Joe. You can do way better.

Thin gruel, Bill. Those economists said probably. Not certainly, not without question. If that's what you hang your hat on when deciding someone is a persistent liar, best of luck to you. Of course, as repeated below for your convenience, it was concluded that it would be of limited and transitory effect. You know, as in not a factor. Sort of like letting your hound inside on a freezing day, yes, some cold air might be let inside, too, but no biggie and better than letting the poor bastard freeze. And, if in advance you told your wife it wasn't much cold air and quickly wouldn't be noticed would that make you a liar, too?

I trust your jerry cans of gas haven't skyrocketed in price another 25 cents in the meantime.

"However, the broad consensus among analysts has been that the bill’s inflationary impact will be modest and brief, and that over the longer term, the bill’s provisions should put little to no upward pressure on inflation".

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1 hour ago, billeisele said:

That is an idiotic, false statement with no foundation.

No foundation??? Google 'Peppermint Patty' and see the results of references to conservatives mocking Psaki for her appearance.  Pop into the comments section of Fox news on any story related to the Biden administration and see how long it takes to find a reference to Peppermint Patty.  

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