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Stupid firearm accident thread

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9 hours ago, Coreece said:

Dude seriously, what in the actual fuck are you talking about?  You smoking again?


I mean wtf do you want me to discuss, your straight A's in 6th grade?  Good for you!

As you say - Jebus fucking christ. . .get over yourself. 

It's jebus Howard christ actually. Howard be thy name.

I haven't smoked since the early 90's, but thanks for your concern. /s

My apologies for, again, attempting to converse with you. I should know better by now.

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1 hour ago, Coreece said:

It's just frustrating because I don't know wtf he's talking about half of the time, and then he throws in his typical digs about hatred or racism or whatever.

When someone dismisses his own comments accusing poor blacks and democrats...yeah, it's totally on the person responding to those comments.

I tried to show you it's not quite painted with the brush you used with you paints.

I came from a poor environment, not democrat, not black. Still had shit opportunities for education. Doing nothing results in just that.

But you're never wrong, just confused by conflicting opinions.

Then you explode with anger.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

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1 hour ago, normiss said:

When someone dismisses his own comments accusing poor blacks and democrats...yeah, it's totally on the person responding to those comments.

I tried to show you it's not quite painted with the brush you used with you paints.

I came from a poor environment, not democrat, not black. Still had shit opportunities for education. Doing nothing results in just that.

But you're never wrong, just confused by conflicting opinions.

See, I don't know what you're really talking about, and I'm not going to waste the time trying to figure it out.


1 hour ago, normiss said:

Then you explode with anger.

No, just expressing my frustration with your nonsense - big difference.

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This one is unusual enough to make CNN this morning. It sounds like the 10 YO will live. Shot by his 19 YO babysitter who found a gun in the home and decided she needed selfies with it. Apparently she assumed it was not loaded. Because who leaves a loaded gun laying around a 10 YO's house?.


Edited by gowlerk

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On 2/24/2020 at 11:50 PM, normiss said:

Or the continued dismissal of all efforts, like you seem to prefer, will serve the same result.

Doing nothing does exactly that.

Keep up the hatred, it does at least provide results.

Not any sort of positive ones though.

Thanks for successfully drawing me into wasting time and efforts again. Someday I'll learn as I always do.


Understanding debate and negotiation(of/for_______):

1. Never recognize a legitimate fact by the other party..

2. Make obtuse statements that only slightly touch on the facts at hand. They help mislead, distract and sidetrack real issues.

3. Make generalizations, false assumptions and misjudgements based on personal biases. But never come out and clearly state your real personal position or view of the issues.Because you don't really want to defend a core belief with substance that proves to be wrong.

4. Choose labels for everything with positions that reflect your personal biases.Ideally derogatory and deflective of real substance.

These points will help you understand trump, Fox News the NRA, etc.


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3 hours ago, Phil1111 said:

Understanding debate and negotiation(of/for_______):

1. Never recognize a legitimate fact by the other party..

2. Make obtuse statements that only slightly touch on the facts at hand. They help mislead, distract and sidetrack real issues.

3. Make generalizations, false assumptions and misjudgements based on personal biases. But never come out and clearly state your real personal position or view of the issues.Because you don't really want to defend a core belief with substance that proves to be wrong.

4. Choose labels for everything with positions that reflect your personal biases.Ideally derogatory and deflective of real substance.

These points will help you understand ANY POLITICIAN, Fox News the NRA, etc.


Fixed that for ya.

Here is, yet, another example.


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2 hours ago, turtlespeed said:

Gotta Love chicago and those gun laws they have - Very protective!!


Well, they USED to be protective until Scalia caused them to be pretty much the same as everywhere else by way of the Heller decision.  Since then murders have gone UP in Chicago.

Fortunately it's mostly gang-bangers offing each other.

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I can only find ONE accidental killing in the last three days......wow! Quite a few children wounded. God must have been merciful this week. Don't play with killing machines. 16 yo boy killed 16 yo girl.



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