
Trump to be sued by Maryland and Washington over foreign payments

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Not the news Mr. Trump needed right now, I'm sure.


Officials in Maryland and Washington DC are expected to sue Donald Trump for accepting payments from foreign governments via his business empire.
The lawsuit cites the US constitution's emoluments clause, which says no federal official should receive a gift or a fee from a foreign government.
The legal action alleges "unprecedented constitutional violations" by the US president, the Washington Post reports.

Again, not a smoking gun for impeachment, but more fuel for the fire.

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There's never been a president like Trump before who was a business mogul. So there's never been a lawsuit quite like this filed.

I think he did his best to cede control of his empire to his sons, but of course, he didn't completely separate himself, but not selling his assets. Which I can understand.

Aren't there rules in place where the POTUS can't be sued while serving in office?

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I think he did his best to cede control of his empire to his sons, but of course, he didn't completely separate himself, but not selling his assets. Which I can understand.

I've yet to hear from a reputable legal scholar (that isn't on Trump's payroll) say that what he did was in any way adequate.


Aren't there rules in place where the POTUS can't be sued while serving in office?

No. If there were, you would never have heard of Monica Lewinsky.

- Dan G

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Again, not a smoking gun for impeachment, but more fuel for the fire.

I don't know.

I would think that direct and blatant violation of a pretty clearly written part of the Constitution would be adequate grounds.

He has made pretty much zero effort at separating himself from his business interests.

First he seemed to think that giving control to his kids was the same as a blind trust. Then he made it clear that the "giving it to his kids" was simply for show and that he would retain control. Then the kids all got jobs in the administration.

So much for 'separation.'
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Second attempt

First attempt thrown out by the court.

Good chance that will happen this time too.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I think he did his best to cede control of his empire to his sons,

You think he did his best? What makes you think that?

I honestly haven't seen anything to suggest that he did anything more than make a half-assed attempt to create the appearance of having partitioned himself from his business, let alone having effectively done it in any way.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I think he did his best to cede control of his empire to his sons, but of course, he didn't completely separate himself, but not selling his assets. Which I can understand.

Did you entirely miss his FIRST press conference in which he had a lawyer spend 15 minutes explaining how he's not actually going to give up control of his businesses, how he legally doesn't have to, but he's voluntarily asking a group of lawyers to impress upon the American public that he's going to be separated from his businesses.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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I think he did his best to cede control of his empire to his sons, but of course, he didn't completely separate himself, but not selling his assets. Which I can understand.

Did you entirely miss his FIRST press conference in which he had a lawyer spend 15 minutes explaining how he's not actually going to give up control of his businesses, how he legally doesn't have to, but he's voluntarily asking a group of lawyers to impress upon the American public that he's going to be separated from his businesses.

The law under which he's being sued does not apply here. Next
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I think he did his best to cede control of his empire to his sons, but of course, he didn't completely separate himself, but not selling his assets. Which I can understand.

Did you entirely miss his FIRST press conference in which he had a lawyer spend 15 minutes explaining how he's not actually going to give up control of his businesses, how he legally doesn't have to, but he's voluntarily asking a group of lawyers to impress upon the American public that he's going to be separated from his businesses.

The law under which he's being sued does not apply here. Next

Yeah, I listened to Levin's rant on that one. What I'm talking about is that I don't think he "did his best to cede" his empire to his sons considering his first action was to plant a lawyer on a podium to explain that he doesn't have to.

I don't think there's any way Trump could stop people from using his businesses and besides his plugs for how great the chocolate cake is at Mar-a-lago he's separated himself about as much as can be expected. It's just a fact that his businesses will make more money with him as the President. He should probably quit spending so much time at his own resorts, etc, but we know he gives zero fucks about how it looks. We know he wants that old life back and at this point I doubt he'll run for re-election, he'll just say he made the country great, call it a victory, and go back to grabbing pussies.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Trump Sued for Foreign Business Profits by Democrats in Congress

A group of almost 200 Democratic lawmakers filed a federal lawsuit challenging profits that President Donald Trump’s global businesses have taken in from foreign entities.

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Trump Sued for Foreign Business Profits by Democrats in Congress

A group of almost 200 Democratic lawmakers filed a federal lawsuit challenging profits that President Donald Trump’s global businesses have taken in from foreign entities.

Hopefully they go after the whole family:

On April 6, Ivanka Trump's company won provisional approval from the Chinese government for three new trademarks, giving it monopoly rights to sell Ivanka brand jewelry, bags and spa services in the world's second-largest economy. That night, the first daughter and her husband, Jared Kushner, sat next to the president of China and his wife for a steak and Dover sole dinner at Mar-a-Lago, her father’s Florida resort.

It doesn't matter how much they "try" to separate themselves, or how they've "placed restrictions on [their] team to ensure that 'any growth is done with extreme caution.'" Foreign governments will still give preference to their deals and brands either trying to garner favor, or feeling like they've been pressured to do so.
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Shut Up & Jump!

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I'm not actually convinced how much pressure payments would actually have on Trump, to be honest.

He's narcissistic enough to believe that any payments he received are simply deserved and that he doesn't have to reciprocate in any way. He's getting money and favors because he's TRUMP.
We've also seen how willing he is to break any promise he makes anyway, and how he's happy to take services from contractors and simply not pay them. Why would his political action be any different?

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I think you've misunderstood what I meant -- for example, that China felt pressured to grant the trademarks to Ivanka's brand. Not that their preferential treatment of her brand (or Jared Kushner's company's development deal, or holding an event at a Trump property) would make POTUS feel beholden to that country or organization. Though being able to point to that "preference" when dealing with this president certainly is a way of dealing out that praise he so desperately seems to need.
See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus

Shut Up & Jump!

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