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2. The Tea Party self policed and eliminated radical and subversive elements to the extent the general public did not conflate the tea party with the kkk or neo nazis.

Wow, the Tea Party is so good at self policing that people no longer think they're Nazi's or racist terrorists. Which of the following options do you think best describes your statement;

A) Ringing endorsement.

B) Damning with the faintest of praise.



3. The Tea Party was instrumental in the Republican victory in 2010

Sez who?


4. This put Republicans in charge of redistricting, relegating the Democratic Party to long term minority status

If Gerrymandering redistricting is the reason that the Democrats have currently lost the House and Senate, you have just successfully argued against your own assertion that Republican control of the House and Senate proves the Tea Party has won the moderates.

I know you always think you're being clever with these twists and turns that you do, but mostly you're just demonstrating the shortness of your attention span.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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They won enough moderates to win.

The Republican Party won enough moderates to win. What is your reason for believe the Tea Party made that happen for them?


score two electoral college.

Trump's manufacturing and coal jobs promises won the states that gave him the EC, and Trump is not a Tea Partier. When those jobs prove to be so much pie in the sky the moderates there will rejoin the moderates in the rest of the country, voting for a non-crazy Blue candidate.

***No matter how much you whine and cry the score board says two to nothing Jefe, two to nothing.

And no matter how hard you click your heels and wish you were in Kansas, the team on that scoreboard is the Republican party, not the "At Least We're Not Nazi" party, as you describe them.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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They won enough moderates to win.

I don't think so. I think the "captured the white working class vote" thing is mostly a fiction.

2016 Election Results

Candidate Party Electoral Votes Popular Votes
Donald J. Trump Republican 304 62,980,160
Hillary R. Clinton Democratic 227 65,845,063
Gary Johnson Libertarian 0 4,488,931
Jill Stein Green 0 1,457,050
Evan McMullin Independent 0 728,830

I think if you really want to see what changed, you need to look at the L and G parties.

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Can the Democratic Party harness the energy of the Million Vagina March,

Do you really think you can post that and expect to be taken as a decent human being? Just by calling it joking?

Why not?

Trump was recorded bragging about committing sexual assault and apparently his supporters think he's a "decent human being".

IIRC his supporters claimed that all men are like that.

Which also says a lot about his supporters.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Damn, I must have hit a nerve! All of the lefties are sounding off and none of y'all are able to answer the question I have posed. (Three times in three different ways by my count)

That's because the question only works if you accept a highly dubious assumption. One that you have been entirely unable to support (and have even undermined) with your following posts.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Your assumption that my use of "vagina" is pejorative reveals your misogyny. I for one love them.:P

Your use of the term shows what you think of women, and exactly what they are good for. You may indeed love them. But only for what they can do for you.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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>Just the standard pattern.


Left wingers say something offensive to right wingers? Democrats have to "self police" and "remove anarchists, communists, socialist, radical feminists, environmental extremists" because these "elements are unacceptable to the general population." They make right wingers really, really mad and they're not going to take it any more!

Right wingers say something offensive to left wingers? They should just "suck it up." Ah, the poor widdle "special snowflakes" need a "safe space?" Women love to be referred to as "vaginas" and if they don't, they are radical feminists who need to be removed!

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>Just the standard pattern.

Democrats have to "self police" and "remove anarchists, communists, socialist, radical feminists, environmental extremists" because these "elements are unacceptable to the general population."

That notion was posited by a MSNBC analyst! He made the comparison to the Tea Party. I just brought it up for discussion.

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That notion was posited by a MSNBC analyst! He made the comparison to the Tea Party. I just brought it up for discussion.

When you say, "MSNBC analyst" do you remember the name of that person?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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No but I posted w/in a few minutes of hearing him. He was not being partisan, I believe he was an academic who had studied the Tea Party.

And I thought you were a skydiver!

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Had you posted it without the pejoratives, or with equivalent pejoratives for the right, it might have been an interesting discussion. Worded as a discussion, rather than as a target, it's worth considering.

And if you think that the wording is irrelevant, you're nuts. Because connotation is part of meaning. If someone is well into the autistic spectrum they generally get a pass on that, mainly because they honestly welcome critiques of wording.

But hey, we could discuss instead the fucking morons who actually believe that Trump is truthful and Clinton only lies :)
Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Ok Wendy, as usual you are the voice of moderation. You are the Mother Nature to my Heat Miser. I apologize for using the admittedly incendiary rhetoric of "vagina" as a stand-in for women. It distracted from my main point and debased the conversation. Could we move forward and discuss the issue I was trying to raise?

anarchists, communists, socialist, radical feminists, environmental extremists and tell Lena Dunham to exit stage left, were not my words. I had to google to find out who the hell Lina Dunham was.

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Could we move forward and discuss the issue I was trying to raise?

OK, if you get rid of the groups mentioned (apart from socialists - everyone is a socialist to some degree) who is left? The vast majority of the Left and the vast majority of Democrat party members. Ok?

Now, let's get back to the issue of you not knowing the difference between the Republicans and the Tea Party. It's fascinating.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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