
Saturday Night Live skewer of Spicer's WH briefing

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Some psychologist was suggesting that women playing bannon and trump would have the greatest effect at the WH.

Is it possible to go too far? Perhaps moderators and everyone needs to tone it down some?

After all its widely known that bannon has the suitcase codes. He got them when trump confessed that four digits was too hard to remember. What happens if bannon goes postal and takes it out on SFO?

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***Perhaps moderators and everyone needs to tone it down some?

If Senator Daylin Leach from Texas can call Trump a "...fascist, loofa-faced shit-gibbon!"

I think I'm probably okay.


The tweet: https://twitter.com/daylinleach/status/829041688186335232;)
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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******Perhaps moderators and everyone needs to tone it down some?

If Senator Daylin Leach from Texas can call Trump a "...fascist, loofa-faced shit-gibbon!"

I think I'm probably okay.


The tweet: https://twitter.com/daylinleach/status/829041688186335232;)

Imagine being a poor secretary in a senator's office be it republican or democrat. Between the trump family trying to line their pockets. International politics. Domestic issues. Trying to overhaul the ACA. Defend the ACA act. On and on.

Opening the in-box of e-mail and seeing 1000 new messages. For those who say that people don't care about whats going on. Is to ignore the obvious. For anyone to attend a single protest there would be a 1000 e-mails and phone calls. Its like the crashing of the ethics website because of traffic. Then there is another stupid tweet and another ten gallons of gas is poured on the bonfire.

Imagine the daily briefings of the Secret Service agents who have to protect trump. Double Yikes!

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People who go for cheap shots at someone's expense (even in this case) generally are kind of like people who marry their extramarital affair -- they attract and hang with people most of us don't really want to.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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People who go for cheap shots at someone's expense (even in this case) generally are kind of like people who marry their extramarital affair -- they attract and hang with people most of us don't really want to.

Not really certain how to unpack that. You're talking about Trump; right?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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******Perhaps moderators and everyone needs to tone it down some?

If Senator Daylin Leach from Texas can call Trump a "...fascist, loofa-faced shit-gibbon!"

I think I'm probably okay.


The tweet: https://twitter.com/daylinleach/status/829041688186335232;)

I don't like seeing our elected officials behaving like this.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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I don't like seeing our elected officials behaving like this.

The fish stinks from the head.

And seriously, what is worse; a guy talking shit to the President or the President casually offering to destroy somebody's career simply because one of the President's supporters doesn't happen to like him?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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***I don't like seeing our elected officials behaving like this.

The fish stinks from the head.

And seriously, what is worse; a guy talking shit to the President or the President casually offering to destroy somebody's career simply because one of the President's supporters doesn't happen to like him?

We have a head of cabbage.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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*********Perhaps moderators and everyone needs to tone it down some?

If Senator Daylin Leach from Texas can call Trump a "...fascist, loofa-faced shit-gibbon!"

I think I'm probably okay.


The tweet: https://twitter.com/daylinleach/status/829041688186335232;)

I don't like seeing our elected officials behaving like this.

The GOP has been hijacked by the most obvious example of a narcissist/sociopath demagogue ever seen. And yet Billy Bob Redstate was so oblivious to that fact, that they voted for him.

And now we have the spineless jellyfish of the GOP rolling over and doing the bidding of the hijacker and voting for fools like DeVos, and fucking over the country.

The time for being civil is over.
I'll take a politician who stands up to a wanna-be tyrant, and identifies a shit-gibbon when he sees one, over the ones who try to be polite.

Bill Maher said it very well: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bill-maher-democratic-party-tips_us_5826c0c8e4b02d21bbc8e75f
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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************Perhaps moderators and everyone needs to tone it down some?

If Senator Daylin Leach from Texas can call Trump a "...fascist, loofa-faced shit-gibbon!"

I think I'm probably okay.


The tweet: https://twitter.com/daylinleach/status/829041688186335232;)

I don't like seeing our elected officials behaving like this.

The GOP has been hijacked by the most obvious example of a narcissist/sociopath demagogue ever seen. And yet Billy Bob Redstate was so oblivious to that fact, that they voted for him.

And now we have the spineless jellyfish of the GOP rolling over and doing the bidding of the hijacker and voting for fools like DeVos, and fucking over the country.

The time for being civil is over.
I'll take a politician who stands up to a wanna-be tyrant, and identifies a shit-gibbon when he sees one, over the ones who try to be polite.

Bill Maher said it very well: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bill-maher-democratic-party-tips_us_5826c0c8e4b02d21bbc8e75f

The GOP sold its soul to the devil.

Currently it is enjoying the proceeds. Eventually it will come to regret it.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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If Senator Daylin Leach from Texas can call Trump a "...fascist, loofa-faced shit-gibbon!"

Well, that's not very politically correct.

I'm truly sorry if I've offended any alt-right snowflakes. ;)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The GOP has been hijacked by the most obvious example of a narcissist/sociopath demagogue ever seen. And yet Billy Bob Redstate was so oblivious to that fact, that they voted for him.

And now we have the spineless jellyfish of the GOP rolling over and doing the bidding of the hijacker and voting for fools like DeVos, and fucking over the country.

The time for being civil is over.
I'll take a politician who stands up to a wanna-be tyrant, and identifies a shit-gibbon when he sees one, over the ones who try to be polite.

Being an outsider I'm not really willing to use such strong terms. But I will say bravo to you.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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In an administration that seems to see being representable by a woman as a sign of weakness, it's quite appropriate to represent as many members as possible by women.
Would be the same for minorities. And, in the case of rappers, just as funny to have an all-white rap group. PC means that blackface (or whiteface) is inappropriate for a group, but would work just fine for parodying a specific person.

Imagine, for example, an impression of Al Sharpton by the ubiquitous Rosie O'Donnell. :)

Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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In an administration that seems to see being representable by a woman as a sign of weakness, it's quite appropriate to represent as many members as possible by women.
Would be the same for minorities. And, in the case of rappers, just as funny to have an all-white rap group. PC means that blackface (or whiteface) is inappropriate for a group, but would work just fine for parodying a specific person.

Imagine, for example, an impression of Al Sharpton by the ubiquitous Rosie O'Donnell. :)

Wendy P.

How about...
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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In an administration that seems to see being representable by a woman as a sign of weakness, it's quite appropriate to represent as many members as possible by women.
Would be the same for minorities. And, in the case of rappers, just as funny to have an all-white rap group. PC means that blackface (or whiteface) is inappropriate for a group, but would work just fine for parodying a specific person.

Imagine, for example, an impression of Al Sharpton by the ubiquitous Rosie O'Donnell. :)

I was thinking more like Roseanne Barr to play Al Sharpton. :o:D

Wendy P.

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