
Please Lord, Give Us At Least Four More Years After This Next Presidential Debacle.

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Let not the Boomers destroy this country.

After their failed policies of divisiveness die away - along with their old, wrinkled, alcoholic, pharmaceutical drug infested corpses - we vow to once again come together.

The young Xer's and the old Millennials both have not only the guns, but we also have the numbers.

We will bring life, liberty and happiness to this country once and for all - once our drug-crazed Boomers and their controlling dynasty of incompetent presidents finally bite the dust.

Thank you Lord - but you already know this.

I ask that we no longer have to respect that incompetent bunch - our elders. They have done nothing but fuck this world up, but have somehow managed to raise us well. We have better plans - we share each other's experiences and will come together one more time - I pray that You give us one more chance. . .

Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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***Let not the Boomers destroy this country...

Too late.

I don't believe that. They've taught us well - and we've already proved that by cutting the crime rate in half since our coming of age. They just gotta let it go and forget all this nonsense - it's time to pass the torch - we can fix this.

I mean seriously, our possible next president doesn't even know what it means to wipe a server - She has no place in leading the digital age - neither does a billionaire still wearing a toupee. Give it a rest already.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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Let not the Boomers destroy this country.

After their failed policies of divisiveness die away - along with their old, wrinkled, alcoholic, pharmaceutical drug infested corpses - we vow to once again come together.

The young Xer's and the old Millennials both have not only the guns, but we also have the numbers.

We will bring life, liberty and happiness to this country once and for all - once our drug-crazed Boomers and their controlling dynasty of incompetent presidents finally bite the dust.

Thank you Lord - but you already know this.

I ask that we no longer have to respect that incompetent bunch - our elders. They have done nothing but fuck this world up, but have somehow managed to raise us well. We have better plans - we share each other's experiences and will come together one more time - I pray that You give us one more chance. . .


Never trust anyone over 30.

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I know a little more why our forefathers said one had to be at least 35 to be POTUS.

It should be at least 35 and nobody over 60. Beyond that age, cognitive abilities are severely depreciated - and we have to honestly question the competency of anyone approaching 70. Some studies show that younger people are 75% more efficient at completing similar tasks and retain 25% more information. This is why older people lack attention to details.

You'll often hear them say things like, "I'm too old for this shit" - at least they got that much right.

It says a lot when the government is willing to pay you to quit your job - more people should be considering that offer.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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You're not going to like your lord's answer to that prayer I expect.

I'm just praying that this country makes it through the next presidency with as little damage as possible so we can have another chance to fix it.

There's very little doubt that next year this country will be lead by one of two senior citizens that should be at home collecting social security - it's ridiculous.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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I would like so much for "None of the above" to be on the ballot.

F*** the republicans for putting forth ...uhg.....
F*** the democrats for .... uhg....

F*** us for allowing it to happen.

Could it really be *our* fault ... (not a question, I just wish I were dreaming)


"exit fast, fly smooth, dock soft and smile"
'nother james

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Could it really be *our* fault ... (not a question, I just wish I were dreaming)

"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others."

Winston S. Churchill

The more complete quote:

No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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