
Trump proposes mandatory registration for US Muslims

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With less than 1 year before the presidential elections, the GOP front runner believes that Muslim/American citizens should have to register with the government?

Absolutely astounding.

Perhaps it would also be helpful if we gave all Muslims green crescent patches to sew onto their clothes.


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Absolutely not true. He didn't propose it and I highly doubt he believes it. 'Gotcha' journalism from people who should know better.

There are plenty of valid reasons to think Trump is a nutball, this isn't one of them.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Absolutely not true. He didn't propose it and I highly doubt he believes it. 'Gotcha' journalism from people who should know better.

There are plenty of valid reasons to think Trump is a nutball, this isn't one of them.

"Trump agrees with mandatory registration for US Muslims"


It wasn't a single question, it wasn't a "Gotcha" question, it was asked repeatedly. Trump doesn't know how not to suck up to the extreme right. Selling fear has never been a loosing proposition for the GOP, trump knows this very well

If a Democratic presidential candidate was asked about registering Christians or their churches with the government, it would be a very simple yes or no question.


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This a made up story. It is false.

Made up? This is an event that happened hours ago, with video evidence. You claim that the bible, written 2000 years ago is the absolute truth.

It's hard to argue with that logic.


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It wasn't a single question, it wasn't a "Gotcha" question, it was asked repeatedly.

Asked repeatedly to a guy who clearly wasn't paying attention and who repeatedly gave an answer on a different subject.

Sure, it's be nice if he now came out and said "of course I don't agree with that, it's a stupid suggestion" and he probably won't (at least until after the primaries) because he knows that some of the morons he's sucking up to do agree with it... but even so it's seriously not the right stick to hit him with.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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It wasn't a single question, it wasn't a "Gotcha" question, it was asked repeatedly.

Asked repeatedly to a guy who clearly wasn't paying attention and who repeatedly gave an answer on a different subject.

Sure, it's be nice if he now came out and said "of course I don't agree with that, it's a stupid suggestion" and he probably won't (at least until after the primaries) because he knows that some of the morons he's sucking up to do agree with it... but even so it's seriously not the right stick to hit him with.

After watching the videos a few more times, it seems he is much more interested in signing autographs than to paying attention to the reporters. I think as a candidate, you can be extremely vague with a great many issues, religions and data bases aren't one of them.

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Dude this is a trolling thread.

As Jakee rightfully already pointed out, this is something the media has invented. I don't think Trump is an idiot, but he let his guard down and now we have people like you trying to peddle this BS as if it is true. No Trump is not dumb enough to propose such a policy of requiring Muslims to be registered. But he is an arrogant asshole. However you are fooling yourself if you think any of the other clowns are any better. Have people not been paying attention to what has happened in the world in the last couple of decades, especially what is happening now in 2015. It does not matter who is in charge. They are all puppets to the elite ruling class. Yeah GWB was bad for the world. But the world has gotten even worse under Obama's watch. So much for the hope and change BS. So do you people honestly think the world will get better under Billary or Bernie Sanders or any of the other clowns on the Elephants side of the fence? We the middle class are rapidly losing the ability to control our own destiny, rapidly losing the ability to attempt to make a better life for ourselves and our families. The shit is really beginning to hit the fan as seen what is going on in Europe in 2015 and it's coming here to North America and there is nothing anyone of us can do to stop it since all the politicians are nothing more than self serving puppets to the elite ruling class. Best thing to do is to ignore the consensus mainstream media because they do nothing but peddle their snake oil and Wag the Dog.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Dude this is a trolling thread.

As Jakee rightfully already pointed out, this is something the media has invented. I don't think Trump is an idiot, but he let his guard down and now we have people like you trying to peddle this BS as if it is true. No Trump is not dumb enough to propose such a policy of requiring Muslims to be registered. But he is an arrogant asshole. However you are fooling yourself if you think any of the other clowns are any better. Have people not been paying attention to what has happened in the world in the last couple of decades, especially what is happening now in 2015. It does not matter who is in charge. They are all puppets to the elite ruling class. Yeah GWB was bad for the world. But the world has gotten even worse under Obama's watch. So much for the hope and change BS. So do you people honestly think the world will get better under Billary or Bernie Sanders or any of the other clowns on the Elephants side of the fence? We the middle class are rapidly losing the ability to control our own destiny, rapidly losing the ability to attempt to make a better life for ourselves and our families. The shit is really beginning to hit the fan as seen what is going on in Europe in 2015 and it's coming here to North America and there is nothing anyone of us can do to stop it since all the politicians are nothing more than self serving puppets to the elite ruling class. Best thing to do is to ignore the consensus mainstream media because they do nothing but peddle their snake oil and Wag the Dog.

I'm way past any allusions of things getting better in this country... Just hoping they don't get worst. In all honesty, this country is going downhill faster than I can lower my standards.

The media does this to every candidate, Trump has very little blowback for all the wacky things he says. The Trump campaign has had more than enough time to retract or clarify what ever it is he is claiming to have said.

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He doesn't have enough time in three lifetimes to go back and dispute everything the media is saying that is half truth or completely made up, none of them do.

I wonder if trump was asked, in the same situation about guns, government data bases, and mandatory registration what his response would of been?

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I don't think Trump is an idiot, but he let his guard down and now we have people like you trying to peddle this BS as if it is true.

I do think he's an idiot, i just think he's been set up on this one particular issue. Otherwise, he writes his own headlines:P
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Only 17 seconds in or so Trump says "I would absolutely implement that...absolutely."

directly asked a question, directly answered. Then expanded upon for clarification. This is called journalism, and while journalists lead with suggestive questions, he still answered it wih a positive.

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Trump is taking increasingly extreme and absurd positions. He is clearly a smart person and I am beginning to wonder if winning the presidency is his real agenda.

Maybe he's just amusing himself by playing to the ignorant and moronic component of the GOP base at the expense of the serious candidates. Political theater.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Initially, I thought Trump was going full "Bulworth", i.e. saying whatever he thought, damn the consequences;

But now I'm thinking he may be playing one of the biggest pranks in the history of politics, and at some point will hold a news conference to state that fact, and ask the fools who supported him: "WTF were you thinking???"
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Trump is taking increasingly extreme and absurd positions. He is clearly a smart person and I am beginning to wonder if winning the presidency is his real agenda.

Maybe he's just amusing himself by playing to the ignorant and moronic component of the GOP base at the expense of the serious candidates. Political theater.

It seems like the Republicans no longer even need to hide behind the "dog whistle", they just say it straight out.

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Trump is taking increasingly extreme and absurd positions. He is clearly a smart person and I am beginning to wonder if winning the presidency is his real agenda.

Maybe he's just amusing himself by playing to the ignorant and moronic component of the GOP base at the expense of the serious candidates. Political theater.

It seems like the Republicans no longer even need to hide behind the "dog whistle", they just say it straight out.

Okay so the Republicans are certified fuckheads.

It would be nice of the Democrats were willing to be outdone on that score.

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Only 17 seconds in or so Trump says "I would absolutely implement that...absolutely."

directly asked a question, directly answered. Then expanded upon for clarification. This is called journalism, and while journalists lead with suggestive questions, he still answered it wih a positive.

Ugh, you people! I'll explain it again:|

Trump: Right now we have to have strength, we have to have a border, we have to have a wall

Reporter: Is that something your White House would like to implement?

Trump: Oh I would certainly implement that. Absolutely.

How in the flying fuck is that him saying he would "absolutely" require Muslim registration?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Okay so the Republicans are certified fuckheads.

It would be nice of the Democrats were willing to be outdone on that score.

There is no major difference between the Donkeys and the Elephants. There is no major difference between Billary and Trump. They are all first class certified fuckheads. But they are also just puppets to the real world leaders. The central bankers and other billionaires who give their marching orders to the political puppets. What is sad is that many of the general public are too dumb or too partisan to recognize this. Yeah GWB was bad for the world. But under Obama it has gotten worse and there is no way in H ... E ... Double Hockey Sticks that things will be getting better under Billary or Trump or any of the other clowns trying to be the POTUS.


One needs to turn off the consensus mainstream media (this includes Fox News) as they all have their agendas to push to the obtuse. One needs to seek out alternate media sources that slam both the Donkeys and the Elephants at the same time. They do exist. But even when you find a media source that slams both sides, you still need to take whatever they say with a grain of salt as they too could be pushing an agenda. We really are fucked. The world is changing fast and it is changing for the worse. The freedom to control your own destiny, the freedom to think on your own is rapidly being taken away from us.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Okay so the Republicans are certified fuckheads.

It would be nice of the Democrats were willing to be outdone on that score.

There is no major difference between the Donkeys and the Elephants. There is no major difference between Billary and Trump. They are all first class certified fuckheads. But they are also just puppets to the real world leaders. The central bankers and other billionaires who give their marching orders to the political puppets. What is sad is that many of the general public are too dumb or too partisan to recognize this. Yeah GWB was bad for the world. But under Obama it has gotten worse and there is no way in H ... E ... Double Hockey Sticks that things will be getting better under Billary or Trump or any of the other clowns trying to be the POTUS.


One needs to turn off the consensus mainstream media (this includes Fox News) as they all have their agendas to push to the obtuse. One needs to seek out alternate media sources that slam both the Donkeys and the Elephants at the same time. They do exist. But even when you find a media source that slams both sides, you still need to take whatever they say with a grain of salt as they too could be pushing an agenda. We really are fucked. The world is changing fast and it is changing for the worse. The freedom to control your own destiny, the freedom to think on your own is rapidly being taken away from us.

The USA has been going to Hell in a handcart since at least 1841 (Elbridge Paige's book of Short Patent Sermons). Nothing new.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Make mine a yellow one.


Of course he said it, the guy is a fucking nut job reality TV star FFS. He's not even a good businessman if he'd taken the money his Daddy gave him and stuck it in a high interest account he'd have millions more than he has after being a businessman. If this fruitcake wins and becomes POTUS (I doubt it I don't think Americans are that stupid) then we should build a big wall around the country, economically, socially and physically wherever possible and only let out flights with political refugees on them.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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And now he claims that "Thousands and thousands" of people cheered in Jersy City as the towers came down on 911.

He is standing by his claim.

Is there anything he can say that you know is patently not true?

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All hail Der Donald

(Roger Simon is POLITICO's chief political columnist.)

Do not say you were not warned. Der Donald has warned you.

Security is going to rule in America. And unthinkable things will be done.

Don’t believe me? Ask him.

“We’re going to have to do things that we never did before,” Trump says. “And some people are going to be upset about it. But I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule.

“And so we’re going to have to do certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago.”

Saturday, a black man began shouting during a Trump speech in Birmingham, Alabama. People shout during Trump speeches all the time. But there are things you are allowed to shout, like: “We love you, Donald!” And there are certain things you are not allowed to shout, like: “Trump is a racist!”

The Constitution says both are allowed as free speech. But the Constitution does not rule at Trump rallies. Security rules. Just as he promised.

And so the black man was kicked and punched. Trump looked down upon him with lofty disdain. “Get him the hell out of here!” Trump said. “Throw him out.” The man was led away.

Trump will protect us from such people. Just as he will protect America from all its enemies.

The price we pay will be tiny. We will give up a civil liberty here, a freedom there.

Certain people will be registered. Their houses of worship will be spied upon. Names will be taken down. But as long as these people are not Christians, do you really care? Trump is betting you do not.

He is betting that as long as only Muslims are targeted, you will turn a blind eye.

“I want surveillance of these people,” Trump has said. “I want surveillance if we have to and I don’t care. I want surveillance of certain mosques, OK. I want surveillance!”

And if he is to lead us to our glorious future, he must get what he wants.

Can anyone forget the famous lines of Martin Niemoller, a Lutheran pastor, who first supported and then opposed Hitler? Niemoller was imprisoned in Sachsenhausen and Dachau concentration camps from 1937 to 1945, but felt he never did enough to speak out against fascism, especially when Hitler still could have been stopped. Today, he might have written:

First they came for the black people, and I did not speak out, because I was not black.

Then they came for the Muslims, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Muslim.

And when they come for you and me, who will be left to speak out?

The Democrat field opposes Der Donald. Carefully. (I borrow the name “Der Donald” from Dennis Byrne, a former colleague of mine from the Chicago Sun-Times, who now is a contributing op-ed columnist for the Chicago Tribune. In Chicago, niceties are sometimes dispensed with. Especially when they interfere with the truth.)

“It is the sort of fear-based politics of division and scapegoating that sometimes precedes fascism,” Martin O’Malley says of Trump’s rhetoric.

“Too many people have suffered and too many people have died for us to continue to hear racist words coming from major political leaders,” Bernie Sanders says.

“Turning away orphans, applying a religious test, discriminating against Muslims, slamming the door on every Syrian refugee, that is just not who we are. We are better than that,” Hillary Clinton says.

And what of Trump’s opponents for the Republican nomination? Most grovel and fawn.

They really don’t care if Trump registers Muslims, just as long as he doesn’t register guns.

Trump is no fool. He is a man with a plan. Armed with his celebrity status, his vast wealth and his adoption of the big lie as his favorite campaign tactic, he sees the White House within reach.

He is ready for Hillary. He tipped his hand just the other day. “I don’t think she has the stamina to be president,” he said. “I don’t think she has the strength or the stamina to be president.”

Donald Trump has the stamina. Donald Trump has the strength. Donald Trump has the will.

America has been stabbed in the back for the last time. “We’re tired of being run by stupid people!” he shouts. “The American dream is dead. But we’re going to make it bigger and better and stronger than ever before!”

Bigger. Better. Stronger.

One dream! One nation! One leader!

Der Donald!


Roger Simon is POLITICO's chief political columnist.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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