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Another scumbag politician.

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It might have been you who posted about the loathsome man who was called in the kill all of the rats in a city -- how no matter how loathsome he was, the rats were a worse problem. Of course, that was an analogy for Trump.

Personally, I think that Trump is the loathsome man who will encourage worse pests than the rats that he was originally "hired" to kill. So I'll vote for whoever has the best chance of keeping him out of the presidency. No, Biden was never my first choice. But Trump is my last.

I'd rather have RFK Jr than him. But barring someone dropping dead (if only!), the race is between Biden and Trump, so I'm voting for one of them. Biden hasn't done a bad job. He's by no means perfect, but with a Congress who's happy to hurt the country as long as it also hurts Biden's chances of being re-elected, I'm not sure what he could accomplish. 

Wendy P.

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4 hours ago, wmw999 said:

Personally, I think that Trump is the loathsome man who will encourage worse pests than the rats that he was originally "hired" to kill.

Indeed, he is quite literally bringing his own rats.  We are currently up to 13 close Trump associates found guilty of crimes ranging from perjury to witness tampering to conspiring against the United States with a Russian agent.

Ironic considering he campaigns on "draining the swamp."  The justice system is doing its best to drain the swamp Trump brought with him; we don't need to make the swamp any larger.

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12 hours ago, wmw999 said:

It might have been you who posted about the loathsome man who was called in the kill all of the rats in a city -- how no matter how loathsome he was, the rats were a worse problem. Of course, that was an analogy for Trump.

Personally, I think that Trump is the loathsome man who will encourage worse pests than the rats that he was originally "hired" to kill. So I'll vote for whoever has the best chance of keeping him out of the presidency. No, Biden was never my first choice. But Trump is my last.

I'd rather have RFK Jr than him. But barring someone dropping dead (if only!), the race is between Biden and Trump, so I'm voting for one of them. Biden hasn't done a bad job. He's by no means perfect, but with a Congress who's happy to hurt the country as long as it also hurts Biden's chances of being re-elected, I'm not sure what he could accomplish. 

Wendy P.


Which is exactly why all of the petty, niggling attacks made directly or indirectly against Biden, Harris or the effects of any of the current policies being attributed to them by some posters here are not simple, benign disagreements but instead, in my view, are at their very core anti-American acts. This is the information age, as if any one should need to be reminded, and every little degrading thing someone posts even on an obscure site like SC adds to the hurt. Claiming otherwise is like claiming that all you added to the hamburger was the pickle so it didn't contribute to the making. Our righties can believe that all the way to the gun range but if Trump gets re-elected we're all gonna get the pickle.

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HuffPo: Police Report: Trump County Chair Threatened To Rape Boss's Wife, Then Kill Him

One of Donald Trump’s county campaign chairs in New Hampshire lost his job as a police officer after threatening to kill his colleagues in a shooting spree, murder the department chief and rape the chief’s wife in retaliation for his suspension over his relationship with a high school girl, according to a newly released report from an internal affairs investigation.

I hope he can still take her to the prom!

Stone has remained in Trump’s camp since. Trump named him one of his 14 New Hampshire county and city chairs last June and praised him from the stage during a rally in Claremont five months later.

Only the best people!


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Brilliant story from the UK this morning of an MP embezzling campaign funds to pay off ‘some bad people’.

Story goes: MP meets man on dating app, goes to man’s flat for a party. MP meets second man at party, moves on to his flat. MP is seen coming a mile off by man’s flat mates, who accuse him of throwing up all over the place and hold him captive until he pays them £6.5k for the ‘damage’. MP doesn’t have the money, and decides that getting his campaign manager to steal it from the office would be a much better solution than calling the police. Genius.


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1 hour ago, jakee said:

Brilliant story from the UK this morning of an MP embezzling campaign funds to pay off ‘some bad people’.

Story goes: MP meets man on dating app, goes to man’s flat for a party. MP meets second man at party, moves on to his flat. MP is seen coming a mile off by man’s flat mates, who accuse him of throwing up all over the place and hold him captive until he pays them £6.5k for the ‘damage’. MP doesn’t have the money, and decides that getting his campaign manager to steal it from the office would be a much better solution than calling the police. Genius.


I heard this on the radio.

"Escape Captors?!" though? That has a ring of "the dog ate my homework" about it.

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2 minutes ago, jakee said:

Which ones would be left?

I was recently astonished to find this on her Wikipedia page:

She graduated from South Forsyth High School in Cumming, Georgia in 1992, and the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Business Administration in 1996.


I think she has a case for demanding her money back from U of G, since she obviously learned nothing.

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3 minutes ago, ryoder said:

She graduated from South Forsyth High School in Cumming, Georgia in 1992, and the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Business Administration  . . . .

Starting to think this is code for "we had to give this person SOMETHING and with a BBA/MBA no one will ever check . . . ."

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AZ State Rep Austin Smith collected signatures to get on the ballot to run for Congress. Just one problem...

MTN: GOP Rep Drops Out of Race After Claim He Forged Signatures

The complaint alleged that 9 full pages of signatures all appeared to be written by the same person and the handwriting appeared to match that of Smith himself. Under Arizona law, anyone caught forging signatures on ballot petitions are not eligible to run again for five years.

Smith works as a Senior Director for Charlie Kirk's Turning Point USA organization. Kirk frequently and falsely claims that Democratic candidates win using forged signatures on mail-in ballots, despite the fact that Republicans continue getting caught doing it.

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16 minutes ago, ryoder said:

I was recently astonished to find this on her Wikipedia page:

She graduated from South Forsyth High School in Cumming, Georgia in 1992, and the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Business Administration in 1996.


I think she has a case for demanding her money back from U of G, since she obviously learned nothing.

Those space lasers though? She's clearly an expert on the use and deployment of those......

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13 minutes ago, ryoder said:

Under Arizona law, anyone caught forging signatures on ballot petitions are not eligible to run again for five years.

Does that mean he can’t be a state rep anymore either?

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2 hours ago, ryoder said:

Bwahaha! In HR 8035, look at #70 (Moskowitz):

Renaming 403 Cannon House Office Building the “Neville Chamberlain Room”

That is MTG's office.

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2 hours ago, ryoder said:

Bwahaha! In HR 8035, look at #70 (Moskowitz):

Renaming 403 Cannon House Office Building the “Neville Chamberlain Room”

That is MTG's office.

Well both MTG and trump have decided that protecting Christianity is more important than world peace or protecting US interests. "The Ukrainian government is attacking Christians; the Ukrainian government is executing priests. Russia is not doing that; they're not attacking Christianity. As a matter of fact, they seem to be protecting it."

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1 minute ago, Phil1111 said:

Is she just an idiot or on the payroll?

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George Santos look-alike.


David McCormick’s origin story goes something like this: He grew up in rural Pennsylvania, southwest of Scranton. He baled hay, trimmed Christmas trees and otherwise worked on his family’s farm. And from those humble beginnings, he rose to achieve the American dream.

“I spent most of my life in Pennsylvania, growing up in Bloomsburg on my family’s farm,” Mr. McCormick, now a Republican candidate for Senate, told Pittsburgh Quarterly in 2022.

“I’ve truly lived the American dream,” he wrote in a fund-raising appeal in October. “My life’s journey — from growing up on a farm in Bloomsburg, to graduating from West Point and serving in the 82nd Airborne Division, growing a business in Pittsburgh, and serving at the highest levels of government — reflects that.”

“I grew up on a family farm from the time I was a kid,” he said at the Pennsylvania farm show in January.

But interviews in Mr. McCormick’s hometown, as well as a review of public records, news coverage from his childhood and his own words, suggest that he has given a misleading impression about key aspects of his background.

He has explicitly said and strongly implied that he grew up on a farm, claimed in 2022 that he had “started with nothing” and that he “didn’t have anything,” and he and his campaign have recently described his parents as schoolteachers.

In fact, Mr. McCormick is the son of a well-regarded college president who later became chancellor of higher education systems in Pennsylvania and Minnesota. He largely grew up in the president’s sprawling hilltop residence, which students called the president’s mansion, at what is now Bloomsburg University.


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4 hours ago, kallend said:

Like Santos, trump, MTG, etc. facts amount to nothing. Santos was run out because the had actual criminal charges. But when climate change deniers, theocratic government lovers, etc. are the base. As long as McCormick peddles the goods "exaggerated resumes" are a part of the process for GOP carnival barkers.

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