
Florida cops with KKK membership

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***Imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth if these cops were black and belonged to the New Black Panther party. Rush, Sean, and Mark would be outraged.


The outrage! :o

But its probably completely appropriate for the NBPP to harass voters, just in case they wanted to vote for 'someone else'


Are you trying to draw an equivalency between what a couple of blacks did at a polling station on a single occasion, and the historical racism of southern police departments?

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*********After all, white men with badges and guns are much less scary than black men with berets and billy clubs

Wendy P.


How wonderfully racist of you.:)
Because we all know that southern whites have to worry daily about being confronted by Black Panthers, and blacks would never dream about having to instruct their teen age children, on exactly how to conduct themselves during a traffic stop to avoid being shot by the police.

But hey, keep milking that Black Panther incident for all it's worth.

Well you have to give it to the men with badges... they have upped their game in recent years to other minorities as well as whites.
The new militarized police are so afraid of everyone... they fear for their lives so they shoot first and claim they stood their ground because of their fear of all those perceived evil doers out there who twitched the wrong way..

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*********After all, white men with badges and guns are much less scary than black men with berets and billy clubs

Wendy P.


How wonderfully racist of you.:)
Because we all know that southern whites have to worry daily about being confronted by Black Panthers, and blacks would never dream about having to instruct their teen age children, on exactly how to conduct themselves during a traffic stop to avoid being shot by the police.

But hey, keep milking that Black Panther incident for all it's worth.

I'm not. I'm commenting on your blatant racism.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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************After all, white men with badges and guns are much less scary than black men with berets and billy clubs

Wendy P.


How wonderfully racist of you.:)
Because we all know that southern whites have to worry daily about being confronted by Black Panthers, and blacks would never dream about having to instruct their teen age children, on exactly how to conduct themselves during a traffic stop to avoid being shot by the police.

But hey, keep milking that Black Panther incident for all it's worth.

I'm not. I'm commenting on your blatant racism.

You just did:P

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***************After all, white men with badges and guns are much less scary than black men with berets and billy clubs

Wendy P.


How wonderfully racist of you.:)
Because we all know that southern whites have to worry daily about being confronted by Black Panthers, and blacks would never dream about having to instruct their teen age children, on exactly how to conduct themselves during a traffic stop to avoid being shot by the police.

But hey, keep milking that Black Panther incident for all it's worth.

I'm not. I'm commenting on your blatant racism.

You just did:P

Did I?

I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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************I think I know who Rush is, the radio idiot, but who are the other two?

Probably Sean Hannity and Mark Levin, all three are respected conservative commentators. Now who represents the liberal side on national radio? Oh that's right, no one. Because liberals have no radio audience.



Yes, the government sponsored radio has liberal commentators. I thought of that after I made the post. Those other three are free market capitalists that have to earn their way.

Let's not forget Glenn Beck the ultimate free market Libertarian news topic commentator and charity provider. He walked away from the networks and started his own. I am a charter subscriber.

Personally, I don't watch or listen to any of them. They all have their own agendas and they spin everything to suit themselves and too narcissistic. Just my opinion.


Everyone has an agenda. Some just get paid more for expressing and selling it. However, as I become more adjusted to mountain living I find less need to check the news.

I like Glenn Beck because he prays during his news commentary.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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***************I think I know who Rush is, the radio idiot, but who are the other two?

Probably Sean Hannity and Mark Levin, all three are respected conservative commentators. Now who represents the liberal side on national radio? Oh that's right, no one. Because liberals have no radio audience.



Yes, the government sponsored radio has liberal commentators. I thought of that after I made the post. Those other three are free market capitalists that have to earn their way.

Let's not forget Glenn Beck the ultimate free market Libertarian news topic commentator and charity provider. He walked away from the networks and started his own. I am a charter subscriber.

Personally, I don't watch or listen to any of them. They all have their own agendas and they spin everything to suit themselves and too narcissistic. Just my opinion.


Everyone has an agenda. Some just get paid more for expressing and selling it. However, as I become more adjusted to mountain living I find less need to check the news.

I like Glenn Beck because he prays during his news commentary.

Everyone having an agenda, I guess is what makes the world go 'round.


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Everyone having an agenda, I guess is what makes the world go 'round.


That and fat bottom women, so the song says. ;)
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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*********I think I know who Rush is, the radio idiot, but who are the other two?

Probably Sean Hannity and Mark Levin, all three are respected conservative commentators. Now who represents the liberal side on national radio? Oh that's right, no one. Because liberals have no radio audience.

Radio's an outdated format that lost it's relevance years ago.

Now TV, that's where it's at. Remind me, who keeps complaining that the TV media corporations are all overwhelmingly liberal? I'm pretty sure one of them is you. So conservatives have no TV audience.


TV media only get's used from 600-730 (when people are eating breakfast) and 1930-2100 (when people are vegging out).

Radio owns the rest.

I listen to conservative talk radio because IT'S ENTERTAINING. If I find a liberal talk radio host WHO ENTERTAINS ME instead of whining for three hours I'll give them a try.

Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I like Glenn Beck because he prays during his news commentary.

ANY radio show that degrades to on line prayer I have an easy answer - I switch stations. I may come back, or I may not.

I also do the same if someone gets fanatical and insulting,
I do the same if a commercial has little children voices trying to be cute
I do the same if someone starts singing, or if a commercial has a dorky repeating singing content

again, if I was an advertiser, I know for sure I'd request to be played BEFORE any of this annoying crap - the last thing I want is spend my advertising dollar for a slot located when people are switching away

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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***I like Glenn Beck because he prays during his news commentary.

ANY radio show that degrades to on line prayer I have an easy answer - I switch stations. I may come back, or I may not.

I also do the same if someone gets fanatical and insulting,
I do the same if a commercial has little children voices trying to be cute
I do the same if someone starts singing, or if a commercial has a dorky repeating singing content

again, if I was an advertiser, I know for sure I'd request to be played BEFORE any of this annoying crap - the last thing I want is spend my advertising dollar for a slot located when people are switching away

Blaze TV is a subscriber service. Trust me, his advertisers are all quite satisfied.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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************After all, white men with badges and guns are much less scary than black men with berets and billy clubs

Wendy P.


How wonderfully racist of you.:)
Because we all know that southern whites have to worry daily about being confronted by Black Panthers, and blacks would never dream about having to instruct their teen age children, on exactly how to conduct themselves during a traffic stop to avoid being shot by the police.

But hey, keep milking that Black Panther incident for all it's worth.

Well you have to give it to the men with badges... they have upped their game in recent years to other minorities as well as whites.
The new militarized police are so afraid of everyone... they fear for their lives so they shoot first and claim they stood their ground because of their fear of all those perceived evil doers out there who twitched the wrong way..

A mighty broad paint brush from someone that quite likely does not have a whole lot of experience with critical situations. I feel a bit defensive of this issue with 36 years of service.

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I like Glenn Beck because he prays during his news commentary.

News Commentary?

Having listened and watched the that entertainer's "performances" on a few occasions, I am astounded that anyone could view his crap as anything other than over the top satire. There is little to no basis in reality for his ranting. It is some funny shit, a few beers in. When sober, it is very scary that his crap is perceived by anyone as having to have anything to do with reality.

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I like Glenn Beck because he prays during his news commentary.

News Commentary?

Having listened and watched the that entertainer's "performances" on a few occasions, I am astounded that anyone could view his crap as anything other than over the top satire. There is little to no basis in reality for his ranting. It is some funny shit, a few beers in. When sober, it is very scary that his crap is perceived by anyone as having to have anything to do with my reality.

Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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