
"Trail Life" - The Anti-gay alternative to Boy Scouts

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I am aware of the history of it, but one would think no one would use it after that little misunderstanding in the mid-20th century.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I am aware of the history of it, but one would think no one would use it after that little misunderstanding in the mid-20th century.

Well, I've seen it be used quite a bit by those white power folks in Idaho and similar even now.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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***I am aware of the history of it, but one would think no one would use it after that little misunderstanding in the mid-20th century.

Well, I've seen it be used quite a bit by those white power folks in Idaho and similar even now.

Yup.. they identify as good Christians too... Christian Identity is such a catchy name for those who exhibit none of the actual things that Christ taught.

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fas·cism noun \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

Dude, they're literally wearing brown shirts.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I'm a single parent, and I knew he would be surrounded by men of good strong character," Glaspell said in an interview. "And I knew they could provide him with the example and encouragement he's going to need as a young boy."

As a rule, a much larger percentage of men with "good strong character" who enjoy the company of young boys are up to no good.

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Doesn't look like they're saluting as much as taking an oath. Much like before testifying in a court or assuming an elected office.

I do like the theory that you must hate everyon you don't agree with though. :S

That is an interesting projection.

I am pretty sure that the anti gay bund members have some well entrenched emotions regarding anyone who is shown to be hatable in their world.

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Doesn't look like they're saluting as much as taking an oath. Much like before testifying in a court or assuming an elected office.

I do like the theory that you must hate everyon you don't agree with though. :S

Well, this is very interesting!
When I started this thread, that link had a photo clearly giving the Bellamy salute (aka the Nazi salute).
But now, the photo has been replaced by one showing them using the the arm position commonly used for taking an oath!

ETA: I just found this story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2014/03/04/ap-removes-misleading-trail-life-usa-photo-from-its-archives/
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Be that as it may, let's be clear, they're still fascists.


They've gone so far as to make a blatant statement in their "membership standards."

If they really were about promoting the philosophy of Christ, they wouldn't need to make those statements at all.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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***Doesn't look like they're saluting as much as taking an oath. Much like before testifying in a court or assuming an elected office.

I do like the theory that you must hate everyon you don't agree with though. :S

Well, this is very interesting!
When I started this thread, that link had a photo clearly giving the Bellamy salute (aka the Nazi salute).
But now, the photo has been replaced by one showing them using the the arm position commonly used for taking an oath!

ETA: I just found this story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2014/03/04/ap-removes-misleading-trail-life-usa-photo-from-its-archives/

I'm dismayed that the AP wimped out and allowed themselves to be intimidated. A sad day for journalism.

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Be that as it may, let's be clear, they're still fascists.

They're not fascists. Your insistence on saying that implies you don't know what fascism is.

They are homophobes and misguided Conservatives. They are not fascists.

This whole thing is a large cup of who-the-fuck-cares.

- Dan G

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Your inability to understand the word doesn't have a precise definition is . . . uninformed.

Don't you regularly criticize other posters for making up their own definitions?

Get real. Nothing about them is fascist. Not even close. Using that word makes you look silly.

- Dan G

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Your inability to understand the word doesn't have a precise definition is . . . uninformed.

Don't you regularly criticize other posters for making up their own definitions?

Get real. Nothing about them is fascist. Not even close. Using that word makes you look silly.

1. Right Wing: Fascists are fervently against: Marxism, Socialism, Anarchism, Communism, Environmentalism; etc – in essence, they are against the progressive left in total, including moderate lefts (social democrats, etc). Fascism is an extreme right wing ideology, though it can be opportunistic.
2. Nationalism: Fascism places a very strong emphasis on patriotism and nationalism. Criticism of the nation's main ideals, especially war, is lambasted as unpatriotic at best, and treason at worst. State propaganda consistently broadcasts threats of attack, while justifying pre-emptive war. Fascism invariably seeks to instill in its people the warrior mentality: to always be vigilant, wary of strangers and suspicious of foreigners.
3. Hierarchy: Fascist society is ruled by a righteous leader, who is supported by an elite secret vanguard of capitalists. Hierarchy is prevalent throughout all aspects of society – every street, every workplace, every school, will have its local Hitler, part police-informer, part bureaucrat – and society is prepared for war at all times. The absolute power of the social hierarchy prevails over everything, and thus a totalitarian society is formed. Representative government is acceptable only if it can be controlled and regulated, direct democracy (e.g. Communism) is the greatest of all crimes. Any who oppose the social hierarchy of fascism will be imprisoned or executed.
4. Anti-equality: Fascism loathes the principles of economic equality and disdains equality between immigrant and citizen. Some forms of fascism extend the fight against equality into other areas: gender, sexual, minority or religious rights, for example.
5. Religious: Fascism contains a strong amount of reactionary religious beliefs, harking back to times when religion was strict, potent, and pure. Nearly all Fascist societies are Christian, and are supported by Catholic and Protestant churches
6. Capitalist: Fascism does not require revolution to exist in capitalist society: fascists can be elected into office (though their disdain for elections usually means manipulation of the electoral system). They view parliamentary and congressional systems of government to be inefficient and weak, and will do their best to minimize its power over their policy agenda. Fascism exhibits the worst kind of capitalism where corporate power is absolute, and all vestiges of workers' rights are destroyed.
7. War: Fascism is capitalism at the stage of impotent imperialism. War can create markets that would not otherwise exist by wreaking massive devastation on a society, which then requires reconstruction! Fascism can thus "liberate" the survivors, provide huge loans to that society so fascist corporations can begin the process of rebuilding.
Voluntarist Ideology: Fascism adopts a certain kind of “voluntarism;” they believe that an act of will, if sufficiently powerful, can make something true. Thus all sorts of ideas about racial inferiority, historical destiny, even physical science, are supported by means of violence, in the belief that they can be made true. It is this sense that Fascism is subjectivist.
8. Anti-Modern: Fascism loathes all kinds of modernism, especially creativity in the arts, whether acting as a mirror for life (where it does not conform to the Fascist ideal), or expressing deviant or innovative points of view. Fascism invariably burns books and victimises artists; artists who do not promote the fascists ideals are seen as “decadent.” Fascism is hostile to broad learning and interest in other cultures, since such pursuits threaten the dominance of fascist myths. The peddling of conspiracy theories is usually substituted for the objective study of history.[37]"

I'd say a fair few of those apply.
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>Be that as it may, let's be clear, they're still fascists.

If your definition of "fascism" is "a word used to describe things I don't like" then yes, you could reasonably call them fascists. But I prefer Orwell's take on that approach:

Of all the unanswered questions of our time, perhaps the most important is: ‘What is Fascism?’ . . . Except for the relatively small number of Fascist sympathizers, almost any English person would accept ‘bully’ as a synonym for ‘Fascist’. That is about as near to a definition as this much-abused word has come.

But Fascism is also a political and economic system. Why, then, cannot we have a clear and generally accepted definition of it? Alas! we shall not get one — not yet, anyway. To say why would take too long, but basically it is because it is impossible to define Fascism satisfactorily without making admissions which neither the Fascists themselves, nor the Conservatives, nor Socialists of any color, are willing to make. All one can do for the moment is to use the word with a certain amount of circumspection and not, as is usually done, degrade it to the level of a swearword.

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I was unaware he was ever in charge of the O.E.D. My mistake.

That said, my definition is not simply as you've said, ""a word used to describe things I don't like." The blatant religious, political, discriminatory and, yes, bullying aspects are supported by the common usage of the word and accurate to describe the group in question.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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