
US womens' life expectancy

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******You make it sound as if there's some vast right-wing conspiracy. :S

Ummm - interesting correlation YOU noticed there, since I just suggested you draw your own conclusion. Thanks for pointing it out.;)

I don't live in a vacuum John. Perhaps if I had never read one of your postings like this before I might reach a different conclusion.

You drew your own conclusion about a correlation because it stares you in the face. You didn't need any prompting from me.

Stop weaseling.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You make it sound as if there's some vast right-wing conspiracy. It's as if people choices and behavior had nothing to do with it. :S

It would be hyperbole to describe it as a "vast right-wing conspiracy", but I suggest that cultural values play some role. In other economically developed countries, access to health care is considered to be a basic human right. Accordingly, they devote significant public resources to ensuring access for everybody. The US is pretty much alone in regarding timely* health care access as a commodity, similar to buying a wide-screen TV. (*In the US we do require hospitals to provide emergency care for life-threatening conditions, but that requires indigent people to delay treatment until a lot of damage has been done.) The fact that every medical procedure costs several times what the same procedure costs elsewhere ensures an almost insurmountable barrier for most people to pay out of pocket. Disparities in income, access to education, quality of education, etc are all larger in the US than elsewhere.

In a general sense, I suggest that other countries invest heavily in education and access to health care, regarding these as basic human rights, and they spend much less on the military. In the US, we prefer to spend resources on the military, and regard health care and (to some extent) education as commodities to be sold to the highest bidder. We could also discuss the role of the US prisonocracy in fostering certain very harmful social trends (such as absence of fathers) and the associated perpetuation of poverty in certain segments of society. To the extent that these US policies reflect right-wing policies, I suggest there is a role for right-wing values in explaining the disparity in life spans. It's not a "conspiracy", just a "by-product".

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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Why did you start this thread? Well that is a silly question. We know why you started it. You started it because you thought you could win some cheap political points. Of course people's health decline for more than just diet. But diet is the largest influencing factor and obesity in America is it's biggest health challenge. If you or anyone else want to dispute this, well you are just obtuse or intellectually dishonest. Since I do not think you are obtuse, it must be the other.

If the people in the Blue States are eating better than the Red State peeps then I certainly am NOT going to be criticizing the people in the Blue States. Maybe it's time the people in the Red States smartened up and started to eat better. But there are millions of obese people in the Blue States as well and many (not all) are Progressives. So obesity is everywhere, it effects both genders and it is the number one reason why Americans are not living as long as people in other nations.

However, let's also remember that the first of the Baby Boomers are beginning to retire and well also die off due to their poor health. You know the Baby Boom generation right? You should since you are one of the front end Boomers. The population explosion following the 2nd World War? Naturally when the Boomers begin to die off as they are now, this will influence any historical stats on death. What's going to happen in the future when Gen-X reach retirement age and begin to die off? Do you think the number of people dying will continue to go up like it will with the Boomers or will the number of people dying level off and then come down? Of course it will be down since there simply are not as many Gen-Xers as there are Boomers. But of course let's not let logic get in the way of partisan politics.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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high sodium/highly processed/low nutritive value food eating

Guess what causes obesity? ROFLMAO

What causes Obesity? Eating more calories than you burn... Plenty of poor Women work themselves into early graves, eating poor quality food. They can barely afford enough to eat, & die skinnier than you. Obesity doesn't have to have the slightest thing to do w/it.

All the poor Waifs & Wenches from pre-industrial western countries would stare w/envy @rich, obese people. They too, couldn't afford enough to eat, & died thin. I wonder if your great, great, grand father was among them, blaming it all on obesity :S?

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Maybe it's time the people in the Red States smartened up and started to eat better.

OK, in fairness, let's call it "the red Counties on the map", since that's what the map denotes. So yes, they need to smarten up and eat better - and devote more resources into education and public health, and to debunk the indoctrination that public investment in good public school education and good public health is somehow a Communist boogeyman.

And, for fuck's sake, to STOP SMOKING. It's common knowledge that rates of smoking among lesser-educated people in North America are orders of magnitude above rates of smoking among better-educated people. That's no accident.

And if it so happens that "health-map red counties" have the highest concentration in "political Red States", well, that correlation is not an ideological argument, it's a hard data point. Sorry, but sometimes the dots really do connect. We ignore or trivialize it at our own peril.

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What causes Obesity? Eating more calories than you burn.

It's more than just that. If you are not aware of how a diet high in sodium influences weight gain, then you need to seek out information as to why this happens. And it's not a gender issue. It effects both sexes.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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And, for fuck's sake, to STOP SMOKING.

Smoking is on the decline, but for sure there are many life long smokers who were never able to quit, who are getting up there in age and who either are or will begin to suffer failing health from their smoking. Also, while smoking effects both genders equally, at least when I was growing up in the 70s and 80s there appeared to be more females than males who smoked. So this is one aspect where I may be a little wrong in saying it is not an issue of gender. If more females than males still smoke, then naturally this will have an influence on the stats.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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high sodium/highly processed/low nutritive value food eating

Guess what causes obesity? ROFLMAO

Toilet Paper?:)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Toilet Paper? :)

Yes silly me, how could I have missed the obvious.

Only when the US implements it's "National Toilet Paper Registry" will Americans be able to sleep easy knowing that their government is there to protect them from all risks life may present. Once the "National Toilet Paper Registry" is in place, government will know in real time who is pooping too much and thus eating too much and then government can immediately intervene to save the guilty party from themselves. Thanks for helping me see the light Turtle. I can't wait for the day when government bureaucrats wipe my rear end. They are already screwing everyone up the rear end, why not clean up after themselves at the same time.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Still weaseling.

All I did was invite you to make your own correlations. You immediately went into defense mode from a correlation that you inferred and that I did not make.

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What causes Obesity? Eating more calories than you burn.

It's more than just that. If you are not aware of how a diet high in sodium influences weight gain, then you need to seek out information as to why this happens. And it's not a gender issue. It effects both sexes.

You want to lecture a Nurse on basic nutrition?? Clearly, you're being argumentative for its own sake. You're wrong. Don't want to admit it? Fine w/me, & I'm sure most others, here.

Carry on...

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Wrong? Wrong about what? Wrong that America's biggest health challenges are because their poor diets which results in your Obesity epidemic? Or wrong that a diet high in sodium helps promote weight gain? Because neither of these facts are wrong. What am I wrong about?

Of course weight gain is caused by numerous factors, not just high sodium intake (yes calories taken in versus burned are the biggest factor, no argument there). And of course diets high in sodium have much more dire health risks than just water retention. But what sort of nurse is not aware that a diet high in sodium promotes weight gain?

I'll give you the last word, just to show I am not one of those who always has to get the last word in. If not poor diets which result in obesity (in both genders in every US state) is NOT the reason why Americans are not living as long as they should and are not living as long as people in other nations, what is the problem? It can't be healthcare? Canada's public single payer healthcare system is a joke. It is rifle with bureaucratic waste. Just the other day two people were released from some Winnipeg hospitals on separate incidents because the hospitals said they were healthy enough to be at home and in both cases these people died before they could actually get to their front door steps. This is certainly not the single payer system America should be trying to emulate. So what it is? Why are so many Americans unhealthy? What am I wrong about? Your word ...

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Why the fuck do you people argue when there is data available that you could look at to see what is the answer.

I drew you two graphs, life expectancy (by gender) vs. Obesity, Drinking & Smoking and life expectancy vs. voting (in 2012 presidential elections). Left hand side is years and right side is %.

Its pretty obvious that Obesity & smoking correlates better then who you voted in terms of your life expectancy.
Your rights end where my feelings begin.

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You're locked onto obesity as being the cause. I view it as a symptom. You say that obesity is killing all those people. I see plenty of thin people dying just as young.

IMHO, it's stress that's killing people so young. Stress from low wages, long hours at work, & a loss of hope. Less educated People make poor choices in food, smoking, substance abuse, & other life choice areas. Combine that w/the American Grinder, & people are dying younger. Obesity is only one aspect of that.

"But what sort of nurse is not aware that a diet high in sodium promotes weight gain?"

I never said that. You did. You're wrong in pinning all of the blame on obesity (or, is it edema?). It's clear to me, as I'm sure it is to others reading this. You go ahead, & continue your rant, though. I don't need the last word. I'm done w/this.

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You're wrong in pinning all of the blame on obesity

No you are confusing my position on the issue. I don't believe Obesity is causing all of the issues. I just happen to believe that the diet of tens (if not hundreds) of millions of Americans which is fueling the Obesity epidemic is the biggest problem with American's poor health. The last time I checked biggest != all.

Oh and Americans do not have a monopoly on stress, low wages, long hours and loss of hope. There are plenty of people around the globe who have these issues.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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In this chart, changes in womens' life expectancy is plotted for every county in the US. Red means its getting worse, blue means it's increasing, green is basically stagnant.


Fascinating to compare with another map of your choice.

Professor Kallend,

Now that the talking has gone on for the while, heres questions I didn't see anyone ask yet, what observations do you make and what conclusions do you draw from this map?


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***In this chart, changes in womens' life expectancy is plotted for every county in the US. Red means its getting worse, blue means it's increasing, green is basically stagnant.


Fascinating to compare with another map of your choice.

Professor Kallend,

Now that the talking has gone on for the while, heres questions I didn't see anyone ask yet, what observations do you make and what conclusions do you draw from this map?


I wondered why kallend was posting this topic. Then today I heard Rush Limbaugh discussing Hillary Clinton's declaration on how women in America are in severe distress and abuse. Guess what the premise is connected to. It is Anthropological Global Warming. Yep it all makes sense now. AGW is one on kallend's rabid subjects.

The thinking is this, as the earth warms up the economy suffers. The economic depression forces women into prostitution and other hazardous work. Therefore, AGW increase the mortality of women.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I wondered why kallend was posting this topic. Then today I heard Rush Limbaugh discussing Hillary Clinton's declaration on how women in America are in severe distress and abuse. Guess what the premise is connected to. It is Anthropological Global Warming. Yep it all makes sense now. AGW is one on kallend's rabid subjects.

The thinking is this, as the earth warms up the economy suffers. The economic depression forces women into prostitution and other hazardous work. Therefore, AGW increase the mortality of women.

Did Clinton actually say that, or was Limbaugh going off on a wild, ludicrous tangent?

- Dan G

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I wondered why kallend was posting this topic. Then today I heard Rush Limbaugh discussing Hillary Clinton's declaration on how women in America are in severe distress and abuse. Guess what the premise is connected to. It is Anthropological Global Warming. Yep it all makes sense now. AGW is one on kallend's rabid subjects.

The thinking is this, as the earth warms up the economy suffers. The economic depression forces women into prostitution and other hazardous work. Therefore, AGW increase the mortality of women.

Did Clinton actually say that, or was Limbaugh going off on a wild, ludicrous tangent?

Maybe Limbaugh's hitting the oxycodone again.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I wondered why kallend was posting this topic. Then today I heard Rush Limbaugh discussing Hillary Clinton's declaration on how women in America are in severe distress and abuse. Guess what the premise is connected to. It is Anthropological Global Warming. Yep it all makes sense now. AGW is one on kallend's rabid subjects.

The thinking is this, as the earth warms up the economy suffers. The economic depression forces women into prostitution and other hazardous work. Therefore, AGW increase the mortality of women.

Did Clinton actually say that, or was Limbaugh going off on a wild, ludicrous tangent?

Well as it turns out I did not listen well enough. Rush was tying two separate points together in one monologue.


R.L. 14 Jan 14: So back to our old friend here, the Independent Journal Review, a local newspaper. The Democratic party has found a new consequence of climate change and global warming. Are you ready? "Representative Barbara Lee and twelve other House Democrats issued a resolution stating that climate change can cause food and water shortages, which could lead impoverished women to turn to prostitution as a means of income." And so, global warming leads to prostitution because, to Democrats, women are so helpless, if the government's not there for 'em, particularly single women and single mothers, if the government isn't there for them, they are so helpless, that if it gets so hot, their only option is to sell themselves. And that is a resolution from 13 members of Congress.

The resolution states, "[I]nsecure women with limited socioeconomic resources may be vulnerable to situations such as sex work, transactional sex, and early marriage that put them at risk for HIV, STIs, unplanned pregnancy, and poor reproductive health. More broadly, the resolution says climate change will hurt 'marginalized' women, such as refugees --" We gotta let a female refugees in America. You may not know that. "-- sexual minorities, adolescent girls, and women and girls with HIV. It also cites Hurricane Katrina as evidence of how climate change can affect women, noting that the storm displaced 'over 83 percent of low-income, single mothers' in the region," who I guess moved to Houston and became prostitutes. According to Barbara Lee, what does displaced mean? Hurricane Katrina's in New Orleans. Everybody knows that New Orleans camped up and moved over to Houston, and according to Barbara Lee, the women that moved became prostitutes 'cause they were displaced and had no socioeconomic foundation.

"The purpose of the resolution was to call on Congress and the President to 'recognize the effects on women, and to use "gender-specific frameworks in developing policies to address climate change."'" Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is out there saying that women are hanging by a thread. Hillary Clinton is saying it's almost over for women unless drastic action is taken, in the midst of our entire culture becoming chickified. Hillary Clinton is now saying that it's almost over for women, that they're so mistreated, they are such second-class citizens in our culture today, that they are used and abused and so poorly thought of that unless drastic action is taken at the government level, women, as we've come to know them, are going to be forever and unalterably discriminated against and changed. This is Hillary Clinton.

What an absolute mess these people make of things. Every day, folks, it's like diving through a Dumpster trying to get out, and they just keep throwing more garbage on us. And we're swimming up there and we're almost out of the Dumpster, we're almost out of the filth and the garbage and they come dump on us again, every day, folks.

But, I wasn't too far off.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Well as it turns out I did not listen well enough. Rush was tying two separate points together in one monologue.

That's understandable since when he speaks it sounds like he's trying to hack up a socialist ham sandwich.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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I wondered why kallend was posting this topic. Then today I heard Rush Limbaugh discussing Hillary Clinton's declaration on how women in America are in severe distress and abuse. Guess what the premise is connected to. It is Anthropological Global Warming. Yep it all makes sense now. AGW is one on kallend's rabid subjects.

The thinking is this, as the earth warms up the economy suffers. The economic depression forces women into prostitution and other hazardous work. Therefore, AGW increase the mortality of women.

Did Clinton actually say that, or was Limbaugh going off on a wild, ludicrous tangent?

Maybe Limbaugh's hitting the oxycodone again.


***In this chart, changes in womens' life expectancy is plotted for every county in the US. Red means its getting worse, blue means it's increasing, green is basically stagnant.cdn.theatlantic.com/newsroom/img/posts/2014/01/FemaleMortalityRatesMapLG/99fd20794.jpgFascinating to compare with another map of your choice.

Professor Kallend,Now that the talking has gone on for the while, heres questions I didn't see anyone ask yet, what observations do you make and what conclusions do you draw from this map?


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