
Why Fat Liberal Women Shame Thin Women

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http://lastresistance.com/3407/fat-liberal-women-shame-thin-women/“'Fat-shaming' is a liberal term for the 'hateful' act of being openly proud of one’s fitness. It’s the same approach liberals take toward rich people: we can’t all be rich (fit), so let’s make rich (fit) people feel bad about their wealthy (healthy) lifestyles."
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Ironically the people that bitched about that picture probably would have applauded the same woman if she was topless and breast-feeding two of the kids whilst flexing... :D

I wish had more free time to be "outraged" but I'm too busy doing something with my life. :P

NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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***...liberal term...

Fairly certain the author doesn't know the meaning of the word liberal but is simply using it to be divisive.

and fairly certain he hasn't looked at the obesity rates of 'liberal' and 'not liberal' states. She's more likely to offend women in the South than in California.

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I went to a state farm/ fair show this year and quite frankly, sheep, llamas, cows, cows, and even chickens looked better than some of the women, and men, walking around....

It's amazing how ugly people look when they are overweight, no matter their political persuasion.

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***...liberal term...

Fairly certain the author doesn't know the meaning of the word liberal but is simply using it to be divisive.

Walmart, and what a great place to gauge the local female human inhabitants.
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Lets see...sexy Megyn Kelly or a lesbian with man-hair.
Yeah I'll choose Megyn every day and twice on sunday too.

Dude, your odds of having sex with either are exactly the same.

If all your doing while watching news is fantasizing about sex, you're probably doing it wrong.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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That article and the topic it was about are both completely asinine. Quote: Kang, 32-year-old mother of three, posted a picture of her sports-bra- and -bottom-clad body onto her Facebook pages, surrounded by her 8-month-, 2-year-, and 3-year-old kids, along with the caption, “What’s Your Excuse?”
It's the fact she got a lot of hate mail over this picture and statement. Face it, we have an overweight problem in this country. Maybe her "challenge" might just put one unhealthy, fat lady on the road to "recovery". Nothing wrong with that.
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***Lets see...sexy Megyn Kelly or a lesbian with man-hair.
Yeah I'll choose Megyn every day and twice on sunday too.

Dude, your odds of having sex with either are exactly the same.

If all your doing while watching news is fantasizing about sex, you're probably doing it wrong.
Who said anything about having sex with either of them?
I just said I'd rather watch megyn kelly report biased journalism over some other chick with man-hair reporting equally but opposite { like significantly more} biased journalism.

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http://lastresistance.com/3407/fat-liberal-women-shame-thin-women/“'Fat-shaming' is a liberal term for the 'hateful' act of being openly proud of one’s fitness. It’s the same approach liberals take toward rich people: we can’t all be rich (fit), so let’s make rich (fit) people feel bad about their wealthy (healthy) lifestyles."

Thats the most stupid thing I've read in SC for a long time (and thats saying something!) and its so stupid on so many levels too.

Well done :)
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I don't get how the words liberal/conservative even got brought up into this article. I'm pretty sure there is a mix of liberal and conservative overweight women who saw the picture and got irked, and equally, a mix that probably didn't give a shit. Don't see how its a lib vs. cons thing, or am I missing something?
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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Don't see how its a lib vs. cons thing, or am I missing something?

Nope. But there's a sub-species of morons that frequent SC-type sites and blogs, who generally can barely string two sensible sentences together, and just barf the word "liberal" out, in any context. I think the Brits refer to it as "wanking".

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Interesting. I'm both liberal and a woman, and I've never heard this term. The concept, yes -- but it does cross political boundaries. Kind of like the "Albert Einstein won a Nobel prize -- why can't you?" or "Oprah Winfrey started out poor, if you're not rich it's your own fault" :|

Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I can only imagine your outrage on the topic of overwieght Islamic women.

Noo. Let's be fair. You have to include white women too. Who says I have an outrage on this topic? You? Assumptions.
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