
Will there be a second civil war in the USA?

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No. People here can't even be bothered to vote, much less take up arms and risk their lives and the lives of their families. They are excellent at bitching, though.

That sounds like the most compelling argument yet Bill. yet almost half the people who have voted so far believe that a civil war is on the way. I wonder why?
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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***No. People here can't even be bothered to vote, much less take up arms and risk their lives and the lives of their families. They are excellent at bitching, though.

That sounds like the most compelling argument yet Bill. yet almost half the people who have voted so far believe that a civil war is on the way. I wonder why?

It's the same reason some people loved the idea of truckers or bikers taking over Washington DC, but really had zero chance of actually happening. Because their Charlie-Sheen-like sense of "winning" is strong, yet deep down inside they've done some pretty simple calculus about life. While some nutballs might think it's a good idea to overthrow the government, most reasonable people end up realizing the deal we have is still pretty sweet compared to the death of themselves or children.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Finding a place to make a stand is not running away.

In a culture and economic war, where the front lines are where the people are, running away to a relatively secluded place you call "a place to make a stand" is not making a stand; it's still running away.

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There's been a financial war. The rich, and wall street dogs, have taken the wealth of the nation via their ponzi schemes. Middle class is shrinking. True, money is the greatest weapon as it wields tremendous power. For instance: having to pay $250,000 that only the rich can afford for a report that will lead to sure bets in the market that the average Joe doesn't have access to, is one example. Rich get richer.

We are seeing the rich battling it out for campaign finance laws that allow further demise of the middle class. It's all about money and power. The public has little as they are not organized enough. Corporations (stock firms) rule.

Now you want handouts in the form of $250.000 reports.
Why doesn’t average Joe just take a bit of personal responsibility? Or the middle class for that matter?

You do realize that in order to break the rule of the corporations you have implement some form of socialist legislature? What you are describing is simply the consequence of unbridled capitalism. How does your head not explode at the cognitive dissonance?

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You do realize that in order to break the rule of the corporations you have implement some form of socialist legislature? What you are describing is simply the consequence of unbridled capitalism. How does your head not explode at the cognitive dissonance?

Well, no actually, you don't.

To break the rule of the corporations, you remove the rules and regulations that are designed to give them an advantage and not let the little man break through.

If you want to take the big man's money, you take his customers away.

So tell me why in 2010, GE earned $14 Billion in profits and paid no taxes (actually got government hand outs) while small businesses in the U.S. paid the highest tax rates in the world?

And how is the little man supposed to compete under those circumstances?
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
Life, the Universe, and Everything

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Finding a place to make a stand is not running away.

In a culture and economic war, where the front lines are where the people are, running away to a relatively secluded place you call "a place to make a stand" is not making a stand; it's still running away.

Yeah, you just keep believing that. Last week there was a gun fight with two shot within one mile of our old residence. It is just going to get worse. There have been several home invasions in the area. Gang graffiti is seen everywhere.

Look at the violence in Bradenton and south St Pete. All you guys want to do is take our ability to defend ourselves away from us.

Your buddies, maybe even you, are trying to get a life sentence overturned for a black kid who murdered a St Pete cop. Ah, the poor kid was only 17 when he shot the officer. He shouldn't have to spend his life in prison for a youthful indiscretion.

You want to tell me more about lacking the spirit to stay in your world?
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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>Finding a place to make a stand is not running away.

Lotta people decided to "make a stand" in Canada when the draft for the Vietnam War was in full swing.

Yes, they are called draft dodgers. Do they have reunions? If so, what do they talk about?
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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What color was the cop?

Why? Would his color make his family miss him any less?
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
Life, the Universe, and Everything

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***What color was the cop?

Why? Would his color make his family miss him any less?

No, but it sure affects the left and its media narrative
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Well, no actually, you don't.

To break the rule of the corporations, you remove the rules and regulations that are designed to give them an advantage and not let the little man break through.

If you want to take the big man's money, you take his customers away.

So tell me why in 2010, GE earned $14 Billion in profits and paid no taxes (actually got government hand outs) while small businesses in the U.S. paid the highest tax rates in the world?

And how is the little man supposed to compete under those circumstances?

I agree with you that corporations use their power(money) for their own purposes. It is wrong however that GE paid no taxes http://www.factcheck.org/2012/04/warren-ge-pays-no-taxes/

More fairness in this aspect is definitely needed though. One needs to control lobbying and the influence of money on politics. i.e. Restricting capitalism.

Further, how do you think the little man is going to compete with a company like GE? Or any industry that requires millions of $ in investment and R+D?
Large companies are needed for our comfortable affordable lifestyle.
Don't forget they are the job creators... One reason for the large subsidies.

Corporations will always exploit their power in order to achieve an advantage. Legislature has to passed to contain that power... which is according to the definition of a lot of people on this forum socialism...

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Ron tells us the killer was black - but makes no mention of the color of the cop. Thought he might enlighten us.

He was white.

Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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No unless things get way worst.

People are fat lazy and bitch a lot, but keep in mind there bitching when there sitting there fat lazy ass home on there computer, drinking a beer.

Until people are actually feeling strain there will not be any movement just talk.

I think that's a good thing by the way.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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***>Finding a place to make a stand is not running away.

Lotta people decided to "make a stand" in Canada when the draft for the Vietnam War was in full swing.

Yes, they are called draft dodgers. Do they have reunions? If so, what do they talk about?

When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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You do realize that in order to break the rule of the corporations you have implement some form of socialist legislature? What you are describing is simply the consequence of unbridled capitalism. How does your head not explode at the cognitive dissonance?

Well, no actually, you don't.

To break the rule of the corporations, you remove the rules and regulations that are designed to give them an advantage and not let the little man break through.

If you want to take the big man's money, you take his customers away.

So tell me why in 2010, GE earned $14 Billion in profits and paid no taxes (actually got government hand outs) while small businesses in the U.S. paid the highest tax rates in the world?

And how is the little man supposed to compete under those circumstances?

Yep, wall street stifles free enterprise. They don't want small business competitors. They want everyone slogging at the corporation working in cubes or as greeters at the door. Let face it: once supply of goods is consolidated via the stock public firms, there's little hope for any supply via the mom and pop, and mom and pop were responsible for much employment.

Goodbye free enterprise, enslaved by wall street operatives.

Even crop seeds are under attack to be taken for corporate greed to control food production. Soon, the small farmer won't be allowed to use his one seed, but must buy from the corp.

11 million illegal immigrants were referred to as potential "customers" in the WP today for the prison industry, owned by stock firms, looking to make a profit on incarcerating people for no good reason. The more cells they fill the more money they get from the Federal Gov't and the more profit they make and the more stock they can sell. SCAM.

The wall street corporation systems is failing America evidenced by: law makers owned by corporate lobbies.

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***>Finding a place to make a stand is not running away.

Lotta people decided to "make a stand" in Canada when the draft for the Vietnam War was in full swing.

Yes, they are called draft dodgers. Do they have reunions? If so, what do they talk about?
Brilliant. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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>To break the rule of the corporations, you remove the rules and regulations that are
>designed to give them an advantage and not let the little man break through.

Right. Standard Oil was a great example of how fewer regulations let the little man "break through." And the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory - a good example of how all those pesky regulations just hurt the little man. And of course Enron was a great example of how less oversight makes corporations honest and transparent.

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***>Finding a place to make a stand is not running away.

Lotta people decided to "make a stand" in Canada when the draft for the Vietnam War was in full swing.

Yes, they are called draft dodgers. Do they have reunions? If so, what do they talk about?

Draft dodgers like Dan Quayle and Geo W Bush, who cowered in the National Guard while John Kerry dodged real bullets in real combat? Well, we already know what they chose to talk about. Yep, quite a stand they took, hiding from combat without risk of prosecution. At least Clinton openly admitted that Nixon's military could kiss his ass. God, I love that man.

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