
Will there be a second civil war in the USA?

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Well a lot of people have a lot of opinions regarding this subject. Do you think that there will be a second American Civil War? If so what do you think will start it?
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Well a lot of people have a lot of opinions regarding this subject. Do you think that there will be a second American Civil War? If so what do you think will start it?

No. Not in the foreseeable future.

Lots of "big talk" from some puffed up loonies, but nobody with a grey cell left in his head is going to trade the comforts we enjoy for death. Okay, so we may get a few "militias" here and there, but they'll be labeled as domestic terrorists and stopped pretty fugging quickly.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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It's all about money. Wall Street is too powerful to allow a civil war. The banks keep just enough money in circulation to avoid civil disobedience. Remember, if people don't have money then the rich can't get richer.... That's a fact. Look now, Miley Cyrus draws more attention than the gov't shut down. People don't care as they have enough money to buy gas, T shirts, dope, beer, rent money. When there's not enough money for beer, rent etc.. then all hell might break loose.

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There will likely be some kind of civil war in the near future. However, it is unlikely to be anything on the order of the 19th century disaster of 1861-1865. More likely to be suppressed by local police and agencies like FBI, ATF, DEA, etc...
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Well a lot of people have a lot of opinions regarding this subject. Do you think that there will be a second American Civil War? If so what do you think will start it?

Truth or pure bullshit? Obamacare has divided this country more than the Civil War.
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***Well a lot of people have a lot of opinions regarding this subject. Do you think that there will be a second American Civil War? If so what do you think will start it?

No. Not in the foreseeable future.

Lots of "big talk" from some puffed up loonies, but nobody with a grey cell left in his head is going to trade the comforts we enjoy for death. Okay, so we may get a few "militias" here and there, but they'll be labeled as domestic terrorists and stopped pretty fugging quickly.Could start in Texas http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/sheila-jackson-lee-suggests-martial-law-end-government-shutdown-sort/Quote: However, Lee's insistence that a Senate-approved resolution to fund the federal government be fast-tracked via "martial law" appears to conflict with Article I, Section 7, Clause I of the Constitution, which states, "All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives."
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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There won't be a civil war. I would describe it more as a "political upheaval".

Our current system is getting to be more and more broken by the day and is representing the average American less and less.

The problem is the average American is to ill informed now a days to know what the problem is or how to fix it because our "free press" doesn't do it's job anymore.

So ya, call it what ever they were doing in Greece...:S

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The problem is the average American is to ill informed now a days to know what the problem is or how to fix it because our "free press" doesn't do it's job anymore.

The explanation is simple: too much television.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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War DOES NOT have to be fought with guns and violence...it is also fought with ideas and political maneuvering etc etc. It's called a "culture war" and it's ALREADY going on. In fact it's been going on since 1968!

It's been going on in the present US since prior to 1776. The US Civil War from 1881-85 was, in part - a large part - a culture war.

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War DOES NOT have to be fought with guns and violence...it is also fought with ideas and political maneuvering etc etc. It's called a "culture war" and it's ALREADY going on. In fact it's been going on since 1968!

Yeah, because metaphor is the same thing as dying for a cause.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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War DOES NOT have to be fought with guns and violence...it is also fought with ideas and political maneuvering etc etc. It's called a "culture war" and it's ALREADY going on. In fact it's been going on since 1968!

There's been a financial war. The rich, and wall street dogs, have taken the wealth of the nation via their ponzi schemes. Middle class is shrinking. True, money is the greatest weapon as it wields tremendous power. For instance: having to pay $250,000 that only the rich can afford for a report that will lead to sure bets in the market that the average Joe doesn't have access to, is one example. Rich get richer.

We are seeing the rich battling it out for campaign finance laws that allow further demise of the middle class. It's all about money and power. The public has little as they are not organized enough. Corporations (stock firms) rule.

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Even the desperate have a say in the process of republican democracy. I signed up for 22 years to defend it that way...I'd like to see it stay that way.

Yes, but that was actually doing something as opposed to only doing something metaphorically.

The topic of this thread is about actually doing something; violence traded in defense of for a "way of life." I simply do not see that happening. To equate an actual civil war with TV talking heads yelling back and forth is silly. A "culture war" is not an actual war.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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War DOES NOT have to be fought with guns and violence...it is also fought with ideas and political maneuvering etc etc. It's called a "culture war" and it's ALREADY going on. In fact it's been going on since 1968!

Yes, in our lifetime it started in 1968. Our legislative leaders have the Hezekiah mindset. Which is to say, I'll sacrifice my children and grandchildren to slavery as long as I have peace in my time. No one seems to want to fight for the future. Well, about 51 or 52% don't want to fight.
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> No one seems to want to fight for the future. Well, about 51 or 52% don't want to fight.

And you (and a few like you) want to just run away. Fortunately it's a free country.

Finding a place to make a stand is not running away.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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