
Voting Rights Act Provision Struck Down by Top U.S. Court

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Bravo Sierra!

SCOTUS ruled the provisions of the act were antiquated and needed to be revised to meet current reality.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Your comments here would be funny it not for the fact that they indicated a sad lack of understanding of the ruling

And we are not a Democracy. The founders made sure of that

We are a respresentative republic
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Your comments here would be funny it not for the fact that they indicated a sad lack of understanding of the ruling

And we are not a Democracy. The founders made sure of that

We are a respresentative republic

So you disagree with: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy
and everybody else on earth as to what a democracy is...

That's fine though, you can redefine any word you want to fit your agenda.

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Bravo Sierra!

SCOTUS ruled the provisions of the act were antiquated and needed to be revised to meet current reality.

I'm glad racism, voter disenfranchising, and redistricting to fit an agenda are a thing of the past... Bravo Sierra, you see reality like no one else.

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1) since you have such a stern opinion on it - explain to us exactly what formula you would use.

2) did you just hap-hazardly scan the info and jump jump jump to a conclusion?

3) Do you even know what formula I speak of?

4) Do you have any clue as to what the formula was used for?

5) Did you even know that it was only the formula used in the Act that was determined to be unconstitutional because of the advances and progress we have today?

6) do you REALLY think that we are still living in the 1960's?

7) Did you just jump on the liberal bandwagon with your hackles up?

My guess -
1) Uhhhh - I have no clue!
2) Yes, Yes I did.
3) Formula? HUH?
4) No, No I didn't . . . But I might go do some research now.
5) No, but I might later after I read a bit and inform myself.
6) Umm, I dont even know what the 60's have to do with it.
7) Well, YES, yes I did.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Your comments here would be funny it not for the fact that they indicated a sad lack of understanding of the ruling

And we are not a Democracy. The founders made sure of that

We are a respresentative republic

So you disagree with: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy
and everybody else on earth as to what a democracy is...

That's fine though, you can redefine any word you want to fit your agenda.


If you knew anything about the government of this country you would know what a democratic republic is.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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If you knew anything about the government of this country you would know what a democratic republic is.

I fail to see how that has anything to do with my reply to rushmc... He claimed to US is not a democracy... The definition of democracy includes a respresentative republic... WOW (you said democratic republic, please stay with one word so everybody knows what you are talking about.)

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If you knew anything about the government of this country you would know what a democratic republic is.

I fail to see how that has anything to do with my reply to rushmc... He claimed to US is not a democracy... The definition of democracy includes a respresentative republic... WOW (you said democratic republic, please stay with one word so everybody knows what you are talking about.)

From your link.


Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives.

No one here has an equal say in any decision made.
There is an electoral college - No equality there - it is based on consensus, not individual votes..
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I'm glad racism, voter disenfranchising, and redistricting to fit an agenda are a thing of the past...

the left wing needs to stop doing that stuff - absolutely

We'd be a very color blind society by now if it wasn't such a great business and political leverage to try and manufacture it all the time. Let that dead horse actually die.

side note

"Uncle Thomas" huh? I know about 3 or 4 here will think that was a great comment, but they are lost causes. Here's the chance for dems to stop the double standard and call that comment for what it is too. I think they will. Most people on both sides are getting disgusted with the partisan crap going on in Washington. It actually did take voting in a criminal/crony based admin that's so unashamed of their chicago gangster politics that it's just public and out there for everyone to see.

that guy was just doing what everyone smiles and nods at - this time he got called out - before, you could say "anything" of any kind as long as the topic is left-centric and you'd be a hero. SURPRISE - the 'regular' guy, left or right, isn't supporting that hypocrisy any more. Let's see if the Dem leadership even sees the reality that coming and changes to the better.

Congressmen - Then we just need to get rid of the social dinosaurs on the right, the bigots and self-entitled and criminal on the left. Maybe we'll end up with a couple parties that actually try.....

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Since you have already answered all my questions for me I will leave it at that and only comment on the first one... The rest of your post is childish drivel.

The whole American voting system is broken and should be completely revised making laws like the above unnecessary. The US is the only "democratic" country where the guy with less votes can legally win.

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I have read no press reports on the decision.

I have read only the decision - actually the dissent, then the concurrence, then the decision. Here's the decision in a nutshell:

This was passed in 1965 because of the continuing efforts of the whites to disenfranchise minorities. Under the circumstances of the time, it met strict scrutiny. It worked. Even though it worked, Congress toughened sanctions and oversight. Those additional sanctions for conduct 40 years ago do not meet the scrutiny. Why?


Do we still have troops posted at the University of Alabama in order to integrate it? Nope. Things have changed.

Here's how it is: we still have troops posted at the DMZ in Korea. Because it is still a problem. We do not have checkpoints set up at the Berlin Wall anymore. Why? Because the Berlin Wall is a historical relic.

The dissent pointed out - right from the start - that this means that the section of the VRA is being destroyed by its own success. I say, "good!" The same thing is said about the smallpox vaccine. IT WORKED! It worked so well that we should just keep on giving it to people, eh?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Since you have already answered all my questions for me I will leave it at that and only comment on the first one... The rest of your post is childish drivel.

So you won't address the formula. Sounds like you are uninformed.


The whole American voting system is broken and should be completely revised making laws like the above unnecessary. The US is the only "democratic" country where the guy with less votes can legally win.

On this we agree.
The SCOTUS declaring part of it out dated and unconstitutional is a small step forward.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Your comments here would be funny it not for the fact that they indicated a sad lack of understanding of the ruling

And we are not a Democracy. The founders made sure of that

We are a respresentative republic

So you disagree with: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy
and everybody else on earth as to what a democracy is...

That's fine though, you can redefine any word you want to fit your agenda.

Stupid statement, stupid thread... with a stupid link trying to back up the stupid and INCORRECT statement.

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Your comments here would be funny it not for the fact that they indicated a sad lack of understanding of the ruling

And we are not a Democracy. The founders made sure of that

We are a respresentative republic

So you disagree with: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy
and everybody else on earth as to what a democracy is...

That's fine though, you can redefine any word you want to fit your agenda.

IF you would take the time to lean about the founding of our county, you would know that the founder did NOT want a demoacracy. They went to great pains to make sure that it was not

They created what we have today. And that is a respresentative republic. So now you are calling facts an agenda

So who is redefining words here?

The SC ruling removed racism based voting rules from federal contol and returned , to the states, the right that was given them under the Constitution. And that power is to determing voter qualifications.

The voter rights act has been unconstitutional from the begining

But again, dont let facts get in your way
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The voter rights act has been unconstitutional from the begining

Um, wrong.


But again, dont let facts get in your way

Yeah, that.

Just struck down

So it has been unconstitutional all these years

It just finally got drug into court
We have many laws in this catagory
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The US is the only "democratic" country where the guy with less votes can legally win.

Ridiculously Idiotic.

It certainly is. Should be fixed.

Works as inteneded

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The whole American voting system is broken and should be completely revised making laws like the above unnecessary. The US is the only "democratic" country where the guy with less votes can legally win.

Hardly. In any parliamentary system with 3+ major parties you can end up with a coalition that outnumbers the largest party vote getter.

As Lawrocket noted, these regulations dated back to the middle of the civil rights struggle. If we still have issues now, it's systemic to the nation (and your comments assert this), and should be addressed by fresh legislation, not outdated rules that only apply to a subset of states and voting districts.

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The dissent pointed out - right from the start - that this means that the section of the VRA is being destroyed by its own success. I say, "good!"

I tend to agree. We're not in a situation where pre-qualification of rule changes in selected states and/or counties is appropriate.

It's still illegal to discriminate against citizens' ability to vote based on race, or anything else. They can be disqualified based on felonies, depending on the state.

Rules that are likely to have a disproportionate effect on certain classes of citizen (e.g. people without transportation, people who work normal hours) will still be made, because rich people generally make the rules, and poor people are impacted by them [:/].

Now, instead of its being a stated fact that the people in power don't want black or hispanic citizens to vote, it'll be a happy "coincidence" that people of whatever opposite political persuasion are less able to vote. Oh darn >:(

Our system works because we trust it. Gerrymandering the districts to make them "representative" (when the real goal is actually to assure a victory for one party of another, as it generally is these days) is wrong. Might be satisfying, but it's still wrong.

Convince people of why your views are in their best interest. Don't impose them, don't just shout louder, don't call them stupid. Treat them as though they have just as much right to a voice as you do -- because they do.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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[Quote]Rules that are likely to have a disproportionate effect on certain classes of citizen (e.g. people without transportation, people who work normal hours) will still be made, because rich people generally make the rules, and poor people are impacted by them .

Now, instead of its being a stated fact that the people in power don't want black or hispanic citizens to vote, it'll be a happy "coincidence" that people of whatever opposite political persuasion are less able to vote. Oh darn

Absolutely. You are absolutely right. So what is happening is that there are these rules set up to ensure no poll taxes, literacy tests, etc. Those things that mean that blacks are not excluded.

And it's turned into something else. Gerrymandering districts to prevent black representation is bad. So, what they have done is gerrymander districts to segregate blacks into black districts.

Check out California. We are gerrymandered to death here. It's put into democrat strongholds and GOP strongholds. The GOP is content to have it - because their individual elected reps have job security. It marginalizes everybody.

So there's a system set up to prevent abuses of the past by methodologies of the past. Meanwhile, the present abuses continue in their present forms.

The opinion begged of the Congress to make a new law that reflects the present situation. Imagine that - forcing a law that is living in the past to come up to the present. Political sentiment is much easier that reality.

The use of race to regulate these things has helped to CREATE the enemy of today. It would be the equivalent of fighting smallpox today, to the exclusion of HIV. And five years ago saying, "this smallpox remediation has worked so well. Let's increase the requirements."

Let's quit the race-based stuff. And let's talk about other categories that are not facially invalid but politically simple.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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