Mrs. Obama's Comments at Bowie State today---EXCUSE ME

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“Please reject the slander that says a black child with a book is trying to act white,” Obama said. “In short, be an example of excellence for the next generation.”

Who in the hell is slandering them with comments like this Mrs. Obama?


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Other black kids, maybe? Looking at that comment in the context of what was said before, that would be a logical conclusion.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not so fast. This is SC. A quote IN context? We'll be having none of that 'round these parts.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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***Other black kids, maybe? Looking at that comment in the context of what was said before, that would be a logical conclusion.

A tad long in the tooth for an Uncle Tom inference if in fact, that's what she meant.

Sigh. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/001/582/picard-facepalm.jpg?1240934151

Well, then the next time you start a thread, maybe you should edumacate yourself on the subject matter first.

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Perhaps, now is the time to point out the chip that many people of color have?

One of my best friends (of over 30 years) was driving us in his new Mustang. At sunset, with the sun at our backs, so no possible way to actually see who the heck was in the car. Sirens! Sirens Sirens Sirens

Immediately, he went high and right with "They pulled us over because I'm black and you are white!"

Needless to say I went as high and some direction, too. I told him that was just plain silly, there was no way for the cop to tell who was in the car, let alone that it was a black man driving and a white girl... they pulled us over because they had radar, and he didn't have a radar detector.

Plain and simple. [:/]

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True dat. One thing to consider, is that if it is about race a significantly larger percentage of the time, then it's easy to think it's about race even when it isn't. It's never about race with me, so I assume that it isn't.

But it's easy for me to think that I'm interrupted by men due to being a woman -- because that happens more. Sometimes, however, men interrupt me only because they're assholes, or because I'm boring.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Perhaps, now is the time to point out the chip that many people of color have?

Sure it's there. There's also a very similar chip of racism (some malicious, some just ignorant) that a certain predictable cadre of white Americans who post in SC rather frequently display, and usually not very subtly. So, sometimes I choose to call them on it - sometime as being chip-holders, sometimes as being not just silly morons, but silly morons who express themselves like 12 year olds in middle school. Sometimes both. How creative I am about it (or not) depends on how much I choose to amuse myself at any given time. But harbor no doubt: I stand by my posts.

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***Perhaps, now is the time to point out the chip that many people of color have?

Sure it's there. There's also a very similar chip of racism (some malicious, some just ignorant) that a certain predictable cadre of white Americans who post in SC rather frequently display, and usually not very subtly. So, sometimes I choose to call them on it - sometime as being chip-holders, sometimes as being not just silly morons, but silly morons who express themselves like 12 year olds in middle school. Sometimes both. How creative I am about it (or not) depends on how much I choose to amuse myself at any given time. But harbor no doubt: I stand by my posts.

Oh please Andy. Like 12 year olds?


Most 12 year olds express themselves a lot better.

More like 5 year olds. :P
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