
And the rich get richer

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Is there someone preventing people from purchasing stocks?


Pew says the main reason for the widening gap is that affluent households have stocks and other financial holdings that increased in value, while the less wealthy have more of their assets in their homes, which haven't fully regained their value since the housing downturn.

Please don't dent the planet.

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Is there someone preventing people from purchasing stocks?


Pew says the main reason for the widening gap is that affluent households have stocks and other financial holdings that increased in value, while the less wealthy have more of their assets in their homes, which haven't fully regained their value since the housing downturn.

If, you're less wealthy, possibly yes: lack of extra income to invest after all the bills are paid. And even if you're frugal enough to have some left over to put into savings, you may not wish to risk the little bit of savings you have in the uncertainties of the market.

ETA - I swear I started typing before John replied. :P

(ETA#2 - ain't this new coding weird?)

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Is there someone preventing people from purchasing stocks?


Pew says the main reason for the widening gap is that affluent households have stocks and other financial holdings that increased in value, while the less wealthy have more of their assets in their homes, which haven't fully regained their value since the housing downturn.

This is basic diversification, folks. Putting all your wealth in your 401k is bad. Putting all your wealth in your home equity is even worse. And if you can afford to pay $100/month for Comcast/Directv, then you can afford to put money into investment vehicles or basic savings, not be living on a one or two paycheck reserve.

That said, it's also not a surprise that the wealthier would recover more quickly from the 2008 hit. Anyone who had retained a good paying job and didn't make stupid decisions with their 401k investments (both allocation and contribution rate) benefited from the lower prices and came out ahead just a couple years later. And those who had liquid savings could avoid selling equities at a massive loss in 2009, though the length of this downturn was substantial so this would just mitigate the losses, not eliminate it.

Real estate will recover (and in the Bay Area is already roaring again for the past year), so people will recover that wealth if they did not need to sell. It just is taking longer than the stocks did, since the bubble was in real estate.

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(ETA#2 - ain't this new coding weird?)

Come on people, it ain't rocket surgery;
You start your reply *after* the last "reply" tag!
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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(ETA#2 - ain't this new coding weird?)

Come on people, it ain't rocket surgery;
You start your reply *after* the last "reply" tag!

It gets screwed up when you reply to a "quote". Sticks your reply in the same box as the quote you're replying to. I pinged Meso over in the bug thread. He'll iron it out.

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(ETA#2 - ain't this new coding weird?)

Come on people, it ain't rocket surgery;
You start your reply *after* the last "reply" tag!

It gets screwed up when you reply to a "quote". Sticks your reply in the same box as the quote you're replying to. I pinged Meso over in the bug thread. He'll iron it out.

I haven't seen that. I usually need to scroll down past the last "reply" tag before typing, else I put my text in the quoted box, but I haven't seen any difference other than the appearance of the box perimeters.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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(ETA#2 - ain't this new coding weird?)

Come on people, it ain't rocket surgery;
You start your reply *after* the last "reply" tag!

It gets screwed up when you reply to a "quote". Sticks your reply in the same box as the quote you're replying to. I pinged Meso over in the bug thread. He'll iron it out.

I haven't seen that. I usually need to scroll down past the last "reply" tag before typing, else I put my text in the quoted box, but I haven't seen any difference other than the appearance of the box perimeters.

He's a lawyer. What do you expect?

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At the moment, you can see it (well, at least I can) in posts #4 & 5.

OK, I can reproduce it by replying with quote to post #2.
It seems to be related to use of the "quote" tag in the post you are replying to.

Workaround: Edit the previous text and replace "quote" with "reply".
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Workaround: Edit the previous text and replace "quote" with "reply".

It's a workaround if you don't differentiate between the two, and if you don't see a problem with altering the form of the prior person's post.

I welcome the true fix, which can't be too hard to get done.

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How about them Waldens [:/] ??

latest figures show that Whalmart kindersborn collectivly hold more wealth than the bottom 35 percent of all Americans! IN TOTAL.

I think you mean the Waltons (no, not John-boy & co.). Walden was a Utopian community, and I doubt WalMart qualifies as that.

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Those poor people in the 93rd percentile only have a net worth of slightly less than $1,000,000.00.

It's a shame that you have to get to the 93rd percentile before you have a chance of a decent retirement. Thanks for pointing out that 92% of the population will probably have a miserable old age and the bottom 50% will probably end up old and in poverty. I'm sure that before long you will suggest they eat cake.

All the while the super rich get richer and richer.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Money makes money.

Takes money to make money.

Money is self-replicating.

Waaaaaaa! I don't have it and I'm pissed 'cause you do. Waaaaaa!!!!!
No, I don't want to get off my dead ass and do something to help myself. I want YOU to do it for me...with YOUR money. Oh, and BTW I want you to stop making so much. I'll tell you how much you can make. Ya gotta give it away to somebody that doesn't have it.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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>Waaaaaaa! I don't have it and I'm pissed 'cause you do. Waaaaaa!!!!!

Waaa! I have way more than you and I STILL need more more more! I want to tax the poor and cut my taxes to make things "fair" so they have skin in the game, and so that gap between us keeps growing. Can't have those - you know - ghetto welfare people anywhere near me.

But not taxes on anything I want, like guns and cigarettes; just hammer the poor without affecting me.

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Waaaaaaa! I don't have it and I'm pissed 'cause you do. Waaaaaa!!!!!


Waaa! I have way more than you and I STILL need more more more!

Yep. When YOU reach the point where somebody thinks you have enough, feel free to give the rest away. It's an option, not a requirement....unless you are one of the "grabbers", that is.


I want to tax the poor and cut my taxes to make things "fair" so they have skin in the game, and so that gap between us keeps growing. Can't have those - you know - ghetto welfare people anywhere near me.

But not taxes on anything I want, like guns and cigarettes; just hammer the poor without affecting me.

EVERYBODY whines that (except for Kallend, maybe)...nothing special to any financial bracket. "Tax somebody else!"

I noticed you had no answer for the "get off your dead ass" angle....figures. Enablers often do that...ignore the elephant in the room.

You guys keep on wishing for utopia....there's no such thing in reality but you're welcome to keep pluggin' away.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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