About to get raped?

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Urinate and vomit on your attacker. Brilliant.

“Tell your attacker that you have a disease or are menstruating,” and “Vomiting or urinating may also convince the attacker to leave you alone.”

How about a .45 to the chest?


"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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From the "let's take shit out of context and then blow it up on the internet" files.

Too late

'Last Resort Tips

These 10 tips are considered last resort options when all other defense methods have been exhausted. It was supplemental material for women who had completed an internationally recognized Rape Aggression Defense course offered free of charge to UCCS students.

The ten tips have been removed. We apologize for the miscommunication and any confusion that this page may have caused."


EDIT: This is what was removed:

"What To Do If You Are Attacked
These tips are designed to help you protect yourself on campus, in town, at your home, or while you travel. These are preventative tips and are designed to instruct you in crime prevention tactics.

Be realistic about your ability to protect yourself.
Your instinct may be to scream, go ahead! It may startle your attacker and give you an opportunity to run away.
Kick off your shoes if you have time and can't run in them.
Don't take time to look back; just get away.
If your life is in danger, passive resistance may be your best defense.
Tell your attacker that you have a disease or are menstruating.
Vomiting or urinating may also convince the attacker to leave you alone.

Yelling, hitting or biting may give you a chance to escape, do it!
Understand that some actions on your part might lead to more harm.
Remember, every emergency situation is different. Only you can decide which action is most appropriate."

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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My point is, this was one small bit in a much larger "everything including the kitchen sink" list of options included as part of a much larger rape prevention presentation.

By taking it out of context it sounds much more ridiculous than what some people consider to be the only other option; "a .45 to the chest" of the rapist.

While that is "an" option, it's by no means the only one.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Pretty doggone effective one, though. Stops the current attack. Tends to dissuade the attacker from moving on to another victim. Marks the attacker for later identification by the police (streamlines the police lineup).

Good advice, Quade. I'll pass it on. :D

I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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My point is, this was one small bit in a much larger "everything including the kitchen sink" list of options included as part of a much larger rape prevention presentation.

By taking it out of context it sounds much more ridiculous than what some people consider to be the only other option; "a .45 to the chest" of the rapist.

While that is "an" option, it's by no means the only one.

But the lawmaker in CO does not think women should have a gun in a case like that
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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But the lawmaker in CO does not think women should have a gun in a case like that

Nor afterward. The victim may have PTSD afterward, and there's simply no telling what a nutter like that would do if she had a gun. Let the police protect her.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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From the "let's take shit out of context and then blow it up on the internet" files.


Reminds me of your posts regarding the Trayvon Martin story
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I think a 45 to the chest would be a good start,but repeated rounds to the chest until the threat stops would be better advised,since shooting someone in the chest,even repeatedly is not garaunteed to stop determined attackers,but shooting would still be your best deterent.
Urinating and vomiting might just turn some sick fuckers on even more, just like crying and pleading is not likely to help much either since it simply projects weakness.
Remember,rape is usually more about violence and control than just sex.

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Shitting oneself is also quite effective apparently followed up with some belching. :o Burp!


What if the rapist likes to get pooped on?

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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Here's what the Vice President of the United States of America recommends.


Biden is a dipshit.

In this case, he is correct on one point. Having a shot gun is a lot better than being a victim. I wonder if shot gun sales will skyrocket because of his recommendation?

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>But the lawmaker in CO does not think women should have a gun in a case like that

Better to have no gun at all than your own gun pressed against your head (or your child's head) while the rapist takes his time.

Better yet, to be able to make the decision, for yourself, whether or not to have a weapon available, in order to protect yourself and your loved ones.
WSCR 594
FB 1023

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>Better to have no gun at all than your own gun pressed against your head(or your child's head) while the rapist takes his time.

You seem to have a dim view of a womans ability to operate a firearm.
The woman in georgia who shot that home invader 5 times in the face while protecting her family seems to have faired quite well in that situation.
You seem to think all thugs have super human cat like ninja moves and are almost 100% effective at disarming us mere common mortals.
It's very likely that if someone tried to take my gun,that they would be getting it barrel first as I'm squeezing the trigger, and I'm sure most gun owners who know what they are doing would do the same, if someone were even able to get close enough to grab it.
I would love to watch you try to sneak up on my girlfriend and try to disarm her.
I'm sorry,I take it back.
I would hate to see you get your ass ventilated.

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>But the lawmaker in CO does not think women should have a gun in a case like that

Better to have no gun at all than your own gun pressed against your head (or your child's head) while the rapist takes his time.

Well, here's a politician who agrees with you. Women are too unreliable and frail to carry a gun. They might make a boo boo and shoot somebody accidentally.


Maybe they just shouldn't worry their pretty little heads. After all, they have a big strong man like you to look after them and protect them. They don't need to carry guns.

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I know this might sound a little to simple,but why not talk/to consult women that have been through the experience and what "they" would prefer to have to feel safe. Also, some people need to get out of the mind set of " well, did you try this or did you do that, maybe if you had you could have prevented the rape" UGH Many times only a .45 slug to the chest would have stopped them.
No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible.
Believe me I tried.

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>But the lawmaker in CO does not think women should have a gun in a case like that

Better to have no gun at all than your own gun pressed against your head (or your child's head) while the rapist takes his time.

Better yet, to be able to make the decision, for yourself, whether or not to have a weapon available, in order to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Careful. That sounds suspiciously like you support the individual right to choose. Many around here think their right to choose for you is far superior to your rights.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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>But the lawmaker in CO does not think women should have a gun in a case like that

Better to have no gun at all than your own gun pressed against your head (or your child's head) while the rapist takes his time.

Better yet, to be able to make the decision, for yourself, whether or not to have a weapon available, in order to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Careful. That sounds suspiciously like you support the individual right to choose. Many around here think their right to choose for you is far superior to your rights.

You have the right to choose as long as they agree with your choice. If you make the wrong choice, they demand the government make it for you.

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