
Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president only because he's black.

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Or so says the Romeny Campaign.


“When you take a look at Colin Powell, you have to look at whether that’s an endorsement based on issues or he’s got a slightly different reason for endorsing President Obama. I think when you have somebody of your own race that you’re proud of being president of the United States, I applaud Colin for standing with him.”


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I agree, it sure as hell isn't because he is worth a damn as a president!

If you agree with the Romney camp's assessment of the situation, then by extension, you're agreeing with the idea it's ok to vote along racial lines and by further extension, all white people should vote for Romney simply because he's white.

I don't know about you, but to me, that's pretty assholish of the Romney camp to say.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Its true tho, Powell was a harsh critic of Obama for years, now a fanboy.

Ya see the general stars? Ya see how he has been burned by certain members of the 43rd Administration?

Do you really think it's only because Obama is black that Powell is endorsing him rather than Romney and the folks Romney is talking about bringing back to the White House? Powell was made to look like a puppet and a fool by those people when they gave him shitty intel and told him to testify literally in front of the entire world about WMDs. So...

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Obama burned his ass too, he was rumored by his admin to get a cabinet position and ended up not getting it.

Not in evidence. On the other hand, Powell with shitty intel in front of the UN...that's going to live forever.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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In a July 2009 CNN interview with John King, Powell expressed concern over President Obama growing the size of the federal government and the size of the federal budget deficit.[79] In September 2010, he criticized the Obama administration for not focusing "like a razor blade" on the economy and job creation. Powell reiterated that Obama was a "transformational figure."[80] In a video that aired on CNN.com in November 2011, Colin Powell said in reference to Barack Obama, " . . . many of his decisions have been quite sound. The financial system was put back on a stable basis."[81]

Shotgun what I was referring to was this. What changed in a year? The economy did not turn around. My wifes multimillion dollar company went from weekly furlough talks to layoff talks in the past year, and they are a strong company who has posted profits in I think every quarter since the downturn

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So you're absolutely ruling out the possibility Powell just thinks Obama is better choice than Romney?

I think there is roughly half the country who thinks that and in the vast majority of cases it has absolutely nothing to do with Obama's skin color. Why jump to a race based opinion in the case of Powell?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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>Shotgun what I was referring to was this. What changed in a year?

It became clear that the other option was Romney, perhaps?

>The economy did not turn around.

?? GDP has recovered past 2008 levels. Unemployment is down, both since Obama took office and since the peak of 10%. The economy has certainly turned around, although it has also not gotten back to where it was in (say) 2000.

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Your putting words in my mouth. I simply stated he flipped sides in 1 year, if anything improved it did so ever so slightly, and with fuzzy math at best. Its not like everything is doing GREAT, and everyone is happy. Why would someone who outspokenly criticized him to flip like that for so little gains shown.

Bill I don't believe any of those numbers. Until we can get multiple neutral 3rd party groups to have total access to the information and come up with the same conclusion instead of the spin from the white house I don't believe them. You might be right, that he see something in him.

Going off why most of Obamas supporters are voting for him its not far off to say he is doing the same is all.

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Why would someone who outspokenly criticized him to flip like that ...

Because one year ago, ROMNEY wasn't Obama's opposition.

Look at it this way. I had considered McCain as a realistic possibility for the Oval Office right up until the moment Palin was introduced as his running mate.

Does that mean I "flip flopped" or does it mean new information came to light that required me to go a different way?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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