
OWS - NYC, peaceful protest, my ass!

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So, if 1 person throws a battery at your head and then a cup of urine - you'd want him arrested.

But if 300 people all do it, you're ok with that.

I don't think you really grasp right from wrong at all.

Or is it only ok if the 300 people all make less than $20K per year?

Seriously,what does the number have to do with it?

You know nothing about what's going on. I'm never ok with anyone spitting on me or throwing harmful objects at me. Never. Supervisors make the call on who to arrest. If you point out what happened to a supervisor and if he/she chooses not to take police action against it, then you have NOTHING! You cannot make any arrests without a supervisors approval. That's that. End of story.

You and your dancing mate keep dancing around the first hand information I gave about the so called peaceful protest. Instead, you wish to deflect. Really, I expected more from speakers corner than this. On that note. This is such a waste of time.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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I'm sorry, I just can't agree that wrong acts should be overlooked just because someone was in a mob and too weak to remember who they were.

It's a crappy "mitigating argument" rationalization

Interesting that only the OWS... are seen as "mobs".... other movements at least as defined on FAUX News... are defined as "patriots"

are you saying that two wrongs make a right?

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So, if 1 person throws a battery at your head and then a cup of urine - you'd want him arrested.

But if 300 people all do it, you're ok with that.

I don't think you really grasp right from wrong at all.

Or is it only ok if the 300 people all make less than $20K per year?

Seriously,what does the number have to do with it?

You know nothing about what's going on. I'm never ok with anyone spitting on me or throwing harmful objects at me. Never. Supervisors make the call on who to arrest. If you point out what happened to a supervisor and if he/she chooses not to take police action against it, then you have NOTHING! You cannot make any arrests without a supervisors approval. That's that. End of story.

You and your dancing mate keep dancing around the first hand information I gave about the so called peaceful protest. Instead, you wish to deflect. Really, I expected more from speakers corner than this. On that note. This is such a waste of time.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

First off, Thank You for doing your job each day! I know the actions of a few PD Officers is not indicative of an entire Force, I think every one here does, but to admit it will harm their arguments.

I see that OWS has big issues now, allowing that type of behavior to tarnish the good they are trying to do and will not help the cause grow. It won't even help to accomplish any thing. Your first hand account and more additional un-edited footage of various events is starting to show a trend of intentionally staging the events to incite the PD's actions.

Thank You again for doing your Job each day.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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You and your dancing mate keep dancing around the first hand information I gave about the so called peaceful protest. Instead, you wish to deflect. Really, I expected more from speakers corner than this. On that note. This is such a waste of time.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

I think you're replying to the wrong poster. I was going after DD for being a dick at you - that, and his general tendency to be totally wrong on almost every single issue. I'm grateful for the first hand account.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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You and your dancing mate keep dancing around the first hand information I gave about the so called peaceful protest. Instead, you wish to deflect. Really, I expected more from speakers corner than this. On that note. This is such a waste of time.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

I think you're replying to the wrong poster. I was going after DD for being a dick at you - that, and his general tendency to be totally wrong on almost every single issue. I'm grateful for the first hand account.

it's a tough job sticking up for what's right...
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
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let's hope the protesters don't start using pepper spray...

If they had balls enough to trespass, break an enter, as well as perform destruction of property, i wouldn't put it past them, they can get it in most any state.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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it's a tough job sticking up for what's right...

Especially when you think throwing batteries at people, throwing urine at people, breaking others' property, an depriving others of their rights is "right".
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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it's a tough job sticking up for what's right...

Especially when you think throwing batteries at people, throwing urine at people, breaking others' property, an depriving others of their rights is "right".

you worry about those rights and the rest of us will worry about the right to enjoy the fruits of our labour without the 1% and their henchmen taking it from us...
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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it's a tough job sticking up for what's right...

Especially when you think throwing batteries at people, throwing urine at people, breaking others' property, an depriving others of their rights is "right".

you worry about those rights and the rest of us will worry about the right to enjoy the fruits of our labour without the 1% and their henchmen taking it from us...

And there we have it ladies and gentlemen. He doesn't care about anyone else's rights. He doesn't care what abuses are inflicted on anyone else. He only cares about more for himself, regardless of the rights of others. Dreamdancer, thank you. You've illustrated OWS more clearly than I ever could.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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it's a tough job sticking up for what's right...

Especially when you think throwing batteries at people, throwing urine at people, breaking others' property, an depriving others of their rights is "right".


Millions of batteries and a gagillion gallons of piss.....Maybe the 1% will just fucking drown in piss and battery acid.

Yup that is what OWS is all about... not that your hyperbole is accurate.. but what the hell.. It fits the views you and yours hold of all those dirty hippies and trust fund babies and truly BELIEVE that is what they are all about

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First off, Thank You for doing your job each day! I know the actions of a few PD Officers is not indicative of an entire Force, I think every one here does, but to admit it will harm their arguments.

I see that OWS has big issues now, allowing that type of behavior to tarnish the good they are trying to do and will not help the cause grow. It won't even help to accomplish any thing. Your first hand account and more additional un-edited footage of various events is starting to show a trend of intentionally staging the events to incite the PD's actions.

Thank You again for doing your Job each day.


My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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....He doesn't care about anyone else's rights. He doesn't care what abuses are inflicted on anyone else. He only cares about more for himself, regardless of the rights of others.

It appears that you are just now discovering that.

Had I been king, all, and I mean ALL of those bozos attacking with projectiles of any sort would have been in the paddy wagon.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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it's a tough job sticking up for what's right...

Yes I agree

I am waiting for you to do it some time

I will not hold my breath waiting

I like living so I know this will not happen in a normal life time
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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it's a tough job sticking up for what's right...

Especially when you think throwing batteries at people, throwing urine at people, breaking others' property, an depriving others of their rights is "right".

you worry about those rights and the rest of us will worry about the right to enjoy the fruits of our labour without the 1% and their henchmen taking it from us...

And there we have it ladies and gentlemen. He doesn't care about anyone else's rights. He doesn't care what abuses are inflicted on anyone else. He only cares about more for himself, regardless of the rights of others. Dreamdancer, thank you. You've illustrated OWS more clearly than I ever could.

you worry about your little rights and i'll worry about the big ones for the rest of us...
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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....He doesn't care about anyone else's rights. He doesn't care what abuses are inflicted on anyone else. He only cares about more for himself, regardless of the rights of others.

It appears that you are just now discovering that.

Had I been king, all, and I mean ALL of those bozos attacking with projectiles of any sort would have been in the paddy wagon.

the next time then. we're looking to thousands of arrests the next round - not just a few hundred. do you think this is a game. at the end of all this we've got a great big juicy world war to look forward to. onward christian soldiers...
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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....He doesn't care about anyone else's rights. He doesn't care what abuses are inflicted on anyone else. He only cares about more for himself, regardless of the rights of others.

It appears that you are just now discovering that.

Had I been king, all, and I mean ALL of those bozos attacking with projectiles of any sort would have been in the paddy wagon.

the next time then. we're looking to thousands of arrests the next round - not just a few hundred. do you think this is a game. at the end of all this we've got a great big juicy world war to look forward to. onward christian soldiers...

Which camp are you at? or is this a "spiritual" "we're"?

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Well, since the shit I heard came from other sworn and certified officers, most folks give that more credence than "this one time on tv" or "that reporter said" references. I haven't seen the written UOF policies for most

You summed it up pretty succintly there.


That depends on how you define physical control. Obviously "soft hands" things like guiding with an open hand and use of restraints like cuffs on a non-resisting suspect are lesser force than OC spray.

Yes you stated pretty adamantly that physical control came after OC spray. Maybe the use of restraints and carrying people away would be a better course of action?


By the time an incident rises to assault, OC is pointless.

Right, so you would use it in situations where the potential for such is present. Was that the case here, or was this more a text book case of passive resistence?


Riots at G# events and hockey games would not support that conclusion.

Te fact that you are comparing a bunch of students sitting on a sidewalk with linked arms to riots explains your mindset.

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Well, since the shit I heard came from other sworn and certified officers, most folks give that more credence than "this one time on tv" or "that reporter said" references. I haven't seen the written UOF policies for most,

the least credence is for the guy that makes claims on the internet without backing them up with sources. Here's the regulations the Dutch police uses for tear gas and pepper spray:


In short it says: "That Kennedy guy is FOS"


§ 2b. Pepperspray

Artikel 12a

1. Het gebruik van pepperspray is slechts geoorloofd:

a. om een persoon aan te houden ten aanzien van wie redelijkerwijs mag worden aangenomen dat hij een voor onmiddellijk gebruik gereed zijnd wapen bij zich heeft en dit tegen een persoon zal gebruiken;

b. om een persoon aan te houden die zich aan aanhouding, voorgeleiding of andere rechtmatige vrijheidsbeneming tracht te onttrekken of heeft onttrokken;

c. ter verdediging tegen of voor het onder controle brengen van agressieve dieren.

2. Pepperspray wordt niet gebruikt tegen:

a. personen die zichtbaar jonger dan 12 of ouder dan 65 jaar zijn;

b. vrouwen die zichtbaar zwanger zijn;

c. personen voor wie dit gebruik als gevolg van een voor de ambtenaar zichtbare ademhalings- of andere ernstige gezondheidsstoornis onevenredig schadelijk kan zijn;

d. groepen personen.

Artikel 12b

De ambtenaar waarschuwt onmiddellijk voordat hij gericht pepperspray tegen een persoon zal gebruiken, met luide stem of op andere niet mis te verstane wijze dat pepperspray gebruikt zal worden, indien niet onverwijld het gegeven bevel wordt opgevolgd. Deze waarschuwing blijft achterwege indien de omstandigheden de waarschuwing redelijkerwijs niet toelaten.

Artikel 12c

Pepperspray wordt tegen een persoon per geval ten hoogste twee maal voor de duur van niet langer dan ongeveer een seconde gebruikt en op een afstand van ten minste een meter.

§ 3. Overige geweldmiddelen

Artikel 13

1. Het gebruik van CS-traangas is slechts geoorloofd:

a. in gesloten ruimten ter aanhouding van een persoon indien redelijkerwijs mag worden aangenomen dat die persoon een voor onmiddellijk gebruik gereed zijnd vuurwapen bij zich heeft en dat tegen personen zal gebruiken dan wel ander levensbedreigend geweld tegen personen zal gebruiken;

b. anders dan in gesloten ruimten ter verspreiding van samenscholingen of volksmenigten die een ernstige en onmiddellijke bedreiging vormen voor de veiligheid van personen of voor zaken.

2. Het gebruik van CS-traangas is slechts geoorloofd in opdracht van de meerdere na vooraf verkregen toestemming van het bevoegd gezag.

3. De meerdere die bevel geeft tot het verspreiden van CS-traangas geeft bij dit bevel aan hoeveel CS-traangasgranaten worden gebruikt.

I think the google translation sucks but is clear enough.

§ 2b. Pepper spray

Article 12a

1. The use of pepper spray is permitted only:

a. a person to hold in respect of whom reasonable grounds for believing that he is ready for immediate use being a weapon with him and will use this against a person;

b. for a person to hold that to arrest, arraignment, or other lawful custody seeks to withdraw or has withdrawn;

c. to defend against or for controlling aggressive animals.

2. Pepper spray is not used to:

a. persons visibly under 12 or over 65 years;

b. women who are visibly pregnant;

c. persons for whom this use due to the officer visible breathing or other serious health disorder may be disproportionate harm;

d. groups of people.

Section 12b

The official warned immediately before pepper spray directed against a person will use a loud voice or other non uncertain terms that pepper spray will be used, if not promptly given the order is followed. This warning will not be provided if the circumstances reasonably permit the warning.

Article 12c

Pepper spray is against a person in each case more than twice for a period of no longer than about one second and is used at a distance of at least one meter.

§ 3. Other means of violence

Article 13

1. The use of CS tear gas is permitted only:

a. in closed rooms to arrest a person if they can be assumed that a person being ready for use firearms with him and will use it against people or other life-threatening violence against the person will use;

b. other than in enclosed spaces for the dissemination of public gatherings or crowds that a serious and immediate threat to the safety of persons or business.

2. The use of CS tear gas is allowed only in the order of several prior consent of the competent authority.

3. The number which controls the distribution of CS tear gas to give the order number to CS tear gas grenades are used.

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And Dutch police protocols apply to NYPD, how?

It's actually Kennedy who makes the claim that police forces everywhere use the same rules and regulation considering tear gas/pepper spray. If you had read the topic, you would have known that. My source disproves that claim btw. It simply may not be used against non-violent people that are sitting around doing nothing in NL. A cop who does that would be lucky to only loose his job after that.

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