
$1 Tax per Bullet Proposed

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Then people can go to their indian casino to gamble while stocking up on cigarettes and ammo.

Sounds good to me. it's totally in keeping with our master strategy of winning our country back 25 cents at a time! :)
"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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You do realize that was all a huge misunderstanding; especially the whole smallpox/blanket issue....Blown waaaay out of proportion. They were actually meant for the french. You guys must've raided a wagon train or something...it's the only reasonable explanation for how that happened. Savages. :S[:/]

Amtrak had contracted to have tracks laid as early as 1830, but defaulted, resulting in the "Trail of Tears." So you see, that was actually beyond the white aristocratic government's control that your people had to walk so far, and at roughly 26% attrition rate during the forced (by Amtrak...remember?) march, it wasn't really THAT bad, now was it? :S

Reservations...lets just take a quick look at what happened there. I know the government "gave" you guys the land in exchange for ohhh, say, the whole damned continent, but it was a wasteland! How the hell was the federal government to know that god would want us to have that too (Manifest destiny anyone?)??? I mean, it's not like the government could just eject white squatters and malcontents from "reservation" land. That would really look unfair.

So you see, it's really your own damn fault for not just moving to mexico. After all, we let them keep some of their land (we better hope they never figure out the whole "manifest destiny" thing though). Come to think of it, even if they did...we'd just take them to one of our famous Kangaroo courts, where if the gov't is losing, they just change the rules.

Sorry for the rant, and I sure hope you caught the sarcasm. You guys (ALL the tribes) got royally fucked the first night and it hasn't stopped since. I don't look for it to happen, but a little LOT of just equity from the US and even some from england would go a fair ways toward righting one of the greatest wrongs in the history of "civilized" man.

It can be argued any number of ways, with some even today suggesting that the treatment of the American Indian Tribes was ultimately "made right", and therefore just and equitable. I call bullshit!

Sorry for the rant, but this is one issue I am extremely passionate about, and you may as well spark a keg of powder as to bring up this topic when I can reply to it.

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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NRA rss feeds


Not NRA either

Sorry but I REALLLLY do not think John gets his feeds from the Huffington Post where closet liberals like you like to go.:ph34r:

Shows that fed.gov *IS* talking about it and the info wasn't something from NRA.

Debunked again... tsk tsk.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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NRA rss feeds


Not NRA either

Sorry but I REALLLLY do not think John gets his feeds from the Huffington Post where closet liberals like you like to go.:ph34r:

Shows that fed.gov *IS* talking about it and the info wasn't something from NRA.

Debunked again... tsk tsk.

Oh yeah.. thats right.... you and your ILK want ALL the laws removed...anything that is in support of the current laws is EVIL GUN GRABBING.:S:S:S
From what I read in the link you provided.. it seemed like they are being led to fix the problem of nutters like Loughner being able to get whatever it is they need for their own little single shooter game that is running around in their twisted little minds. Oh thats right... you support them getting anything they desire.

Personally I am tired of morons like that making the rest of us who are responsible owners and users of firearms looking really bad... but OH thats right you dont mind hangin with guys like that.:S:S:S

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NRA rss feeds


Not NRA either

Sorry but I REALLLLY do not think John gets his feeds from the Huffington Post where closet liberals like you like to go.:ph34r:

Shows that fed.gov *IS* talking about it and the info wasn't something from NRA.

Debunked again... tsk tsk.

Oh yeah.. thats right.... you and your ILK want ALL the laws removed...anything that is in support of the current laws is EVIL GUN GRABBING.:S:S:S

Neither John nor I have advocated that...telepathy FAIL.


From what I read in the link you provided.. it seemed like they are being led to fix the problem of nutters like Loughner being able to get whatever it is they need for their own little single shooter game that is running around in their twisted little minds. Oh thats right... you support them getting anything they desire.

That would be the guy that *hadn't* been evaluated, right? Seems like either your telepathy sense or John's future crime machine should've caught that.


Personally I am tired of morons like that making the rest of us who are responsible owners and users of firearms looking really bad... but OH thats right you dont mind hangin with guys like that.:S:S:S

Telepathy FAIL again.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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NRA rss feeds


Not NRA either

Sorry but I REALLLLY do not think John gets his feeds from the Huffington Post where closet liberals like you like to go.:ph34r:

Shows that fed.gov *IS* talking about it and the info wasn't something from NRA.

Debunked again... tsk tsk.

Oh yeah.. thats right.... you and your ILK want ALL the laws removed...anything that is in support of the current laws is EVIL GUN GRABBING.:S:S:S

Neither John nor I have advocated that...telepathy FAIL.


From what I read in the link you provided.. it seemed like they are being led to fix the problem of nutters like Loughner being able to get whatever it is they need for their own little single shooter game that is running around in their twisted little minds. Oh thats right... you support them getting anything they desire.

That would be the guy that *hadn't* been evaluated, right? Seems like either your telepathy sense or John's future crime machine should've caught that.


Personally I am tired of morons like that making the rest of us who are responsible owners and users of firearms looking really bad... but OH thats right you dont mind hangin with guys like that.:S:S:S

Telepathy FAIL again.

Previous actions are indicitive of future performance... you know.....like your support of any thing that reeks of rePUBIClowns while you claim not to support or vote for them...

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Previous actions are indicitive of future performance...

So, how many *OTHER* shooting sprees had Loughner gone on before Giffords, then?


you know.....like your support of any thing that reeks of rePUBIClowns while you claim not to support or vote for them...

So, those "rePUBIClowns" support gay marriage, the DADT repeal and the end to the War on (some) Drugs? Hardly sounds like the rabid fringies you keep trying to convince people they are.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Previous actions are indicitive of future performance...

So, how many *OTHER* shooting sprees had Loughner gone on before Giffords, then?


you know.....like your support of any thing that reeks of rePUBIClowns while you claim not to support or vote for them...

So, those "rePUBIClowns" support gay marriage, the DADT repeal and the end to the War on (some) Drugs? Hardly sounds like the rabid fringies you keep trying to convince people they are.

Uh huh... until you can actually come up with something other than the same tired and lame excuses that keep putting guns into the hands of the nutbags... you ARE part of the problem.

Its a damn good thing... since so many of the rePUBIClowns are turing out to be gay and dopers.....I guess its self preservation that some are turning to reality:D:D

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Uh huh... until you can actually come up with something other than the same tired and lame excuses that keep putting guns into the hands of the nutbags... you ARE part of the problem.

'Tired and lame excuses' like enforcing the law vs. your prior restraint of someone who had not been evaluated by psychiatric means, you mean?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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NRA rss feeds


Not NRA either

doesn't seem related at all to a bullet tax proposal.

Key line in it:

But in a nod to the difficulties of getting legislation through a Republican-run House of Representatives, only executive orders or administrative actions -- and not an actual bill -- are expected to be handed to Congress.

Way to abuse that presidential scope! Actually, this sounds like a trial balloon that will go no where. Why would he waste political capital pissing off the GOP in the midst of a serious budget crisis on an issue that only a portion of his voters support? There aren't many legitimate executive orders he could give, anyway.

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NRA rss feeds


Not NRA either

doesn't seem related at all to a bullet tax proposal.

It's not - but neither was Jeanne's post, which talked about the issues linked only being some sort of NRA feed - which the links themselves debunked.


Key line in it:


But in a nod to the difficulties of getting legislation through a Republican-run House of Representatives, only executive orders or administrative actions -- and not an actual bill -- are expected to be handed to Congress.

Way to abuse that presidential scope! Actually, this sounds like a trial balloon that will go no where. Why would he waste political capital pissing off the GOP in the midst of a serious budget crisis on an issue that only a portion of his voters support? There aren't many legitimate executive orders he could give, anyway.

Since when is he worried about picking up GOP votes?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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All this move would do is transfer the sales of ammo outside their jurisdiction.

Pretty much, yeah.

As suggested in the thread, no range goer is going to buy ammo in volume inside the city if it costs 100%+ more. I'm not sure it would even make sense for store owners to stock it, which is maybe the whole point of the tax: sort of an underhanded ban on ammo sales in the city.

An opponent need only ask him publicly "On average, how many rounds are fired during crimes where a gun is involved? How many rounds are fired at ranges on a, say, monthly basis? And as a percentage of that, how many are fired by criminals in preparation of committing a crime?"

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I'm not sure it would even make sense for store owners to stock it, which is maybe the whole point of the tax: sort of an underhanded ban on ammo sales in the city.

Ding. I'm guessing the logic is to make ammo a bit less accessible to, and expensive for, poor young street thugs, whose principal targets for "poppin' caps into" tends to be each other, and who don't really have the means (or inclination) to travel outside the city all that much.

And/or, it's mainly pandering the large portion of the Baltimore electorate who - subculturally - tend to associate firearms mainly with thuggery - in this case, poor people living in crime-infested sections of the city. All electioneering politicians, of every stripe, pander to their electorate by telling them what(ever) they want to hear, regardless of its practicality. This is just one example of that.

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Hey if it would deter the idiots in Washington from sending the military off to dumb ass wars so the can transfer our countrys wealth to their top campaign contributors in the Military Industrial Complex.. I would support it...

But like JR said...it won't deter criminals.
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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Tsk tsk tsk... and you can't miss posting the usual crap that the NRA feeds to you in your RSS feeds to TROLL your way thru DIZZY DOT COM.

SO lets try explainin this to you.. Production is down.... some campanies need to up the old production numbers.. how do we do that... hmmmmmm

Oh yeah......

VOILA.. NRA rss feeds

DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD you are WAY too easy...:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

I'm not a member of the NRA, and I don't have an RSS feed. How would you know what comes across on the NRA RSS feed? Do you have one yourself?

Do you have other conspiracy theories to which you subscribe? If so, which ones? Gun companies get the NRA to send out gun-grabber propoganda to drive up gun sales! And the CIA blew up the World Trade Center towers with nanothermite!

Production is "down" only if you cherry-pick one specific category of firearms, and compare only with the previous year but not all the other previous years. And if you look at that sales chart, you'll see that the dramatic upward trend in sales began long before Obama was even running for president. That's yet more evidence that your little pet theory is full of holes.

The word "dude", even when stretched out in exageration, still has an "e" on the end of it.

And finally, your response was so predictable - it seems that the only way you have to make yourself feel smart, is to post put-downs of others. That's pathetic. I know you'll do it again in response to this message. You can't help yourself. It's ingrained in your personality.

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Tsk tsk tsk... and you can't miss posting the usual crap that the NRA feeds to you in your RSS feeds to TROLL your way thru DIZZY DOT COM.

SO lets try explainin this to you.. Production is down.... some campanies need to up the old production numbers.. how do we do that... hmmmmmm

Oh yeah......

VOILA.. NRA rss feeds

DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD you are WAY too easy...:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

I'm not a member of the NRA, and I don't have an RSS feed. How would you know what comes across on the NRA RSS feed? Do you have one yourself?

Do you have other conspiracy theories to which you subscribe? If so, which ones? Gun companies get the NRA to send out gun-grabber propoganda to drive up gun sales! And the CIA blew up the World Trade Center towers with nanothermite!

Production is "down" only if you cherry-pick one specific category of firearms, and compare only with the previous year but not all the other previous years. And if you look at that sales chart, you'll see that the dramatic upward trend in sales began long before Obama was even running for president. That's yet more evidence that your little pet theory is full of holes.

The word "dude", even when stretched out in exageration, still has an "e" on the end of it.

And finally, your response was so predictable - it seems that the only way you have to make yourself feel smart, is to post put-downs of others. That's pathetic. I know you'll do it again in response to this message. You can't help yourself. It's ingrained in your personality.

Awwww poor little Johnny.. being persecuted yet again....:D:D:D

DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD you are the posterchild for gun threads on Dizzy Dot Com.

Birds of a feather flock together.. until shot by your favorite drunken FORMER vice-president:D:D:D:D:D:D

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Awwww poor little Johnny.. being persecuted yet again....:D:D:D

You're just making stuff up again. No where did I claim I was being persecuted. Being a "poster child" for gun threads is better than being the poster child for your kind of rants. Nor have I ever claimed to have any favorite vice-president. And I don't know why you chose to capitalize "former", since all but the current one are all "former's", and there's nothing automatically derogatory about being a former vice president.

But I hope you'll feel better for a while, now that you've built yourself up by making fun of others, regardless of how baseless and illogical it was.

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The word "dude", even when stretched out in exageration, still has an "e" on the end of it.


Blew right by you didn't it, John?...the pun, that is.


Amazon: Intentional or not, that was shell-shocker funny. "dud". ROTFLMAO
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Ding. I'm guessing the logic is to make ammo a bit less accessible to, and expensive for, poor young street thugs, whose principal targets for "poppin' caps into" tends to be each other, and who don't really have the means (or inclination) to travel outside the city all that much.

The same poor thugs who sell illicit substances that get imported from foreign countries to the south? Yeah, that's the logic!

And putting aside the crime committed against each other, which I'm generally all for, the criminal that uses a gun to rob doesn't need many bullets, and in fact might be decently successful (in a non CCW state) carrying an unloaded gun.

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