
New edition of 'Huckleberry Finn' to lose the 'n' word

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You know, upon reflection, I thin we should delete all usage of the word "niggardly".

nig·gard·ly (nigrd-le)
1. Grudging and petty in giving or spending.
2. Meanly small; scanty or meager: left the waiter a niggardly tip.
niggard·li·ness n.
niggard·ly adv.

Example: "He took a niggardly attitude toward maintenance of his aircraft."

No longer cool.

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A local DC official got in trouble for using that word a few years ago. His protestations that it had nothing to do with 'nigger' fell on deaf ears.

I recently heard some comedian talking about how paranoid he'd gotten about using words that sounded similar. He said something along the lines of, "I don't even say the California Governor's name anymore: Schwarten...".

Of course, you can't say the new Governor of Califonia's name either.

- Dan G

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Example: "He took a niggardly attitude toward maintenance of his aircraft."

Oh hell, I never knew it really meant DZO:D:D:D

Mostly just in Lodi.:):)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Apparently it will fall in line with moderation here. How can this possibly be a bad thing? Obviously it is a harmful word and needs to be stricken from all records.

No it won't because "they" will still use it in their rap music and crap...
Look out for the freefly team, Smelly Peppers. Once we get a couple years more experience we will be a force to be reckoned with in the near future! BLUES!

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Apparently it will fall in line with moderation here. How can this possibly be a bad thing? Obviously it is a harmful word and needs to be stricken from all records.

No it won't because "they" will still use it in their rap music and crap...

If it is their right to say it, then who are we to take it away from them?:|
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Apparently it will fall in line with moderation here. How can this possibly be a bad thing? Obviously it is a harmful word and needs to be stricken from all records.

No it won't because "they" will still use it in their rap music and crap...

If it is their right to say it, then who are we to take it away from them?:|

No its a word that should've been abolished with slavery. Its fucking stupid that we can't call them nwords but they can call us crackers
Look out for the freefly team, Smelly Peppers. Once we get a couple years more experience we will be a force to be reckoned with in the near future! BLUES!

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Apparently it will fall in line with moderation here. How can this possibly be a bad thing? Obviously it is a harmful word and needs to be stricken from all records.

No it won't because "they" will still use it in their rap music and crap...

If it is their right to say it, then who are we to take it away from them?:|

No its a word that should've been abolished with slavery. Its fucking stupid that we can't call them nwords but they can call us crackers

But it is unfair to not give them reparation in the form of everything we ever had or will.

I remember being on that plantation and the slaves were everywhere and life was good.
Oh wait that was what 145 or so years ago . . . I guess it wasn't me afterall.:S
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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No its a word that should've been abolished with slavery. Its fucking stupid that we can't call them nwords but they can call us crackers

Are you seriously offended by the word "cracker" or, like me, does it just make you giggle at how non-insulting a word it really is.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Apparently it will fall in line with moderation here. How can this possibly be a bad thing? Obviously it is a harmful word and needs to be stricken from all records.

No it won't because "they" will still use it in their rap music and crap...

If it is their right to say it, then who are we to take it away from them?:|

No its a word that should've been abolished with slavery. Its fucking stupid that we can't call them nwords but they can call us crackers

But it is unfair to not give them reparation in the form of everything we ever had or will.

I remember being on that plantation and the slaves were everywhere and life was good.
Oh wait that was what 145 or so years ago . . . I guess it wasn't me afterall.:S

I'm pretty sure that there is no one left alive that worked or has owned a slave on a plantation in the us. I get sick when of them tells me they need a handout because white people enslaved them
Look out for the freefly team, Smelly Peppers. Once we get a couple years more experience we will be a force to be reckoned with in the near future! BLUES!

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I'm pretty sure that there is no one left alive that worked or has owned a slave on a plantation in the us. I get sick when of them tells me they need a handout because white people enslaved them

Do you believe wealth can be passed down from generation to generation? That families such as Rockerfeller, Bush or Kennedy have a greater advantage than the average person?

To me that seems pretty obvious that the answer is yes.

If the answer to that is yes, then why wouldn't the opposite also be true; that a family that starts out with virtually nothing due to slavery is at a distinct disadvantage?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I'm pretty sure that there is no one left alive that worked or has owned a slave on a plantation in the us. I get sick when of them tells me they need a handout because white people enslaved them

Do you believe wealth can be passed down from generation to generation? That families such as Rockerfeller, Bush or Kennedy have a greater advantage then the average person?

Do you believe that it is your right to be born into a wealthy family?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Passing down wealth has nothing to do with, you either had a whip in your hands/told someone to whip or you didn't... money in the end is just paper
Look out for the freefly team, Smelly Peppers. Once we get a couple years more experience we will be a force to be reckoned with in the near future! BLUES!

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No its a word that should've been abolished with slavery. Its fucking stupid that we can't call them nwords but they can call us crackers

Are you seriously offended by the word "cracker" or, like me, does it just make you giggle at how non-insulting a word it really is.

And nigger , a word used by many blacks every day is more offencive? Why?

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I'm pretty sure that there is no one left alive that worked or has owned a slave on a plantation in the us. I get sick when of them tells me they need a handout because white people enslaved them

Do you believe wealth can be passed down from generation to generation? That families such as Rockerfeller, Bush or Kennedy have a greater advantage then the average person?

Do you believe that it is your right to be born into a wealthy family?

My right? No. That said, it shouldn't necessarily have to be a person's burden to be born as the descendant of a slave either.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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No its a word that should've been abolished with slavery. Its fucking stupid that we can't call them nwords but they can call us crackers

Are you seriously offended by the word "cracker" or, like me, does it just make you giggle at how non-insulting a word it really is.

And nigger , a word used by many blacks every day is more offencive? Why?

The fact you can ask that question means you can't possibly understand. Seriously.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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No its a word that should've been abolished with slavery. Its fucking stupid that we can't call them nwords but they can call us crackers

Are you seriously offended by the word "cracker" or, like me, does it just make you giggle at how non-insulting a word it really is.

And nigger , a word used by many blacks every day is more offencive? Why?

The fact you can ask that question means you can't possibly understand.

The fact you don;t understand tells me you have spent very little time around Blacks, and are totally clueless as to how they look at life!!

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Do you believe wealth can be passed down from generation to generation? That families such as Rockerfeller, Bush or Kennedy have a greater advantage than the average person?

To me that seems pretty obvious that the answer is yes.

If the answer to that is yes, then why wouldn't the opposite also be true; that a family that starts out with virtually nothing due to slavery is at a distinct disadvantage?

Because today blacks have the same opportunities to succeed as anyone else, and the fact that their great great grandparents were slaves is no longer relevant. They can work hard, go to college, get a good job, start businesses, become wealthy, and then pass their earned riches down to their own black families.

Furthermore, taking riches away from the wealthy and giving it to the poor, does not help the poor to become wealthy.

We're a long way from Huck Finn now. (double meaning)

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it shouldn't necessarily have to be a person's burden to be born as the descendant of a slave either.

I am the descendant of poor Irish farmers who fled from Ireland because of the potato famine and predatory landlords. But I don't feel the least bit "burdened" by that history. It's no longer relevant.

So please tell me exactly what this burden is that blacks supposedly carry, from what happened 145 years ago.

As long as blacks keep blaming ancient history for their problems today, they're always going to be stuck where they are. It's time to man-up and take advantage of the opportunities that are available for success today.

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To us, it's a big deal because we understand the meaning.
The meaning will not only be lost on future generations, but they'll also never know of the controversies that caused this sort of PC stupidity in the first place.

I'm trying to imagine my most favorite book in the world, "To Kill A Mockingbird" minus the "n-word."
Without it, the book has no value.
Remove Christ from the Bible. It would be no less outrageous.

In the Flagler County High School, (30 noth of DeLand) the Thespian Club was about to put on "To Kill a Mocking Bird." About a week from the opennig, it was stopped because it used the word "nigger." The people who stopped it had not read the book (or seen the movie). Ignorance must be the lowest common denominator.

But it's not a new thing.

About 12 or 13 years ago, there was a meeting in the White House about getting funding for housing in poor areas. There were severel groups in attendence, congressional commitee members and black urban leaders. A White House aid was trying to convince a congressperson to commit more money to the project saying, "We can't be niggardly about this. It's too important." The congressperson happened to be black. He exploded. He made such a thing about it that the aid was let go (fired). Even after it was pointed out to hime and shown in a dictionary that the word had nothing whatsoever to do with race. The congressperson never backed down and never appologized.

Ignorance is rampant.
On second thought, there is nothing wrong with being ignorant. That just means you haven't learned something yet. If you choose to stay ignorant, THEN you're STUPID.
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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I am the descendant of poor Irish farmers who fled from Ireland because of the potato famine and predatory landlords.

And did so of their own free will.

To me, that's a pretty significant difference.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I am the descendant of poor Irish farmers who fled from Ireland because of the potato famine and predatory landlords.

And did so of their own free will.

To me, that's a pretty significant difference.

Did the freed slaves not stay in the US of their own free will?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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>And nigger , a word used by many blacks every day is more offencive? Why?

Because people are offended by it. Other people see that reaction and use it because they wish to be offensive.

Both "babe" and "cunt" are used to refer to women. One is more offensive than the other. Why? Same reason.

Both "jew" and "kike" are used to refer to jewish people. One is more offensive than the other. Why? Same reason.

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