
Scientist Discover Liberal Gene

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Word is they are now looking for a cure for this birth defect. :P

They already have thier cure.

The adamantly fight for the right!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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so they really can't help themselves . or others !

The good news is that now that the cause is known, a cure may be able to be found:)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Too bad King George didn't have that cure. It would have saved him a lot of trouble from those unruly colonists.

The liberal of today is so far away ideologically from the ones of 300 years ago that it's very evident this birth defect has continued to mutate. Very much like a virus mutates everytime we come up with a cure, it mutates into different forms ie Progressives etc. :D

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I'm sure you just "overlooked" this

According to researchers, they determined that people "with a specific variant of the DRD4 gene were more likely to be liberal as adults. However, the, subjects were only more likely to have leanings to the left if they were also socially active during adolescence.
"It is the crucial interaction of two factors -- the genetic predisposition and the environmental condition of having many friends in adolescence -- that is associated with being more liberal,” according to the study.

I think what they are trying to say is one of the symptoms that a person has this genetic birth defect is the narcissistic desire to be liked and admired by others.

Hopefully, a cure is around the corner. I am planning on making a sizeable contribution to this research. I don't like to see my fellow man suffer from genetic defects and I think we can all agree we need to find a cure. I think I'm going to put a ribbon on my car to remind people this debilitating birth defect needs to be cured before it continues to devastate my fellow man.

Does anyone know if this is covered under the Obama Healthcare plan? I can only imagine the suffering these people go thru.

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so they really can't help themselves . or others !

The good news is that now that the cause is known, a cure may be able to be found:)

I know it is cureable, I used to be one!

Did you have webbed fingers or toes at any time? Did you suffer from low birthweight or swelling in the brain?

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I'm sure you just "overlooked" this

According to researchers, they determined that people "with a specific variant of the DRD4 gene were more likely to be liberal as adults. However, the, subjects were only more likely to have leanings to the left if they were also socially active during adolescence.
"It is the crucial interaction of two factors -- the genetic predisposition and the environmental condition of having many friends in adolescence -- that is associated with being more liberal,” according to the study.

I think what they are trying to say is one of the symptoms that a person has this genetic birth defect is the narcissistic desire to be liked and admired by others.

Hopefully, a cure is around the corner. I am planning on making a sizeable contribution to this research. I don't like to see my fellow man suffer from genetic defects and I think we can all agree we need to find a cure. I think I'm going to put a ribbon on my car to remind people this debilitating birth defect needs to be cured before it continues to devastate my fellow man.

Does anyone know if this is covered under the Obama Healthcare plan? I can only imagine the suffering these people go thru.

Nope! .. didn't "overlook" that part at all. In fact that is precisely the part I was commenting on (spoofing). Maybe (or maybe not) I think "assholeness" is a good thing. Maybe I intentionally meant for the term "antisocialism" to have two meanings. Maybe I really do wonder how the scientists view their discovery. The most important part of my post was the ":)

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so they really can't help themselves . or others !

Decide for yourself. I'd say the evidence is very strong you are correct.


Apparently drugs used to treat schizophrenia and Parkinson disease can be effective in some cases.

I'm sure that when those who first discover they have this disease will go through the normal steps of acceptance. First there's the denial, then the anger and striking out at others and then finally acceptance. It will be up to those of us who don't suffer from this genetic defect to listen sympathetically as those who have it go through these psychological stages.

Remember to love your brothers and try and be understanding that it's not their fault. They can't help they were born this way.

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There is a cure for conservatives; higher education. hell, for that matter, lower education. All evidence does show Democrats have a higher level of education than their Republican counterparts.

And before you all start with Anecdotal Evidence about how all of you bright Republicans went to college, statistics show Republicans are less likely to graduate high school and finish college.


This is why some Republicans will believe some of the the most idiotic theories.

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Hopefully, a cure is around the corner.

Until genetic engineering in humans is perfected, I think sterilization is the immediate answer. Otherwise we run the risk of further infestation of this disease.

And if a cure is discovered, future generations can benefit greatly as inoculations can be a requirement for school enrollment.
You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime

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Hopefully, a cure is around the corner.

Until genetic engineering in humans is perfected, I think sterilization is the immediate answer. Otherwise we run the risk of further infestation of this disease.

And if a cure is discovered, future generations can benefit greatly as inoculations can be a requirement for school enrollment.

Just for accuracy... your reply should be to Gravitymaster.

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Hopefully, a cure is around the corner.

Until genetic engineering in humans is perfected, I think sterilization is the immediate answer. Otherwise we run the risk of further infestation of this disease.

And if a cure is discovered, future generations can benefit greatly as inoculations can be a requirement for school enrollment.

Just for accuracy... your reply should be to Gravitymaster.

You are correct, my mistake. But it still coveys my view.
You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime

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Hopefully, a cure is around the corner.

Until genetic engineering in humans is perfected, I think sterilization is the immediate answer. Otherwise we run the risk of further infestation of this disease.

And if a cure is discovered, future generations can benefit greatly as inoculations can be a requirement for school enrollment.

Didnt conservatives in the 1930's already try those eugenics experients????? It does seem that the same class of people did not learn too much the last time they spouted this same kind of crap.

Today most people in the world think that type of program is looked on with the same disdain as the german experiments that were occuring on groups they did not like at that time as well. Interesting to see the same mindset was not eradicated with a world war.:S:S:S

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SEIG HEIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hopefully, a cure is around the corner.

Until genetic engineering in humans is perfected, I think sterilization is the immediate answer. Otherwise we run the risk of further infestation of this disease.

And if a cure is discovered, future generations can benefit greatly as inoculations can be a requirement for school enrollment.

Didnt conservatives in the 1930's already try those eugenics experients????? It does seem that the same class of people did not learn too much the last time they spouted this same kind of crap.

Today most people in the world think that type of program is looked on with the same disdain as the german experiments that were occuring on groups they did not like at that time as well. Interesting to see the same mindset was not eradicated with a world war.:S:S:S

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SEIG HEIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually the famous jurist Oliver Wendle Holmes suggested sterilization for the mentally retarded in the interest of the American People. Technological advancements since the 30's makes it more of a possibility today.
You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime

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There is a cure for conservatives; higher education. hell, for that matter, lower education. All evidence does show Democrats have a higher level of education than their Republican counterparts.

And before you all start with Anecdotal Evidence about how all of you bright Republicans went to college, statistics show Republicans are less likely to graduate high school and finish college.


This is why some Republicans will believe some of the the most idiotic theories.

It'a OK brother! We understand the denial and sunsequesnt anger stage. We are here for you.

"Lean on Me" when you're not strong.......

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>that it's very evident this birth defect has continued to mutate.

Perhaps! But at least it has some good side effects:

Liberals and Atheists Smarter? Intelligent People Have Values Novel in Human Evolutionary History, Study Finds

ScienceDaily (Feb. 24, 2010) — More intelligent people are statistically significantly more likely to exhibit social values and religious and political preferences that are novel to the human species in evolutionary history. Specifically, liberalism and atheism, and for men (but not women), preference for sexual exclusivity correlate with higher intelligence, a new study finds.
Why Do Conservative Christian Defenders of Marriage Get Divorced More Often?

By Austin Cline, About.com Guide

Conservative Christians of all types, evangelical as well as Catholic, tend to link their conservative brand of their religion with proper moral behavior. By far the most popular context is marriage: they claim that a good, solid marriage is only possible when people acknowledge conservative Christianity's claims about the nature of marriage and gender roles. So why is it that Christian marriages, and especially conservative Christian marriages, end in divorce more often than atheist marriages?

The Barna Research Group, an evangelical Christian organization that does surveys and research to better understand what Christians believe and how they behave, studied divorce rates in America in 1999 and found surprising evidence that divorce is far lower among atheists than among conservative Christians — exactly the opposite of what they were probably expecting.

That being said, I am in favor of extending full rights to our less-intelligent, less faithful conservative brothers.

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Right, because all Conservatives are religious. Thanks for proving the OP. Nice try.

You have not been paying attention to your party platform that they have been setting for all of you to follow for the last 16 years or so have you:S:S:S:S:S:S

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