
Benedict XVI describes paedophilia as an 'illness'

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The Pope should condemn it. It's incurable. A lot of folks think that pedophilia 'is' curable but it is not. I've read studies of prisoners, locked-up for that crime in prisons throughout this country. They were asked what they would do upon release. The over-whelming response from them was; "Find a kid!'
Those priests who molested kids should be locked-up for the rest of their lives!

And have their balls nailed to the wall. I have a hammer.


[email protected]

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Just providing some balance.

From your article, in his own words.
He is either the stupidest person walking, the most naive, or the biggest liar.


Speaking in Italian, the Pope said: “To me it was a great shock that priests were behaving that way.

So, he is "claiming" to be unaware of all this.
I can't imagine that anyone believes this.
I have to go with liar on this. For someone who claims
to be the CC's leading moral figure, how does he plan
to sell this one?


It is a great sadness that the church authorities were not sufficiently vigilant and did not sufficiently respond.

“They were not quick and decisive enough in taking the necessary measures.

Yes they did. The immediately covered up the issue
and transferred the priests to other areas.
Of course, the priests merely continued at another venue, with another group of victims.

The CC responded quickly and decisively to cover things up, not protect their parishioners.


The Pontiff went on to say there must be a “just penalty” for guilty priests, and added: “They must be excluded from all possibility of access to young people because we know that this is an illness and goodwill does not work when there is this sickness.

So? Turn them over to the police. Jail would keep them
from access to kids. Justice and problem solved.

No one has ever answered the primary question in
these cases... why are priests above the law?
How do they claim a right that no one else has?
Can a practicing Catholic wants to answer that question for me?
Is there a valid reason why the CC has never immediately
turned them over to police?


Therefore we must protect these people from themselves.

No, we need to protect the innocent from these monsters.

I love lawsuits against the CC. It hits them in the spot
they care about, their purse.

If the pope really cares -
he should turn the priests over to regular courts.
he should settle with the victims.

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The Pope should condemn it. It's incurable. A lot of folks think that pedophilia 'is' curable but it is not. I've read studies of prisoners, locked-up for that crime in prisons throughout this country. They were asked what they would do upon release. The over-whelming response from them was; "Find a kid!'
Those priests who molested kids should be locked-up for the rest of their lives!

And have their balls nailed to the wall. I have a hammer.


That's a thought! Or, put their penis in a vise, remove the handle, hand them a dull rusty knife and set the barn on fire! :)


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But still strongly condemns it:


Slightly biased

Chemical castration should be first on the list for any person convicted of a sex crime against a child.


It may seem like a logical solution, but as with most cases of abuse it's usually about power and control, so I'm not so convinced it would work...even with physical castration.
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He is the head of a morally questionable organisation that ingages in immoral (and in some cases illegal) acts. He is also one of the most powerful men in the world. So in answer to your questions, the offenders in question are above the law because, well, they are part of an organisation powerful enough to be. It doesn't make it right, it just requires an equally powerful group to do something about it.

On the other hand there may well have been a time when the current Pope thought it to be in the best interests of the Catholic Church as a whole to simply cover these cases up for the greater good or some other reason he believed morally justified his actions.

What occured to me was the irony or paradoxical nature of describing paedophilia as an illness but then going on to condemn those engaging in it. Again, just providing some balance.

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The Church (and everyone else) still needs to address the real 900 pound gorilla in the room: the requirement that priests, nuns and brothers to remain celibate and unmarried.

The net practical consequence is that a large many of the people who decide, often while no older than their late teens, to enter these vocations are frequently some of the most poorly adjusted people, psycho-sexually, in their society.

The other group (which I consider a non-identical group) are gay men and women who live in a parochial society that tends makes it impossible for them to openly lead a gay lifestyle without harsh stigma, but also tends to pressure all people to marry and not remain single, so they enter "celibate" vocations as available cover so they're not forced to enter miserable marriages.

Some of each group, sadly, rather than simply being content to have sex with each other behind the seminary/monastery/convent walls, are willing to victimize a captive pool of potential victims who are most vulnerable because they are children.

In either event, the end result is a church whose most influential movers, shakers, counselors, teachers, principals and leaders are, ironically - and disproportionately - some of the oddest, most socially and sexually immature and mal-adjusted people in society. (And these are the same priests that hold the mandatory pre-cana classes that couples are required to attend to marry in the Church!)

Eliminate the celibacy requirement and ban on marriage, and more "normal" (?) people will enter the Catholic clergy, as they do in the clergy of most other religions or denominations. Thereby, a huge portion of the potential for the problem to continue (as it inevitably will otherwise) will nearly disappear in about a generation's time.

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The Church (and everyone else) still needs to address the real 900 pound gorilla in the room: the requirement that priests, nuns and brothers to remain celibate and unmarried.
The net practical consequence is that a large many of the people who decide, often while no older than their late teens, to enter these vocations are frequently some of the most poorly adjusted people, psycho-sexually, in their society.

1 Timothy 4:1-4
Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.

Mark 12:38-40
And in his teaching he said, "Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes and like greetings in the marketplaces and have the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts, who devour widows’ houses and for a pretense make long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation."

-Now to be fair to the text, He's clearly talking about scribes not Catholic priests, but I always found the similarities between them rather remarkable and feel that these verses can be used to build a case against the Catholic priesthood.
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He is the head of a morally questionable organisation that ingages in immoral (and in some cases illegal) acts. He is also one of the most powerful men in the world. So in answer to your questions, the offenders in question are above the law because, well, they are part of an organisation powerful enough to be. It doesn't make it right, it just requires an equally powerful group to do something about it.

Their power is monetary. The Vatican art collection and multi-billion dollar real estate holdings.

External groups have failed in the past.
Lawyers can sue them into either complying to the law
or losing all their monetary power.

Internally, groups need to be formed that say,
"We will not donate money until you turn over the
self-admittedly guilty persons."
Problem solved.

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The Pope should condemn it. It's incurable. A lot of folks think that pedophilia 'is' curable but it is not. I've read studies of prisoners, locked-up for that crime in prisons throughout this country. They were asked what they would do upon release. The over-whelming response from them was; "Find a kid!'
Those priests who molested kids should be locked-up for the rest of their lives!


A "Natural Life" sentence of around two weeks sounds about right.

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I was a devout and practicing Catholic. I NEVER missed Ma'ss. I was on our City Council when my priest was arrested for molesting a 12 year old in another City, in another State. My Police Chief called me to say that Father X was caught in the act, and the Bishops from each diocese had agreed that he would be banned from an appointment where 'families were involved after lengthy institutionalization and rehab.I I was asked to keep the whole thing hush, hush. I thought (naively) that this would happen. Low and behold 16 months later Father X is back in a parish, serving families, training altar boys.
They came to our Church to ask for donations for our poor priests the same weekend that the newspaper said that our diocese was 'outing' the disgraced priests of our area. Of course the list included only priests who were dead, or in a comatose state with alzheimers. Father X's name was not on the list.
I am no longer a devout practicing Catholic.
[email protected]

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>It's a tough situation, but protecting children is more important
>than letting folks be wired that way in peace.

I have no problem with the way anyone is "wired." If they're attracted to men, women, children, housecats, shoeboxes - that's fine.

But if they commit crimes against kids (or women, or men) then they get put away. Not for how they're wired, but for what they _do._ No one can help how they're wired, but they can absolutely decide what they do with that wiring.

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