
What would you do to piss someone off?

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How many would you do . . . or have you done?:ph34r:

1. Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200% extra dark, 17 inch paper, 99 copies.

2. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sensual massage."

3. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."

4. If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to others. (almost makes you wish for a glass eye, doesn't it? -d)

5. Stomp on little plastic ketchup packets.

6. Insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all weather conditions "to keep them tuned up."

7. Reply to everything someone says with "that's what YOU think."

8. Practice making fax and modem noises.

9. Highlight irrelevant information in scientific papers and "cc" them to your boss.

10. Make beeping noises when a large person backs up.

11. Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophesy."

12. Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears.

13. Disassemble your pen and "accidentally" flip the ink cartridge across the room.

14. Holler random numbers while someone is counting.

15. Adjust the tint on your TV so that all the people are green, and insist to others that you "like it that way."

16. Staple papers in the middle of the page.

17. Publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a "croaking" noise.

18. Honk and wave to strangers.

19. Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complimentary mints by the cash register.


21. type only in lowercase.

22. dont use any punctuation either

23. Buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets.

24. Repeat the following conversation a dozen times: "Do you hear that?" "What?" "Never mind, it's gone now."

25. As much as possible, skip rather than walk.

26. Try playing the William Tell Overture by tapping on the bottom of your chin. When nearly done, announce, "no, wait, I messed it up," and repeat.

27. Ask people what gender they are.

28. While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet.

29. Sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down.

30. Sing along at the opera.

31. Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn't rhyme.

32. Ask your coworkers mysterious questions and then scribble their answers in a notebook. Mutter something about "psychological profiles."
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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33. Mess with the thermostat constantly.


Yeah - I thought I was in Bonfire when I posted this . . .
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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How many would you do . . . or have you done?:ph34r:

1. Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200% extra dark, 17 inch paper, 99 copies. - no. I set it for extra light. They always check toner and everything.

2. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sensual massage." - I'm a guy in 2010. I don't write checks.

3. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go." - always!

4. If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to others. (almost makes you wish for a glass eye, doesn't it? -d) This would be cool.

5. Stomp on little plastic ketchup packets. - no. Open them and put slips them underneath someone who is sitting down.

6. Insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all weather conditions "to keep them tuned up." - no. Will ruin the wipers and/or windshield.

7. Reply to everything someone says with "that's what YOU think." - no/

8. Practice making fax and modem noises. - no

9. Highlight irrelevant information in scientific papers and "cc" them to your boss. - I do that to opposing counsel. It's amazing how they actually believe you and think it's where you're going.B|

10. Make beeping noises when a large person backs up. - yeah. Done it.

11. Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophesy." - no.

12. Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears. - I also say, "la la la la"

13. Disassemble your pen and "accidentally" flip the ink cartridge across the room. - no. Bic Clicks can be made into little weapons, though. It's handy!

14. Holler random numbers while someone is counting. - I sing "867-530nighyeeine" and "25 or 624"

15. Adjust the tint on your TV so that all the people are green, and insist to others that you "like it that way." - no. Tell them it's fine and complain when they adjust it.

16. Staple papers in the middle of the page. no. tough to do.

17. Publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a "croaking" noise. - no

18. Honk and wave to strangers. - yep! Always! Never to a chick, though. You'll get pinched for solicitation.

19. Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complimentary mints by the cash register. - no


21. type only in lowercase. no.

22. dont use any punctuation either never

23. Buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets. - no. I have installed a portable speedbump.

24. Repeat the following conversation a dozen times: "Do you hear that?" "What?" "Never mind, it's gone now." - no.

25. As much as possible, skip rather than walk. - No.

26. Try playing the William Tell Overture by tapping on the bottom of your chin. When nearly done, announce, "no, wait, I messed it up," and repeat. - no. I use the top of my head to play it

27. Ask people what gender they are. - I'll have to try it!

28. While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet. - no. I make enough of an ass of myself in court. And what most people call parakeets are budgerigars.

29. Sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down. - sounds AWESOME!

30. Sing along at the opera. - nope.

31. Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn't rhyme. - no. I had enough of poetry with an ex-girlfriend.

32. Ask your coworkers mysterious questions and then scribble their answers in a notebook. Mutter something about "psychological profiles." - I'll try it. I've got some coworkers who will bite.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Probably the most annoying thing I do on a regular basis is point out how unoriginal a person is by copying crap they find on the internet and posting in here as if it's their own.

I'm sure these people think nobody will ever know and that others will think they're clever and funny, but I know the truth -- they simply have no original ideas.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Probably the most annoying thing I do on a regular basis is point out how unoriginal a person is by copying crap they find on the internet and posting in here as if it's their own.

I'm sure these people think nobody will ever know and that others will think they're clever and funny, but I know the truth -- they simply have no original ideas.

That's not even close to the most annoying thing you do, Paul, but it is a distant third or fourth.:ph34r:

Very, VERY few people have an actual original idea, it's those that act on them that make the difference.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Very, VERY few people have an actual original idea, it's those that cat on them that make the difference.

" . . . those that cat on them . . . ?

Hey - I was going for original . . .

or dyslexic . . .:ph34r:

It was supposed to be "act".
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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>>Very, VERY few people have an actual original idea, it's those that cat on
>>them that make the difference.

>" . . . those that cat on them . . . ?

Yep. At the Arizona Challenge this year, it was the people who catted on the base that made all the difference.

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33. Mess with the thermostat constantly.

At work we have office bays with a common area and six offices off of them. There's one thermostat that controls the whole bay located in the common area, between two of the office doors. A guy I used to work with would lean against the wall under the thermostat and talk with one of our other co-workers that was in his office.

I'd be sitting in my office and slowly but steadily the air conditioning would start ramping up until it was forcefully blowing frigid air into the room, full blast. So I'd get up and walk out into the bay to find them having an argument about something stupid, and the guy under the thermostat was getting riled up and red in the face and I'd jokingly interrupt, "Hey, either calm down or get away from the thermostat, the rest of us are freezing our asses off!"

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hey look... the thread really did belong in SC in the first place. :)

. . . accuse someone of being "just Like Lucky"
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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33. Mess with the thermostat constantly.

That's exactly what Deedy's co-worker was doing, though I don't think she was doing it to piss her off. :D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I have occasionally in the past, wiggled the earmold of my hearing aid so that the aid would squeal with high pitched feedback. Drove a few people upshitcreek that way. :ph34r:

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Drive through rush hour traffic, exactly at the speed limit.

Where do you live that going the speed limit wold slow down rush hour traffic? During rush hour in LA people would kill to be able to go as fas as the speed limit.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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