
Customer Service

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This might be the wrong place to post. If so, please move the thread.

I bought a Taser yesterday for my teen daughter. I am probably just a bit over-protective of her, but so be it. She asked for a Taser, so I got her one.

In very light colored, small letters against a light colored background, you find that the package says you have to go online and register a Taser. The associated cost is $9.95. After paying $320 for the Taser, this is a bit annoying, but understandable.

Once you register the Taser, you are sent to the startup instructions. You have to give the device an activation code that Taser supplies online. Tried. Failed. The device was dead. The LED would not come on when it was supposed to.

I called Taser customer service. After an hour of playing with the device (and occupying the phone of the store I bought it in), customer service told me they would call me back. They called back on my cell and after a couple of minutes, told me they would call me back again. Half an hour later, I left the store headed for my home. I live two hours away from that particular store.

About an hour into my drive, I decide Taser is not calling back. I call them. The lady who answers tells me the previous rep sent me an email telling me how to return the device to get a replacement. I asked her if I would have to pay shipping. She assured me I would pay for shipping and that they would not reimburse me. In a couple of weeks, I would recieve a new device. Considering the last promise to call me back, I'm a bit dubious.

She tells me I should have exchanged the device at the point of purchase. This is a bit annoying. I aasked her why the last guy didn't tell me that. She tells me he must not have known I was still there. I patiently explained to her that I told him twice that I was still at the store where I bought the device. We had a whole discussion. I didn't think I could make an exchange since I had just registered the device online.

Finally, the woman admits to me that it would be easier for me if I made the four hour round trip back to the point of purchase rather than deal with Taser Customer Service.

Is it just me, or have they taken a bad situation and made it a disaster? Now, I have reason to not trust the device or the company.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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A pistol like a Taurus .410ga revolver loaded with OO buck shot and a can of Fox Pro pepper spray would have been a better choice.


Some of those tasers are easily broken and if you really need it you HOPE it works right.


PS this is not about guns, so don't just delete this thread, it is about protecting his daughter.

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Speaking as a sexual predator I am alarmed at the growing use of these devices and I applaud the companies that are selling them for their poor after sales support and product reliability.
Dude #320
"Superstitious" is just a polite way of saying "incredibly fucking stupid".

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She's actually got her own shotgun and pistol. She spent three years on a rifle team. However, she is only 16 and unable to legally carry in Alabama. She'll have a permit as soon as she is able.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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She has a black belt in Taekwondo. Not the point. I'm irritated by the poor customer service.

Other companies I have dealt with would have sent me a new product and a postage paid package to return the old one. This company wastes my time and expects me to throw more money at the problem.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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What do you want to bet when you get the new one you have to pay to register it?


Ugh. Another concern.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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They even make them in cute canisters now

Totally! B|

Although, mine is the generic kind. :(

I do not have time to Google now, but there is a new one I really like I might get for running and other things. It is like a wristlet with the trigger in the palm and the spray on top of the hand--point, press fingers into palm and aim at target.
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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If someone gets close enough to be tased, they are close enough to be the recipient of a basic move that puts karate to shame.

I’m no tough guy and would never instigate an altercation, but years ago I learned a few techniques that were used before the Vietnam war by the military but were later deemed too cruel (typical).

The closest I can come to describing the moves is found at closecombattraining.com/ (this is not a plug as I have no interest in this company, but it’s a great reference).

I had the unfortunate experience a few years ago to use a technique similar to what he is advertising. This person or should I say victim came up from behind me at an airport. Apparently he though I was someone else he had some kind of issues with.

He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around violently. When I saw the anger in his eyes I instinctively made 1 single move which resulted in 3 operations to rebuild his jaw, oral surgery to put upper gum line back and a permanently cracked eye socket.

I was questioned but a review of security cameras got him arrested. They took him away in an ambulance.

The problem with these moves is there is no way to control the force you are using as its all at a maximum level. They are severe but very effective.
You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime

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The closest I can come to describing the moves is found at closecombatrraingin.com .

I notice the slogan "Fear no man!"; and yet there's nothing about not having to fear women.

Yeah, they can be vicious
You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime

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I do not have time to Google now, but there is a new one I really like I might get for running and other things. It is like a wristlet with the trigger in the palm and the spray on top of the hand--point, press fingers into palm and aim at target.

Found it.
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Customer service can be an extremely frustrating experience. Often you are dealing with an outsourced rep in another country.

I had a brief stint as a telephone company CS rep and team leader. First, many reps are working their way back into society from substance use and mental health disorders and/or criminal re-entry. They are good people, sometimes just slow.

If you are not satisfied with your service, tell the rep you would like to "escalate the call." That is the key phrase to get the team leader or supervisor. It is not an insult, they understand, and they will comply.

As for Taser, I would cancel the purchase and seek a refund
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I had a brief stint as a telephone company CS rep and team leader. First, many reps are working their way back into society from substance use and mental health disorders and/or criminal re-entry. They are good people, sometimes just slow.

Then with all due respect to those people, putting them in customer service might be setting both them and the customers up for failure. It's not fair to a person to place him in a job he's likely not to be able to handle. What's that going to do to re-build his self-esteem? (I say this from an overlapping perspective to yours: I spent a lot of time in my career in the criminal justice system working with people with SA & MH problems.)

Customer service is, in my humble opinion, the front line of a company's public relations. When I get a CS rep on the phone (after 20 minutes on hold) who doesn't "get it" when I explain it to him the first time, or the second time, and then punts my call to the next guy who (after 20 more minutes on hold) doesn't "get it" the first time, or the second time, it doesn't matter if it's because English isn't his native language or because he's a little slow, now I'm pissed at the company. And then I go on blogs like this and rant.

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I had a brief stint as a telephone company CS rep and team leader. First, many reps are working their way back into society from substance use and mental health disorders and/or criminal re-entry. They are good people, sometimes just slow.

Then with all due respect to those people, putting them in customer service might be setting both them and the customers up for failure. It's not fair to a person to place him in a job he's likely not to be able to handle. What's that going to do to re-build his self-esteem? (I say this from an overlapping perspective to yours: I spent a lot of time in my career in the criminal justice system working with people with SA & MH problems.)

As a CS team leader, I did not hire, only worked with. In SA/MH, the programs or counselors did not place clients. Clients determine their own work placement. We could help with interviews, applications and such. Florida DCF maintains that clients must determine their path and succeed or fail on their own merit.

Customer service is, in my humble opinion, the front line of a company's public relations. When I get a CS rep on the phone (after 20 minutes on hold) who doesn't "get it" when I explain it to him the first time, or the second time, and then punts my call to the next guy who (after 20 more minutes on hold) doesn't "get it" the first time, or the second time, it doesn't matter if it's because English isn't his native language or because he's a little slow, now I'm pissed at the company. And then I go on blogs like this and rant.

DITTO and Amen.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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