
UN: Himalayan glaciers warning not backed up

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What the fuck are you talking about?

World Communism ...

Today's adults may not want it, may not believe in Communism. But the youth of the world are being indoctrinated as we speak into believing in "Economic Sustainability all in the name of controlling Climate Change". Unless parents of today start taking a more proactive roll in raising their children to be independent, there is nothing stopping this indoctrination. But most parents do a piss poor job raising their children and prefer to let the state and the media do it for them.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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What the fuck are you talking about?

try to pay attention - this one time, I'll summarize for you

due to carbon credit legislation, cows are not legally allowed to fart

<<>> stupid, redneck, racist, sexist, gay bashing, flyover land cows <<<>>>

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>This whole 'global warming/climate change' thing reminds me of other >things scientists have told us.. . . Sure does tend to maintain confusion.

Yep. One thing that helps with that is to figure out who's talking. If it's a Newsweek reporter going for a sensational story, or an oil company scientist trying to reassure nervous shareholders, you may not be getting the whole story. Peer-reviewed journals are a great place to find less political science, and there are several summaries out there (science news for example) that just summarize research rather than "make news" or sell shares of their company. (And they're more readable than Science or Nature.)

Thanks, Bill! I will, check those sources out. I'll be honest... I'm having a hard time believing the whole 'climate' thing. Much of it comes across as 'scare tactics', profiteering and or someone's agenda. I like getting both sides, when I can and sort the grain from the chaf!


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"Reproductive limits can work but have proven to be a political hot potato. "

Reproductive limits are built in to the human condition, when development is reached poulation growth nears zero. (The USA being the noteable exception) Why do you feel the overwhelming urge to controlle people?

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What the fuck are you talking about?

World Communism ...

Today's adults may not want it, may not believe in Communism. But the youth of the world are being indoctrinated as we speak into believing in "Economic Sustainability all in the name of controlling Climate Change". Unless parents of today start taking a more proactive roll in raising their children to be independent, there is nothing stopping this indoctrination. But most parents do a piss poor job raising their children and prefer to let the state and the media do it for them.


The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Simple... too many people. This old earth is showing the strain. The world governments know it. The problem is, How do they control population in an 'acceptable manner.


Decreasing wealth will have a concomitant effect on human health. infant mortality will increase and disease systems will be implicated.

Think of it this way - people in industrial and polluting societies live longer. Decreasing wealth decreases technology and innovation. Furthermore, food supplies become lowered as packaging, etc., are diminsihed and transportation is expensive, among the myriad other effects.

Look at the lifestyle in "sustainable" environmental locales, such as sub-saharan Africa. Check out the life span, infant mortality, etc. The more "polluted" a place is, the longer the people there live.

Control the wealth and you control the population growth. It's a way of doing it.

Don't kill everybody. Just make it easier for people to die.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Simple... too many people. This old earth is showing the strain. The world governments know it. The problem is, How do they control population in an 'acceptable manner.


Decreasing wealth will have a concomitant effect on human health. infant mortality will increase and disease systems will be implicated.

Think of it this way - people in industrial and polluting societies live longer. Decreasing wealth decreases technology and innovation. Furthermore, food supplies become lowered as packaging, etc., are diminsihed and transportation is expensive, among the myriad other effects.

Look at the lifestyle in "sustainable" environmental locales, such as sub-saharan Africa. Check out the life span, infant mortality, etc. The more "polluted" a place is, the longer the people there live.

Control the wealth and you control the population growth. It's a way of doing it.

Don't kill everybody. Just make it easier for people to die.

Don't get me wrong... I am not advocating the mass slaughter of people. I just feel our world is over populated. I read recently of a supposed plot of putting chemicals in the H1N1 vaccine that would cause one in twenty children recieving the vaccine would be made sterile! Pretty shocking.


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Not to worry Chuck
Thanks to the United Nation's "Agenda 21", soon the state will be doing your thinking for you. They will tell you where you can live, they will tell you where you can travel, they will tell you what job you will be doing, they will tell you how you will get to and from your home/job on their green public transit system.

There is always an out there. Somali government would never tell you where you can live or where you can travel and so on. Sounds like a perfect choice for those who cannot stand government involvement in their lives!
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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