
Brown Beats Coakley

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I wouldn't gloat, this wasn't a big endorsement of the Republican party. It's more a move to the center right. You didn't see Brown glad-handing the repub big wigs.
With that said he ran a smart race and the dems screwed up.
Hopefully this will be a trend, common sense people who are sick of career politicians running for office.
We need new leadership on both sides of the isle.

*okay, a short gloating moment:

Hey establishment, here's some humble pie, served with fresh tea!!!!

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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I wouldn't gloat, this wasn't a big endorsement of the Republican party. It's more a move to the center right. You didn't see Brown glad-handing the repub big wigs.
With that said he ran a smart race and the dems screwed up.
Hopefully this will be a trend, common sense people who are sick of career politicians running for office.
We need new leadership on both sides of the isle.

*okay, a short gloating moment:

Hey establishment, here's some humble pie, served with fresh tea!!!!

Agreed ...

Both GOP and DEMs can stink up the joint with their respective rhetoric.
the GOP need to be smart with this one and not gloat too much.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Just the first in a long line of exiting libs. 2010 is gonna be a great year!:)

Is this going to be the "Scott" heard 'round the world?

This one is for Mary Jo.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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The sleeping giant is awake and both parties better wake up because this tea party movement is not going away soon.
As a resident of Nevada i can say Harry Reid , your going to be voted out come November . Blue skies!

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Just the first in a long line of exiting libs. 2010 is gonna be a great year!:)

You may find this amusing;

Then again, maybe not.

I give them a couple hours before they start tossing him under the train..... since a bus cant hold all that many of the deadenders.

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I give them a couple hours before they start tossing him under the train..... since a bus cant hold all that many of the deadenders.

The dems threw Coakley under the bus last night.

Like HWT said, both parties better watch out.

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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I wouldn't gloat, this wasn't a big endorsement of the Republican party. It's more a move to the center right. You didn't see Brown glad-handing the repub big wigs.
With that said he ran a smart race and the dems screwed up.
Hopefully this will be a trend, common sense people who are sick of career politicians running for office.
We need new leadership on both sides of the isle.

*okay, a short gloating moment:

Hey establishment, here's some humble pie, served with fresh tea!!!!

I didn't say it was an endorsement of the Republicans, many of whom are actually Republicats, but I agree with your hope for a trend.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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I with ya man, I just have cautious optimism. I'd hate to see over-confidence overcome common sense.

And yes, I am one of those right wing looney Tea-Party dudes. Democrats, Republicans, and the media better start paying (true) attention to us!
The people who vote and pay the bills are starting to shape the future, in the way it's supposed to be!

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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The sleeping giant is awake and both parties better wake up because this tea party movement is not going away soon.
As a resident of Nevada i can say Harry Reid , your going to be voted out come November . Blue skies!

The Tea Baggers are nothing - irrelevant boobs.

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The Tea Baggers are nothing - irrelevant boobs.

Insult all you want, this movement is real and the talking heads in Washington better listen.........

+1 We will be heard even if they dont listen, we will get someone who will listen to the people. This has been messed up for way to long on both sides!
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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Just the first in a long line of exiting libs. 2010 is gonna be a great year!:)

You have a massive deficit in teh House, you have 41 senators in Congress; now you're claiming some kind of victory????

Mass. is 3 to 1 Democrats. 29% of those dems voted for Brown. 69% of independents also did. There hasn't been a Republican in that seat in forever.

So yeah, that's some kind of victory.

More importantly, it's a great example of the people speaking loudest by speaking at the ballot box.

In case you haven't noticed, the American people are sick of the shit going on in Washington. They pretty much already were before Bush started throwing money at his buds on Wall Street, and B.O. is taking everything the American people by-and-large hate to unprecidented proportions.

This election was about people's first opportunity to push back against the machine at the voting booth since it started cranking a year ago.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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The Tea Baggers are nothing - irrelevant boobs.

Insult all you want, this movement is real and the talking heads in Washington better listen.........

+1 We will be heard even if they dont listen, we will get someone who will listen to the people. This has been messed up for way to long on both sides!

Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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The Tea Baggers are nothing - irrelevant boobs.

Insult all you want, this movement is real and the talking heads in Washington better listen.........

We will be heard even if they dont listen,

Did you say something?

Nothing an ignorant person would have heard!:)
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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Mass. is 3 to 1 Democrats. 29% of those dems voted for Brown. 69% of independents also did.

Right, it was the indeps that made the deal for the R's, not the R's by themselves or alleged D's flipping.


There hasn't been a Republican in that seat in forever.

Right and Calif was always D for pres until fascist Ronnie came along. AZ always R for pres until Clinton in 96, so you're saying there was an anomoly? Weird is the new normal; welcome aboard.


So yeah, that's some kind of victory.

Welcome to a 41-57-2 split; now go celebrate.


More importantly, it's a great example of the people speaking loudest by speaking at the ballot box.

No, the loud noise was heard in the last 3 elections, not the Nazis win 3 Gov seats and 1 seante seat and they think they're the majority.


In case you haven't noticed, the American people are sick of the shit going on in Washington.

I think the last 3 elections have shown that.


They pretty much already were before Bush started throwing money at his buds on Wall Street, and B.O. is taking everything the American people by-and-large hate to unprecidented proportions.

OK, now define the BO part. What do Americans hate that BO is taking to huge proportions?


This election was about people's first opportunity to push back against the machine at the voting booth since it started cranking 5 years ago.

Fixed it.

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The Tea Baggers are nothing - irrelevant boobs.

Insult all you want, this movement is real and the talking heads in Washington better listen.........

We will be heard even if they dont listen,

Did you say something?

Nothing an ignorant person would have heard!:)

Out of substance; NOW TO PA's?

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The Tea Baggers are nothing - irrelevant boobs.

Insult all you want, this movement is real and the talking heads in Washington better listen.........

We will be heard even if they dont listen,

Did you say something?

Nothing an ignorant person would have heard!:)

Out of substance; NOW TO PA's?

You have never had any substance and always been a smart ass. If you cant take it then dont dish it out!:)
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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