
Haiti, america turns food and medical supplys away, prioritising troops and reporters instead.

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It's all his fault!!! I think the only asshole in this thread may be one who started it.........Shocked

moderators can you please sort the PA's out, it is quite pathetic.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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There are enough troops now, start getting food and medical supplies to the people before they die.

U know this how?

R u in a position to see what assets have made it there and what is still required?

Didn't think so. One incident of a plane being diverted because more boots are needed on the ground does not mean that all aid is being funneled away. Go cry elsewhere, we're sick of your garbage.

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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where blankets and water can be sent and arrive within hours.

What natural disaster have you worked relief for? As someone who has actually been a boot on the ground (civilian response), If you don't take your organizational command and infrastructure with you-shit sits on the docks and doesn't get distributed.
I'm sorry if situational realities conflict with your head up your ass worldview, but until you strap on, volunteer, and crawl onto the muck-feel free to shut the fuck up.
I'm curious as to if the aircraft that were rerouted or held had a flight plan that notified of their ETA of if they just called 20 minutes out for permission to land.
You are only as strong as the prey you devour

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'm curious as to if the aircraft that were rerouted or held had a flight plan that notified of their ETA of if they just called 20 minutes out for permission to land.

Very good point. I don't know who else noticed, but the US military is basically running the airport operations. I would be willing to bet that the planes being told not to land are the ones who fail to coordinate prior to heading out.

Of course this theory completely disallows bitching about how stupid the US is so lets just throw it out the window shall we. Lets also say that the troops that landed were carrying Al-Qaeda propaganda to be distributed around the country so we have a reason to invade the country.

Who's with me?

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Bet it plays well on AlJizzeera too.

What did Qatar ever do to you to be so bitter towards them? i suppose they are all just sand niggers right?

for fucks sake woman pull your fucking head in!

Figured I would quote/reply so the racial slur can't be edited out before the mods catch it.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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There are enough troops now, start getting food and medical supplies to the people before they die.

How do you know there are enough troops?

Why are the Belgian medics leaving citing lack of security if there are enough troops?

You have zero idea what you are talking about.

Derek V

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brazil has had food aid turned away now too, while air conditioning units and water supplies for US troops have been unloaded.

When there are more planes coming in than runway to deal with them, something will be turned away. It's inevitable. As it is, a) water is generally more critical than food, you can go much longer without food than without water and b) I'd imagine that a lot of food aid is getting into the country, not all of it is being turned away, only the stuff that genuinely can't be dealt with under the circumstances.


and 5 days later there are still people that do not have food but are able to be interview for television.

Right. Question time: What is more difficult, delivering food to every one of several hundred thousand homeless people in a shattered city, or interviewing a few people? I'm not sure how you expect the troops and aid workers to be able to achieve perfect coverage of food distribution before any reporters find their way into the country.

Side point: You know what? Reporters are actually important. They raise the profile of the disaster in the eyes of the public which leads to a lot more donations than you'd get if no-one outside knew what was going on.


i don't hate america, but i don't appreciate seeing people dying in television.

Then turn off the TV and just imagine that the world is a perfect and happy place where logistical realities don't exist.


There are enough troops now, start getting food and medical supplies to the people before they die.

So you think they're all just sitting around waiting at the moment? They have started, it's just going to be a heck of a lot more difficult than you seem to reliase.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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have you ever been to haiti? its the most fucked up and impoverished place i've ever been. worse that eritrea, worse that venezuala. worse that the barios around rio. without this disaster people were fucked. that place was fucked. i can't imagine how hard it is now to get aid to everybody. people there are trying to help. i'm sure they're doing the best they can, you're just trying to find another way to demonize the u.s. how about the next time there's a disaster anywhere in the world, you get in there on day one and show everyone how to run the relief effort smoothly.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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I was just watching "60 Minutes" and the reporter there said the 82nd Airborne had to circle for 5 hours before they could land at the airfield on Haiti. So much for rhys' accusation of prefferential treatment.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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GW just said . . .

Who is GW?

Anyway, if you have a problem with the way the US is coming to the rescue of another country in need, feel free to load up a plane and parachute in with supplies.

Dittio. Rhys, STFU. You are seriously out there bitching about donation and generosity not being good enough. You're a true piece of work.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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It's all his fault!!! I think the only asshole in this thread may be one who started it.........Shocked

moderators can you please sort the PA's out, it is quite pathetic.

You openly attack a group of people and want to hide behind an internet persona. Crybaby.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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and 5 days later there are still people that do not have food but are able to be interview for television.

The reporters are one of the main reasons aid is coming in at all, right? They also investigate the corrupt uses of it as well. I have no doubt that the Hatian government wouldnt mind pocketing billions of dollars at the expense of thousands of their own people dying. Money is VERY powerful.


i don't hate america, but i don't appreciate seeing people dying in television

I dont think anyone thinks you hate us. We dont want to see people dying on TV either. Surely your seeing you may have jumped the gun on this one... which is something we all do at times.
"We didn't start the fire"

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January 14, United States Air Force Special Tactics personnel were on
the ground controlling airport operations at Toussaint L'Ouverture
International, Haiti, but the ramp area was already saturated with 44
aircraft, forcing a temporary closure. The airport operates a control
tower, two fuel trucks and one 9,974-foot runway. The control tower
was rendered useless by the January 12 earthquake. Initial aid flights
arrived using the UNICOM frequency to organize themselves, then by a
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter off the coast. But two days later, the
airspace was closed, turning away 11 aircraft that had been waiting
for other flights to depart so they could land. Among those turned
away was a C-130 from the 15th Special Operations Squadron at Hurlburt
Field, Fla.. With ground damage hindering the expedient dispersion of
supplies, and physical space preventing further arrivals, departures
were at the same time beginning to be challenged by a dwindling fuel
supply. The American aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson had by Thursday
been dispatched to the region, primarily looking at providing
increased helicopter capacity in the afflicted area.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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"i suppose they are all just sand niggers right?"

That was sarcasm, you should all have understood that but it seems you did not (understanding sarcasm is not a strong point for Americans), how is that a breach of forum rules?


"for fucks sake woman pull your fucking head in!"

Borderline, but point taken!
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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'm curious as to if the aircraft that were rerouted or held had a flight plan that notified of their ETA of if they just called 20 minutes out for permission to land.


Very good point. I don't know who else noticed, but the US military is basically running the airport operations. I would be willing to bet that the planes being told not to land are the ones who fail to coordinate prior to heading out.

Of course this theory completely disallows bitching about how stupid the US is so lets just throw it out the window shall we. Lets also say that the troops that landed were carrying Al-Qaeda propaganda to be distributed around the country so we have a reason to invade the country.

Who's with me?

I guess we have invaded this country
according to France

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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