
Anti Whale Terrorist Boat Gets Rammed

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Theses guys have been stalking the Japanese boats for a long time, firing projectiles at them and using a laser to interfere with the Japanese.

This video makes me happy :)
Edit: For the title that people seemed to be so focused on :)

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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It's an anti-whaling boat that got rammed, not a "climate terrorist" boat. I believe you have mixed up your strawmen.

But aren't the whales and dolphins in control of climate and everything?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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It's an anti-whaling boat that got rammed, not a "climate terrorist" boat. I believe you have mixed up your strawmen.

But aren't the whales and dolphins in control of climate and everything?

Well, the mice are pretty hands-off, so the dolphins are next in line intelligence-wise.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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It's an anti-whaling boat that got rammed, not a "climate terrorist" boat. I believe you have mixed up your strawmen.

But aren't the whales and dolphins in control of climate and everything?

Nope, polar bears are.
Polar bears are white and reflect sunlight and heat back into space. Since the polar bear population has been declining, less heat gets bounced and thus we have global warming.
One solution would be to train penguins to stand with their bellies facing the sun instead of their backs.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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It's an anti-whaling boat that got rammed, not a "climate terrorist" boat. I believe you have mixed up your strawmen.

But aren't the whales and dolphins in control of climate and everything?

Nope, polar bears are.
Polar bears are white and reflect sunlight and heat back into space. Since the polar bear population has been declining, less heat gets bounced and thus we have global warming.
One solution would be to train penguins to stand with their bellies facing the sun instead of their backs.

Actually, Polar bears are Black....

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It's an anti-whaling boat that got rammed, not a "climate terrorist" boat. I believe you have mixed up your strawmen.

But aren't the whales and dolphins in control of climate and everything?

Yes and no. They actually rule the world.


This article says otherwise----> http://www.theonion.com/content/news/study_dolphins_not_so_intelligent
*I am not afraid of dying... I am afraid of missing life.*
----Disclaimer: I don't know shit about skydiving.----

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But aren't the whales and dolphins in control of climate and everything?

Yes and no. They actually rule the world.

"So long, and thanks for all the fish!"

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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It's an anti-whaling boat that got rammed, not a "climate terrorist" boat. I believe you have mixed up your strawmen.

But aren't the whales and dolphins in control of climate and everything?

Nope, polar bears are.
Polar bears are white and reflect sunlight and heat back into space. Since the polar bear population has been declining, less heat gets bounced and thus we have global warming.
One solution would be to train penguins to stand with their bellies facing the sun instead of their backs.

Actually, Polar bears are Black....

Hey! Are you trying to point out flaws in my senseless argument? >:(

Their skin IS black but the hair is transluscent and appears white. So THERE! I was wrong on TWO counts!

And Bill's plan is just as dumb. Everybody knows dead penguins float belly down. :P
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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> Everybody knows dead penguins float belly down.

That's what the so called "consensus" thinks. THE SCIENCE IS NOT SETTLED! There was a dead penguin at the San Diego zoo a few weeks ago - floating belly up. But I guess that's an "inconvenient truth" eh? You won't see THAT in any of those fancy schmancy science journals!

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> Everybody knows dead penguins float belly down.

That's what the so called "consensus" thinks. THE SCIENCE IS NOT SETTLED! There was a dead penguin at the San Diego zoo a few weeks ago - floating belly up. But I guess that's an "inconvenient truth" eh? You won't see THAT in any of those fancy schmancy science journals!

Geez, Bill, do we have to explain EVERYTHING to you?? The reason that bird was belly up was because of all the nao-thermite sprayed on it's back.
The truth will be revealed soon, possibly in the next few days, that it was penguins sprayed with nano-thermite that brought down the trade center towers. Building 7? That's where the excess penguins were stored.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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But aren't the whales and dolphins in control of climate and everything?

Yes and no. They actually rule the world.

"So long, and thanks for all the fish!"


Exactly what I was thinking. No point in worrying about global warming; there's an interstellar highway being built through here anyway.

Stay positive and love your life.

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>that it was penguins sprayed with nano-thermite

Nano-thermite is so 2009. The REAL truth is that the explosive was an aluminothermic nanocomposite.

I knew the truth would come out if I pressed long enough. But the one question that bothers me is, how did a penguin contaminated with explosives from 9/11/01 in New York....end up in a zoo in California eight years later???
Could be a movie here somewhere.....B|
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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>that it was penguins sprayed with nano-thermite

Nano-thermite is so 2009. The REAL truth is that the explosive was an aluminothermic nanocomposite.

I knew the truth would come out if I pressed long enough. But the one question that bothers me is, how did a penguin contaminated with explosives from 9/11/01 in New York....end up in a zoo in California eight years later???
Could be a movie here somewhere.....B|

Witness Protection Program - he's hiding out along with Elvis and JFK (they're in Area 51, though).
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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It's an anti-whaling boat that got rammed, not a "climate terrorist" boat. I believe you have mixed up your strawmen.

But aren't the whales and dolphins in control of climate and everything?

Well, the mice are pretty hands-off, so the dolphins are next in line intelligence-wise.

The mice are IT guys;
You can't expect them to keep the big computer running,
and still have time for anything else.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Theses guys have been stalking the Japanese boats for a long time, firing projectiles at them and using a laser to interfere with the Japanese.

This video makes me happy :)
Edit: For the title that people seemed to be so focused on :)

#1 - any group fighting for the good of creatures must make you happy

#2 - Killing non-human animals is great, huh?

Edit for what? People who want factual accuracy?

We've extincted how many species? And when we fuck with nature we have boom-bust cycles that sometimes really fuck things up. Amazing these humans, we often kill species that would die to save us. WOW, there must be a god as many of the pro-animal killers justify their deeds by.

BTW, show me where killing whales is a part of homo sapien's natural plan.

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>Amazing these humans, we often kill species that would die to save us.

And we try to save species that try to kill us. The world works in mysterious ways.

>BTW, show me where killing whales is a part of homo sapien's natural plan.

Every predator species will kill and kill until either the source of the food runs out or they go extinct (or nearly so.) It's part of nature's plan. Google "the wolves and moose of Isle Royale" for a good example of this.

We are fortunate that we can rise above that and decide "you know, it would be fun/profitable/bellyfilling to kill all those whales, but maybe there's some value in _not_ killing them all." A good thing IMO.

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And we try to save species that try to kill us. The world works in mysterious ways.

One doesn't wash the other since humans usualy have immediate control over other species.


Every predator species will kill and kill until either the source of the food runs out or they go extinct (or nearly so.) It's part of nature's plan.

Point is, homo sapien was designed to predate on vegetation only.


We are fortunate that we can rise above that and decide "you know, it would be fun/profitable/bellyfilling to kill all those whales, but maybe there's some value in _not_ killing them all." A good thing IMO.

And unfortunate that it's an issue of debate amongst us rather than one of conscience.

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