
Republicans and Immigration Policy/Health Care Horseshit

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Dumb as a box of rocks.

How else can you explain it?

The fastest growing group of voters is of Hispanic ancestry. For some strange reason thay don't take too kindly to blowhards that rant about "illegals". When the morons of the gang of six try to PREVENT people from buying insurance, that is not exactly making friends and influencing people to vote Republican. Pandering to the base with these tactics is not smart.

All I can say is


You are doing a fine job of ensuring that the Rs will become less and less of an influence as they get voted out of office.

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They're either voters or they're illegals. Make up your mind which group you'd like to pander to and get back to us.

Frequently both in the same household. You can't talk about illegals without also insulting a lot of relatives of voters.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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They're either voters or they're illegals. Make up your mind which group you'd like to pander to and get back to us.

Frequently both in the same household. You can't talk about illegals without also insulting a lot of relatives of voters.

I suppose that's true...and heaven forbid we would want to insult someone who's realtives are here illegally. :S
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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They're either voters or they're illegals. Make up your mind which group you'd like to pander to and get back to us.

Frequently both in the same household. You can't talk about illegals without also insulting a lot of relatives of voters.

I suppose that's true...and heaven forbid we would want to insult someone who's realtives are here illegally. :S

If you're on the election bubble, every vote counts. Insulting the relatives of a large and specific demographic isn't the brightest of ideas.

It's like making "Yo Momma" jokes . . . in some cases, exactly like it.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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They're either voters or they're illegals. Make up your mind which group you'd like to pander to and get back to us.

Frequently both in the same household. You can't talk about illegals without also insulting a lot of relatives of voters.

I suppose that's true...and heaven forbid we would want to insult someone who's realtives are here illegally. :S

If you're on the election bubble, every vote counts. Insulting the relatives of a large and specific demographic isn't the brightest of ideas.

It's like making "Yo Momma" jokes . . . in some cases, exactly like it.

I agree. It's not about right v. wrong anymore. It's about catering to those who will get you elected. Problem there is eventually those very same people will perpetuate the problem. We're getting dangerously close to 50% of the population not paying income tax. Which party panders to those folks?
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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They're either voters or they're illegals. Make up your mind which group you'd like to pander to and get back to us.

Frequently both in the same household. You can't talk about illegals without also insulting a lot of relatives of voters.

I suppose that's true...and heaven forbid we would want to insult someone who's realtives are here illegally. :S

If you're on the election bubble, every vote counts. Insulting the relatives of a large and specific demographic isn't the brightest of ideas.

It's like making "Yo Momma" jokes . . . in some cases, exactly like it.

I agree. It's not about right v. wrong anymore. It's about catering to those who will get you elected. Problem there is eventually those very same people will perpetuate the problem. We're getting dangerously close to 50% of the population not paying income tax. Which party panders to those folks?

The loss of good paying jobs for the average person in the USA is the result of the carefully crafted "War on the middle class" conceived in the sixties, and executed starting with the election of Reagan. Once they got rid of the fairness doctrine, corporate takeover of the major media happened very quickly. (Note to ignorant righties - the key part of the FD that has had the most effect is the retrictions on ownership of media outlets were removed. That allowed large corporations to buy up hundreds of newspapers, television and radio stations.

The corporate control of the content broadcast has been a disaster for the USA. The gullible have been sold ignorant crap like "Death Tax", and that joining the rest of the modern world WRT health care would be bad. If you think that this isn't real, the Dixie Chicks are a perfect example of the evils of the current system. Clear Channel Radio refused to broadcast the DC 's music after they exercised "freedom of speech" to comment on the failings of GWB. The right wing peckerwoods were all upset that the DCs actually said bad stuff about GWB and proceeded to go after them with great vigor.

In the past, TV and Radio station ownership was held by hundreds of different individuals and small corporations. Now 5 corporations have control of 95% of the media outlets. They use the control to shape the opinions of those that are easily led and have minimal critical thinking skills. That is how a stupid concept like "death panels" is actually thought by some to be a real issue. Sold like toilet paper or shampoo, and bought by the ignorant and gullible. The sale of the concept of "the liberal media" is an example of just how skilled they have become in making people that which is completely opposite of the truth.

Unions have been marketed as evil. Auto workers are maligned because they want to be paid a reasonable percentage of the profits from a well run company, instead of the absolute lowest possible wage that can be forced upon them. WalMart, for years, got away with having the information on how to sign up for section 8 housing assistance, food stamps, WIC, and other government programs as part of their new hire packets. One of the most profitable companies in the world, and they won't pay their employees wages that allow them to live above the poverty line. Walmart has broken every attempt of its workers to unionize. Track down the story of what happened to RubberMaid. It is a classic example of how WalMart forced a major US based supplier to push manufacturing off shore, thus eliminating good paying jobs here in the USA.

That is what the righties support. It is fundamentally wrong on many levels. They don't see it that way because they simply don't have the ability to step back and grok the bigger picture. Bogged down in minor details, they are completely willing to vote against their own best interests.

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Clear Channel Radio refused to broadcast the DC 's music after they exercised "freedom of speech" to comment on the failings of GWB.

So, the chicks exercised their free speech, and clear channel exercised theirs - I'm presuming you have a point to make?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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That is what the righties support.

Glad to see you're now a self-proclaimed expert on the republican platform. I mean, otherwise making a blanket statement describing right-leaning voters would just be foolish right?


It is fundamentally wrong on many levels.

Current government (both sides) is wrong on many levels. Believing any of them doesn't help anything.


They don't see it that way because they simply don't have the ability to step back and grok the bigger picture.

I've seen your "bigger picture", and I don't like it. Please don't mistake that for lacking the ability to see it.


Bogged down in minor details, they are completely willing to vote against their own best interests.

Glad to see that you're now also a self-proclaimed expert on my best interests as well.

My best interests involve getting people like you out of government and leaving me the f*ck alone. :|

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Once they got rid of the fairness doctrine, corporate takeover of the major media happened very quickly.


Wow you sure are a smart one! Maybe one day they can bring it back so the govt. will make conservative stations play liberal crap. Maybe air america could actually suceed with a little govt. help:S. In case you havent noticed, there is a reason most talk shows are conservative. People like hearing the truth and get tired of others talking shit about there country! Hence no air america;) Go join dreamboy in Dreamwolrd;)
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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Once they got rid of the fairness doctrine, corporate takeover of the major media happened very quickly.


Wow you sure are a smart one! Maybe one day they can bring it back so the govt. will make conservative stations play liberal crap. Maybe air america could actually suceed with a little govt. help:S. In case you havent noticed, there is a reason most talk shows are conservative. People like hearing the truth and get tired of others talking shit about there country! Hence no air america;) Go join dreamboy in Dreamwolrd;)

It takes real shit for brains to defend centralized corporate ownership of hundreds of radio stations.

Progressive Radio has pulled better numbers than Lush RimJob, O'Reilly, Hanninty, etc, in some markets. Oddly enough, the radio stations that had had high ratings with progesssive talk radio ended up having their formats changed. One went to Christian music. Another went to all sports talk. In both of those cases the rating for the new formats were substantially lower than progressive radio.
In other words, SHIT FOR BRAINS RIGHT WING HALFWITS, market forces are NOT controlling what is available on the radio. THe corporate owners are.
There are congressional hearing on this issue coming up.

It takes a real half wit to defend Clear Channel and their corporate sleaziness. What else could be expected from one of the Village Idiots?

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I have always believed, and still do believe, that competition is a good thing. It's a real dilemma though, and part of the package in becoming a part of a global economy, when companies like WalMart attack with such zeal that their success in pushing prices down results in a large portion of their employees needing to take advantage of welfare programs (not to mention their outright abuse of employees), and forcing suppliers to off shore their business.

On the other topic (though I won't use righties) it is amazing that a political coalition has been built that draws from both ends of the economic spectrum while ignoring the middle.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Oddly enough, the radio stations that had had high ratings with progesssive talk radio ended up having their formats changed


Show me the numbers and the staitions please

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Lush RimJob

Those who have arguments provide facts, along with conclusions. Those who have none, provide insults. Those who genuinely grasp the truth of something are never tempted to hurl insults
Michael J. Hurd, Ph.D.




It takes a real half wit .... the Village Idiots?

Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong.

Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778)
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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