
NRA Phone Scam...

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I hope, this isn't a re-post but, I recieved a call from (supposedly) the NRA, asking for either a $100.00 or $200.00 donation to help fight HR-45. The caller was a bit pushy to get either a credit card number or a checking account number. I gave neither and told the caller they could send me an envelope and I'd mail them a check. So far, no envelope. I am not an NRA member and have never heard of the NRA soliciting by telephone. Anyone else have this experience? I tried to check it out but found nothing really substantial. Thanks!


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I would bet that an anti gun group or individuals might be tempted to target possible NRA members, take their money and use it against the NRA. Wouldn't that be twisted?, in any case I always ask telemarkedorks to send me info via snail mail po box...funny how it never shows up;)

Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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Twisted... Yes! Plausible... Yes! That's exactly why, I told him to send me an envelope. I'm not giving him any information over the phone. He was quite persistant, wanting a 'donation'... NOW! He played a recording of (supposedly) The NRA president, explaining the bill in question and how they needed to 'fill their war chest'! :D


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Phone-y phone drive. Scam telemarketers pick issues that people are passionate about (guns, abortion, all the topics in Speaker's Corner), and then solicit money over the phone. I once gave money to an organization that said they helped disabled police officers. After they cashed my check, they sent me several notices saying they never received the money, so please send more. I looked them up, and they didn't exist. It was just a scam for taking money from people.


According to this article, 60% of money collected never reaches anyone in need.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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Thanks, for that! I try to be real careful when I get calls from phone solicitors. When they 'pressure' for a credit card or bank information, I back way-off. I'm forever getting calls from this or that police organization asking for money. As much as I am in favor of law enforcement officers, I tell them I can't help and hang-up.
I looked-up HR-45 and as a gun owner, it's real easy to get riled-up but, I didn't.
Thanks, again.


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I am an NRA member, and have never heard of them soliciting by phone.

I have never heard of NRA soliciting by phone, either. I've always considered them 'above' such things. What gets me too is, HR-45 was introduced back in March and scammers are just now hitting on it? Have you read the bill? It's scarey!

edit to add: www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-45 (hope, that works)


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Just endless renewal letters?;)

Actually I think their mail pissed me off so much my membership has expired. It went straight from mailbox to recycle box.>:(

Not to mention I'm too poor from buying ammo, when there was ammo to buy.;)

I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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I am an NRA member, and have never heard of them soliciting by phone.

They never will.

The only thing they ever did by phone is ask for subscriptions to american riflemen for the troops OCONUS.

You got to select a servicemen to receive a copy of the magazine.

There was no cost involved, or rather no money asked for.

This was just done for lifetime members.

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