UAE torture recording threatens to derail nuclear deal with United States

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Good timing! This is happening every day in south east, and is no secret, why these news right now?

A videotape showing a member of the United Arab Emirates Royal Family torturing a man is threatening a multibillion-dollar nuclear power deal between the US and the Gulf kingdom.

The 45-minute tape shows a man that the Government of Abu Dhabi has acknowledged is Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al-Nahyan — one of 22 royal brothers of the UAE President and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince — mercilessly and repeatedly beating a man with a cattle prod and a nailed board, burning his genitals and driving his Mercedes over him several times. He is assisted by a uniformed policeman.

Full story and video http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article6201333.ece

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Don't you wonder what the tortured guy was guilty of?

Where is the outcries from the liberals who claim this is a sovereign nation?

If Saddam and Iraq should have been off limits why is this trivial incident something to get upset over?

People are tortured every day in the world.

In fact one infamous torturer that belonged to the Black Panthers was actually educated at the government expense and then when released became a professor at a university.

He was later made to be in charge of the Dept of Education under Bill clinton

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Don't you wonder what the tortured guy was guilty of?

Where is the outcries from the liberals who claim this is a sovereign nation?

It's a very CONSERVATIVE nation, which must explain the torture:P.
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Don't you wonder what the tortured guy was guilty of?

Where is the outcries from the liberals who claim this is a sovereign nation?

If Saddam and Iraq should have been off limits why is this trivial incident something to get upset over?

People are tortured every day in the world.

In fact one infamous torturer that belonged to the Black Panthers was actually educated at the government expense and then when released became a professor at a university.

He was later made to be in charge of the Dept of Education under Bill clinton

I had one question " Why the timing"? Why right now?

The person might have done something serious, or maybe only been rude. This is a daily problem in Middle east. In The Emirates, Saudi, Kuwait, they treat foreign staff like slaves with no rights.

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>Don't you wonder what the tortured guy was guilty of?

Exactly! He was probably guilty of something. After all, he was Arab.

>Where is the outcries from the liberals who claim this is a
>sovereign nation?

What does "sovereign" have to do with "torture?"

>People are tortured every day in the world.

Why - you're right! And people have their guns taken away every day, too. So stop complaining about someone wanting to take the guns you don't have.

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Actually you just made my point, while many people are outraged at this incident they give two shits about a loss of rights in the USA.

Many of the liberals in this country hailed Michael Moore's mockumentary and were outraged that we attacked a sovereign nation, suggesting that Iraq was somewhat peaceful society.

After we invaded Iraq many of the members of this very forum complained we had no right to interfere in Iraq.

Now the liberals on this forum would all like us to think we need to be involved in UAE's politics or punish the royal family for this incident.

The next time I hear of a liberal proposing to curtail any of our rights I will suggest that they take their worthless whining piece of shit, limp wrist, lisping selves to another country such as the UAE or Iraq so they can live as they like.

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Don't you wonder what the tortured guy was guilty of?

Haven't you heard? He was guilty of having a few American ideas. It was the US's fault he was thrashed and Obama should go over and bow down to the Sheiks, offer apologies, and ask the man if he would like the US if they should bail him out to the tune of trillions of dollars.:D
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The next time I hear of a liberal proposing to curtail any of our rights I will suggest that they take their worthless whining piece of shit, limp wrist, lisping selves to another country such as the UAE or Iraq so they can live as they like.

Hell, UAE is pretty cool. Abu Dhabi and Dubai were very intresting places to see. I hear diving is good out there, but I didnt get a chance to experience it.

I wouldnt mind a stay out that way. Oddly enough, there were no real acts of violence that I can remember out there.

You know what I dont like, people who think that interrogation techniques should be outlawed and forbidden. Bad guys arent known for just answering questions. If it takes someone getting their ass handed to them (because they were WILLINGLY a part of something) for my friends, family and way of life to remain unfucked, I'm all for it. They put themselves in that position, its their choice.

If you dont want to be punished, don't do the fucking crime.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
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If you dont want to be punished, don't do the fucking crime.

Hm, wonder if anybody told that to al Queda.....
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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You know what I dont like, people who think that interrogation techniques should be outlawed and forbidden. Bad guys arent known for just answering questions. If it takes someone getting their ass handed to them (because they were WILLINGLY a part of something) for my friends, family and way of life to remain unfucked, I'm all for it.

This thread provides a good amount of information regarding the effectiveness of torture (i.e. that experience suggests torture is an ineffective means of obtaining reliable intelligence).
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You know what I dont like, people who think that interrogation techniques should be outlawed and forbidden. Bad guys arent known for just answering questions. If it takes someone getting their ass handed to them (because they were WILLINGLY a part of something) for my friends, family and way of life to remain unfucked, I'm all for it.

This thread provides a good amount of information regarding the effectiveness of torture (i.e. that experience suggests torture is an ineffective means of obtaining reliable intelligence).

NOT when it comes to post 911 interogations.

But then, you would rather let other US citizens die?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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You know what I dont like, people who think that interrogation techniques should be outlawed and forbidden. Bad guys arent known for just answering questions. If it takes someone getting their ass handed to them (because they were WILLINGLY a part of something) for my friends, family and way of life to remain unfucked, I'm all for it.

This thread provides a good amount of information regarding the effectiveness of torture (i.e. that experience suggests torture is an ineffective means of obtaining reliable intelligence).

NOT when it comes to post 911 interogations.

Yes, even them.


But then, you would rather let other US citizens die?

What makes you say such a thing? I support interrogation techniques that are both proven to be more effective than torture and legal according to international and US law.
Math tutoring available. Only $6! per hour! First lesson: Factorials!

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You know what I dont like, people who think that interrogation techniques should be outlawed and forbidden. Bad guys arent known for just answering questions. If it takes someone getting their ass handed to them (because they were WILLINGLY a part of something) for my friends, family and way of life to remain unfucked, I'm all for it.

This thread provides a good amount of information regarding the effectiveness of torture (i.e. that experience suggests torture is an ineffective means of obtaining reliable intelligence).

NOT when it comes to post 911 interogations.

Yes, even them.


But then, you would rather let other US citizens die?

What makes you say such a thing. I support interrogation techniques that are both proven to be more effective than torture and legal according to international and US law.

Details details.... to the deadenders..details such as legality and the reality of what works and what does not work.. matters little as long as they can get their little sadistic stiffies from the ultimate power over anotherr human being.:S:S:S

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>Actually you just made my point, while many people are outraged
>at this incident they give two shits about a loss of rights in the USA.

Methinks the point you imagine was made is not evident to anyone else.

>Many of the liberals in this country hailed Michael Moore's mockumentary
>and were outraged that we attacked a sovereign nation, suggesting that
>Iraq was somewhat peaceful society.

?? I don't know anyone who thought Iraq was a "peaceful society." It was a draconian dictatorship that we supported with money and military assistance because they were fighting an enemy of ours.

>Now the liberals on this forum would all like us to think we need to be
>involved in UAE's politics or punish the royal family for this incident.

Again, while your imagination may suggest that, that is not reality. No one here has called for the US to punish the royal family.

>The next time I hear of a liberal proposing to curtail any of our rights I
>will suggest that they take their worthless whining piece of shit, limp wrist,
>lisping selves to another country such as the UAE or Iraq so they can live
>as they like.

And the next time I hear a conservative torture supporter spout some drivel about Jack Bauer, I will just laugh.

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The next time I hear of a liberal proposing to curtail any of our rights I will suggest that they take their worthless whining piece of shit, limp wrist, lisping selves to another country such as the UAE or Iraq so they can live as they like.

What a really lovable person you are.

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Don't you wonder what the tortured guy was guilty of?

No. If you had bothered reading the story then you wouldn't either.


If Saddam and Iraq should have been off limits why is this trivial incident something to get upset over?

What? As far as I know, no one has suggested that we should invade the UAE over this incident. So what does Iraq have to do with anything?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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