
A little fired up...sorry about that

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Alright…I got a little fired up there and deleted my post.

I just see this country giving itself away at the burden of the taxpayer and future taxpayers to come. I see people with good intentions not thinking about the long term ramifications. I see big spending, that like the New Deal of the great depression, fixed nothing and froze the economy. I think about our children’s children paying this back with interest. I see a president that preached “hope” and “change” and see him spew fear and see the same tired rhetoric. He spoke about bipartisanship and now chastises Republican’s for having the audacity to question his bill. I see a president who rewards illegal actions. I see a president who chooses people to enforce our systems and laws who can’t abide themselves. I see big government using our money to gain control of our banks our insurance our retirement. Once this power is granted it will NEVER be returned. I wonder how a government (Republican or Democrat) that can’t manage the nations budget could be expect to run a business or insurance company any better. I see a president that thinks he knows what’s better for me than I do. I see a president that wants to take the liberties granted to me by the Constitution. I see a party that supports encroaching on my freedom of speech. (through the Fairness Doctrine)
I see a public that refers to the government as a god like entity that will be there to provide and fix any problem or short coming we have. I wonder how the greatest country who has cured diseases, fed the starving…brought freedom and hope under the power of capitalism could think this system is forever broken.

I am pissed
Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...

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You're in for a hard 4 or 8 years, if you're this angry this soon.

And the freedom of speech rant seems a bit misdirected. Obama didn't bring us MCCAIN-Feingold, nor the Bush driven rhetoric ('you're either with us or aginst us') or Patriot Act after 9/11.

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I would agree with you however, I though the Patriot Act was a blatant infringement on our privacy rights. You also assume that I liked bush, I did not. I don’t think we will look back in 10 years and think he was half as bad as we do now, considering the events that took place during his term. I would encourage you to look into the Fairness Doctrine/Act. Its been getting kicked around for a long time and has recently resurfaced. Just this morning Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow was on the radio saying that it was time for the Fairness Doctrine or something like it. Scary stuff at best. Never mind the fact the she is married to the VP of Air America Media, a liberal progressive radio company.
Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...

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Do you also see dead people? :D


OKAY that was funny....to answer your question, i see stupid people. :o

"They're all around me. Some of them don't even know that they're stupid." :D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Do you also see dead people? :D


OKAY that was funny....to answer your question, i see stupid people. :o

"They're all around me. Some of them don't even know that they're stupid." :D


ROTFLMAO!!! Thats hilarious Dave! Good one! :D:D:D

Wait a second... :|

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Do you also see dead people? :D


OKAY that was funny....to answer your question, i see stupid people. :o

"They're all around me. Some of them don't even know that they're stupid." :D


ROTFLMAO!!! Thats hilarious Dave! Good one! :D:D:D

Wait a second... :|

touche' ;)
Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...

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It would do you a world of good to quit listening the Lush Rimjob, reading newsmax, and generally following along with the rest of the righty herd.

You don't have your facts and timelines correct as you are parroting the righty propaganda.

The discredited theories about tax cuts stimulating the economy are done. Trickle down economics has been a "piss on the poor and middle class", while the rich get richer and richer.
The same folks that sold you that bill of goods are the ones that brought you the TRILLION dollar Iraq invasion/occupation.

Easy numbers here for you. Poor and middle class folks incomes go UP when Democrats run the show. Poor and middle class incomes go DOWN when Republicans run the show. That is what the LONG TERM statistics show.

Why are poor and middle class people so dumb as to vote for those that make them poorer? How the the Rescums manage to get people to vote against their OWN economic interests? It is an impressive feat of marketing. PT Barnum would be very proud.

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Alright…I got a little fired up there and deleted my post.

I just see this country giving itself away at the burden of the taxpayer and future taxpayers to come. I see people with good intentions not thinking about the long term ramifications. I see big spending, that like the New Deal of the great depression, fixed nothing and froze the economy. I think about our children’s children paying this back with interest. I see a president that preached “hope” and “change” and see him spew fear and see the same tired rhetoric. He spoke about bipartisanship and now chastises Republican’s for having the audacity to question his bill. I see a president who rewards illegal actions. I see a president who chooses people to enforce our systems and laws who can’t abide themselves. I see big government using our money to gain control of our banks our insurance our retirement. Once this power is granted it will NEVER be returned. I wonder how a government (Republican or Democrat) that can’t manage the nations budget could be expect to run a business or insurance company any better. I see a president that thinks he knows what’s better for me than I do. I see a president that wants to take the liberties granted to me by the Constitution. I see a party that supports encroaching on my freedom of speech. (through the Fairness Doctrine)
I see a public that refers to the government as a god like entity that will be there to provide and fix any problem or short coming we have. I wonder how the greatest country who has cured diseases, fed the starving…brought freedom and hope under the power of capitalism could think this system is forever broken.

I am pissed

I take it you were not all that pissed when the majority of that 11 TRILLION dollars of debt... can be laid right at the feet of those who practiced.. VOODOO Economics.

Someone is going to have to pay for your lifestyle.... looks like its your kids and theirs.... Bush and his buddies must have thought they were going to be RAPTURED out and not to worry about it

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Alright…I got a little fired up there and deleted my post.

I just see this country giving itself away at the burden of the taxpayer and future taxpayers to come. I see people with good intentions not thinking about the long term ramifications. I see big spending, that like the New Deal of the great depression, fixed nothing and froze the economy. I think about our children’s children paying this back with interest. I see a president that preached “hope” and “change” and see him spew fear and see the same tired rhetoric. He spoke about bipartisanship and now chastises Republican’s for having the audacity to question his bill. I see a president who rewards illegal actions. I see a president who chooses people to enforce our systems and laws who can’t abide themselves. I see big government using our money to gain control of our banks our insurance our retirement. Once this power is granted it will NEVER be returned. I wonder how a government (Republican or Democrat) that can’t manage the nations budget could be expect to run a business or insurance company any better. I see a president that thinks he knows what’s better for me than I do. I see a president that wants to take the liberties granted to me by the Constitution. I see a party that supports encroaching on my freedom of speech. (through the Fairness Doctrine)
I see a public that refers to the government as a god like entity that will be there to provide and fix any problem or short coming we have. I wonder how the greatest country who has cured diseases, fed the starving…brought freedom and hope under the power of capitalism could think this system is forever broken.

I am pissed

I take it you were not all that pissed when the majority of that 11 TRILLION dollars of debt... can be laid right at the feet of those who practiced.. VOODOO Economics.

Someone is going to have to pay for your lifestyle.... looks like its your kids and theirs.... Bush and his buddies must have thought they were going to be RAPTURED out and not to worry about it

I think that you and funjumper101 are under the impression that I liked BUSH...I did not. They spent like drunken fools.

I find it interesting that you are using BUSH spending on silly war ect. to rationalize the largest government spending bill in US history. Childish really..."we ll BUSH got to do it !" B-O-O-H-O-O

Also the only form of government that can actually make people poor is socialism and communism. I think you also need a history lesson for who is to blame for our national debit. BOTH parties suck at managing OUR $$! Our debit has been on the rise since Nixson... nice try, maybe you should turn off MSNBC and CNN and do a little diggin of your own.

I ll help...here ya go;

The good news is the answer lies in government...LESS of it on both sides of the isle!

Pay for "my lifestyle" have we met? LOL this is coming from a guy that supports tax dollars being spent on a bail out? I know that you don't believe that Bush is to blame for all the problems in the US...or do you?! This has been coming for decades, good gawd. Wake up wake up GOVERNMENT is the problem it always has been.
Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...

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You may want to look at your own graph again.... please note the rate of rise under EVERY rePUBICan since Reagan VooDooDoo Economics became the norm for the party of small government and fiscal responsibility.

As it did under Clinton...again, I am not a REPUBLICAN. The debt has been going up under both parties since NIXON. Just like I said in my post...

So I guess I am missing what you are driving at???
Both take part in Voodoo Economics, democrats are just better at calling it something else.
Hey as long as the cause is "good" it must be the roll of gevernment right? Wrong.
Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...

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Is that the debt, or the debit. The two are different. And actually, it went up under Nixon as well.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Also the only form of government that can actually make people poor is socialism and communism. I think you also need a history lesson for who is to blame for our national debit. BOTH parties suck at managing OUR $$! Our debit has been on the rise since Nixson... nice try, maybe you should turn off MSNBC and CNN and do a little diggin of your own.

Most of Latin America and the Middle East are neither, and still the vast majority of the people are poor. Capitalism doesn't share wealth, it allows those who owns the resources to get rich. And the oil barons are doing quite well, with palaces, mercedes and bentleys, and big lines of credit at casinos.

After the Vietnam war ended, Carter dramatically reduced the deficit, but look where that got the nation and the Democratic Party. Reagan immediately jacked up the deficit and most people remember his reign much more fondly.

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>The debit has been going up under both parties since NIXSON. Just like
>I said in my post...

Actually in terms of debt to GDP it decreased between 1995 and 2000. In terms of absolute numbers, it leveled out (i.e. no significant rise or fall) between 1998 and 2000.

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Also the only form of government that can actually make people poor is socialism and communism. I think you also need a history lesson for who is to blame for our national debit. BOTH parties suck at managing OUR $$! Our debit has been on the rise since Nixson... nice try, maybe you should turn off MSNBC and CNN and do a little diggin of your own.

I ll help...here ya go;


You should try READING your own cite. Figure 3 from the article you quote shows very clearly which party increases spending more than revenue, and which increases revenue more than spending.


The Republicans have absolutely NO standing to preach fiscal responsibility.

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Also the only form of government that can actually make people poor is socialism and communism. I think you also need a history lesson for who is to blame for our national debit. BOTH parties suck at managing OUR $$! Our debit has been on the rise since Nixson... nice try, maybe you should turn off MSNBC and CNN and do a little diggin of your own.

Most of Latin America and the Middle East are neither, and still the vast majority of the people are poor. Capitalism doesn't share wealth, it allows those who owns the resources to get rich. And the oil barons are doing quite well, with palaces, mercedes and bentleys, and big lines of credit at casinos.

After the Vietnam war ended, Carter dramatically reduced the deficit, but look where that got the nation and the Democratic Party. Reagan immediately jacked up the deficit and most people remember his reign much more fondly.

Capitalism may be imperfect but it is proven to be the best thing going. It has created more wealth than any other form hands down. Very few places on Earth (maybe none) are as fortunate in such great numbers as here in the US. The issue is that many American’s think fortune and success is a “right”

You are only granted the pursuit of happiness here…there are no guarantees. The sickly sweet views of the liberal party sound wonderful, then again so does the Communist Manifesto, but we know how that worked out. It’s easy to point a finger at those more successful than you and blame them for your shortcomings. You and I both know they have not kept you down. You and you alone are in charge of successes and failures. Maybe that’s the greater issue, people today don’t want to take responsibility. They want government to provide, government to “level the playing field” government to bail them out, government to keep them going and when they succeed stop them.
Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...

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nice sermon, but it still doesn't change the fact that your statement was false. Capitalist based governments can be quite effective at making its people poor, esp when the government works to prevent competition.

Thanks for helping to prove my point. I REST MY CASE!
Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...

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esp when the government works to prevent competition.

that statement made me laugh too

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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The sickly sweet views of the liberal party sound wonderful...

Would you mind letting us all in on what you think those views are? I have a feeling that your idea of "liberal" views are not meaningfully related to what actual "liberals" think.

- Dan G

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I would not pretend to know what ALL liberals think. It was a blanket statement, maybe unfairly so to some not most liberals. The term "liberal" was actually taken from the Libertarians. Classic Liberals believed in limited government, individual freedom and individual responsibility. Although it would be near impossible to use any of those terms to describe Democrats (or Republicans for that matter) today. I d like to hear your definition of "liberal". Maybe you and I are not so different. Generally for Democrats aka Liberals it comes down the "peace, love, dope" philosophy of the 60's and the sickly sweet wishes of how things "should" be (for others of course, "not them" - the liberal "intelligentsia" in the mold of Al Gore maybe? Who asks his followers to ride bikes and take public transportation to his environmental revival meetings while he flies in his private G4 Jet and then takes Suburbans and Town Cars to his speaking engagements. Its all such a farce and the majority of American are lapping it up like mindless fools.
Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...

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nice sermon, but it still doesn't change the fact that your statement was false. Capitalist based governments can be quite effective at making its people poor, esp when the government works to prevent competition.

Thanks for helping to prove my point. I REST MY CASE!

Uh, if you think that only Socialist or Communist governments interfere with business, you're sorely lacking in knowledge of the world. Or you're engaging in a bullshit tautology where any time a government interferes, they must be socialist.

A military run government that squashes competitors because their friends and families are running the existing ones are not examples of Marxist governments.

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Generally for Democrats aka Liberals it comes down the "peace, love, dope" philosophy of the 60's and the sickly sweet wishes of how things "should" be (for others of course, "not them" - the liberal "intelligentsia" in the mold of Al Gore maybe?

OK, so what you're saying is that you don't like the liberal philosophy as explained by Limbaugh and friends, not necessarily the liberal philosophy espoused by actual liberals. Got it.

- Dan G

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