
Who will the liberals hate once Obama is in power?

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There has been so much hate spewed by the liberals against President George Bush, I'm just wondering: Upon who are they going to vent their hatred once he's gone? Who will they attack when things don't go right? Who will they blame for mistakes and corruption?

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QUEUE the stale conservative BUZZWORDS....

HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE...... got any more John.. since EVERYONE is a liberal if they are not in your club????


Got any more.... Support Bush.... no matter how incompetent his team is.

Too bad they did not give a shit about the American people and raped all of us for 6 trillion dollars.. WELL DONE ye Party of Fiscal conservatism.... PUKE PUKE PUKE.

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YOURGlorious leader.. YOUR president has buried us in something that is so profound.. that it will take a generation at least to dig out of it.

Now that's funny, right there.

Stay positive and love your life.

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America is so glad to be rid of the buffoon that there won't be much hate spewed by "Americans".
Obama won't make all of the right moves. But at least he won't make all of the wrong moves.

I'm anti abortion, not fond of the Clintons and voted for Ronny Raygun once. I fully support kicking the shit out of anyone screwing with America like Bin Laden and I think Rush Blowhard is just a comedian. There is WAY too much gun violence in America, but I support the right to bare arms. I have owned 5 guns, but I have also had two relatives murdered by handguns. I would have voted 1,000 times for Obama, but I don't live in Chicago and couldn't pull it off here in SoCal.

George Bush and his cronies are criminals.

I guess I'm a liberal, not a clear thinking American.

And by the way, GWB has screwed up this great nation so bad that a lot of discontent will linger for years about his eight long, torturous years.

Just sit back and wait for the next great Republican, Sarah Palin, to save you.B|

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Pres Obama - the left is critical of those in power.

(Big corporations and the military-industrial complex will also remain targets.)


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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YOURGlorious leader.. YOUR president has buried us in something that is so profound.. that it will take a generation at least to dig out of it.

Ah, so that's who you'll continue to blame for the financial crises.

But what about other things unrelated to that?
Who will you blame when Israelis and Palestinians continue to fight?
Who will you blame when you can't get the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan on schedule?
Who will you blame when the Social Security system continues to go bankrupt?
Who will you blame when Iran continues to threaten Israel and the United States?
Who will you blame when the government doesn't provide free health care to all citizens?
Who will you blame when global warming continues to increase?
Who will you blame when gasoline prices go up?

YOU own the House of Representatives.
YOU own the Senate.
YOU own the Presidency.
YOU own the Cabinet.

Who will you blame?

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Who did the liberals hate when Clinton was in power?

Republicans controlled the House and Senate during the Clinton presidency. So the Liberals and Dems blamed them for everything they didn't like. It was a convenient excuse.

That's no longer the case, now. See message #18.

The liberals and democrats no longer have anyone else at which to point the finger of blame.

Maybe they'll have to grow up and learn to actually accept responsibility for their own actions!

Or it's going to be a lot of fun watching them twist and spin trying to explain-away why they can't solve all the problems they've spent decades bitching about and blaming others for, when they are now in control of the entire U.S. government.

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Obama isn't in office until next week and it's already his fault;
Gaza is in turmoil, again.
We went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, again.
Social Security isn't properly managed.
Health care is a mess.
Nature is running it's course.
Oil is rising.

If Amazon owns the House, the Senate, the President and the Cabinet...what the hell do the rest of us get???:D

Sit back and relax. It's going to take more than a few weeks to scrape all of the GWB dog poo off of the national shoe...

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I look forward to your lame ass attempts for the next 8 years to blame everytning on Obama..


Poor Mikkeeee still trying to defend the undefendable... to try to make the imcompetent appear as competence.. and fiscal stupidity to look like good conservative values... it does not rate as IRONIC Mikkkeee it is a WHOLE bunch of other xxxxxxics that yopu try to bludgeon us with

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