
Bush 41 wants his other son for President

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What was his Jewish mates name ? ...... Rabbie Burns

Nope. You're thinking if Rabbi Burns, the one who WAS'NT in the cave wiff the spider.


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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I met Charlie Crist, the current Florida Governor at Miami Intl. Airport a few years back. He was the FL AG at the time. He told me he was looking forward to running for Gov and that Jeb really wanted to run for President...bad.
If another Bush gets in the White House, I will already be living in Belize, so good luck!;)

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The Bush and Walker families have been laboring for over a century to establish their American dynasty. It's not just a sense of country club Republican entitlement either - these people are dead serious and will do it, if the voters let them.

People already forgot what a crappy job Dad did the first time around, but now that W has trashed this country like a bull in a china shop, maybe the lesson will stick, though I'm not taking any bets.

Kevin Phillips (the guy who invented Nixon's southern strategy that turned the south Republican) wrote a definitive book about the Bush family called "American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush". It's available for half the cost of a skydive and something thinking Americans should read.

Just a reminder - one of the anti Hillary arguments in last year's primaries was that the White House shouldn't be passed back and forth between Bushes and Clintons, ad nauseam. It shouldn't be. and the voters already made that clear to Ted Kennedy as far back as 1980.

America has no royal family. America needs no royal family.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Bush, known for skydiving well into his golden years, said he will "make one more parachute jump" in June, when he will be 85.

"Oh, there's a thrill with it," Bush enthused. "Just because you're an old guy, you don't need to sit around, sucking your thumb, drooling in the corner."

He's going to be the USPA's favorite President for a long time.

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"Oh, there's a thrill with it," Bush enthused. "Just because you're an old guy, you don't need to sit around, sucking your thumb, drooling in the corner."

This is quite off topic, but I wish more people had his attitude. For instance, I have a 61 year old patient who wants to 'sit in the corner and suck her thumb', even though there is nothing wrong with her. It's her decision but it's so very sad. She feels 'old' and believes life is quite over and she doesn't want to do anything anymore. [:/]


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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"Oh, there's a thrill with it," Bush enthused. "Just because you're an old guy, you don't need to sit around, sucking your thumb, drooling in the corner."

This is quite off topic, but I wish more people had his attitude. For instance, I have a 61 year old patient who wants to 'sit in the corner and suck her thumb', even though there is nothing wrong with her. It's her decision but it's so very sad. She feels 'old' and believes life is quite over and she doesn't want to do anything anymore. [:/] ltdiver

To state the obvious, it sounds like she's suffering from clinical depression and could benefit from clinical therapy for it.

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To state the obvious, it sounds like she's suffering from clinical depression and could benefit from clinical therapy for it.

Agreed, and she is in therapy for it. We all hope it helps.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Its almost like the Kennedys, just with out the killing of women.

ALMOST like the Kennedys ? Except he's already had one of his sons elected, and for two terms at that (JQ Adams was a one term Pres, just like his dad, before Andy jackson turned him out of office in 1828).

We can't ever really say if RFK would've been elected in '68. My gut says he would've been, inspite of the fact that Humphrey still had more delegates after the CA primary that RFK had just won.

Teddy's bid to unseat Jimmy Carter from the nomination went down in flames in 1980, though he's been re-elected to the Senate every time in MA. And truth be told, he's been a very able Senator who's got a lot of things accomplished, even if he walked away from a vehicular manslaughter scot-free (he did NOT murder the poor woman). Which he did, but who hasn't, especially among the rich and famous (like Matthew Broderick, who walked after running down some poor woman in Ireland while deeply stewed back in the nineties, if anyone even bothers to remember...I'm sure the woman's husband hasn't forgotten).

Dynasties in the White House are un-American. I don't care if the name is Kennedy, Bush, or Clinton. If it gets too out of hand I'd favor a Constitutional amendment that would block the next two generations of any President's progeny from holding the office. We may just have to do it if we want to preserve a republic.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Dynasties in the White House are un-American. I don't care if the name is Kennedy, Bush, or Clinton. If it gets too out of hand I'd favor a Constitutional amendment that would block the next two generations of any President's progeny from holding the office. We may just have to do it if we want to preserve a republic.

I like that idea. But I am afraid it would be harder than getting term limits, something that hasn't had much success.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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Just a reminder - one of the anti Hillary arguments in last year's primaries was that the White House shouldn't be passed back and forth between Bushes and Clintons, ad nauseam. It shouldn't be. and the voters already made that clear to Ted Kennedy as far back as 1980.

America has no royal family. America needs no royal family.

He added: "I mean, right now is probably a bad time, because we've got enough Bushes in there."

Stay positive and love your life.

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Just a reminder - one of the anti Hillary arguments in last year's primaries was that the White House shouldn't be passed back and forth between Bushes and Clintons, ad nauseam. It shouldn't be. and the voters already made that clear to Ted Kennedy as far back as 1980.

America has no royal family. America needs no royal family.

He added: "I mean, right now is probably a bad time, because we've got enough Bushes in there."

That qualifier means nothing. 2 successive generations is enough. Too bad, though, as Jeb is bright, articulate, was well-accomplished in his pre-politics life, and excelled academically. So who becomes President? Dumb ol' hard-drinking, underachieving big brother Bluto. Yeah; life's fair. Oh, well; hard cheese.

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meh - if Jeb wants to run, I'd listen to his platform, see if I agree, and if he matches best, I'd vote for him - if not, I'd vote for someone else.

Anyone meeting the qualifications can run per law.

Anyone with a sibling can testify to how different sibs are from each other and their parents.

non issue

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I'd favor a Constitutional amendment that would block the next two generations of any President's progeny from holding the office.

I still have a *little* faith in the American people, even after the last election. Faith that they will keep a large number of family members out of the White House.

My comment about the Kennedy's was a joke, poking fun at some people who literally worship the Kennedy clan and would have loved to have all of them make it to the big chair. Those are some of the same people screaming murder if Jeb tries to run.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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He added: "I mean, right now is probably a bad time, because we've got enough Bushes in there."


That qualifier means nothing. 2 successive generations is enough. Too bad, though, as Jeb is bright, articulate, was well-accomplished in his pre-politics life, and excelled academically. So who becomes President? Dumb ol' hard-drinking, underachieving big brother Bluto. Yeah; life's fair. Oh, well; hard cheese.

Not sure what you mean by qualifier. My point was that Bush Sr wasn't pushing for, or even suggesting that Jeb should run for President. He was asked about Jeb running for Senate and his response was that he'd be an excellent Senator. He then said he would also support Jeb's decision to leave politics all together. The "I'd like to see him be President" was after all of that and struck me as a father saying, I'd like to see my son do whatever he wants and he'd be good at it. Take it how you will. I just don't think it was a comment that deserves the attention and headlines it's getting.

Here's the clip.

I don't really see what the problem would be with Jeb running. If he's the most qualified person then why does it matter who his relatives are? If he were elected based solely on his last name, then I'd take issue.

Stay positive and love your life.

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I'd favor a Constitutional amendment that would block the next two generations of any President's progeny from holding the office.

I still have a *little* faith in the American people, even after the last election. Faith that they will keep a large number of family members out of the White House.

My comment about the Kennedy's was a joke, poking fun at some people who literally worship the Kennedy clan and would have loved to have all of them make it to the big chair. Those are some of the same people screaming murder if Jeb tries to run.

Well spoken, Dave.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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My comment about the Kennedy's was a joke, poking fun at some people who literally worship the Kennedy clan and would have loved to have all of them make it to the big chair.

I'd like to digress a moment to explain - not advocate, but explain - that mentality; and it requires some historical perspective.

I'm old enough to remember both Kennedy assassinations, and to have witnessed the impact those 2 events had on the American psyche at that time. When JFK was killed, the feeling was of a young, vibrant hope-filling Administration cut off in its prime. It really was very much like a death in the family.

Almost immediately, people far & wide started looking to Bobby Kennedy to fill this emotional void left by JFK's death. Then the Vietnam war really started tearing the country apart in earnest, which most people blamed on LBJ; and naturally, comparisons to what JFK might have done were commonplace (and residual grief over JFK still existed).

Then RFK came out against the war and ran for President. Understand: for many Americans alive then, RFK wasn't running for "another" Kennedy presidency in 1968 as much as he was running to "finish" the one robbed of us in 1963, and to give us back the hopeful aura we had when JFK was President. We wanted JFK reincarnated. Then when RFK, too, was murdered in 1968, the national grief was unbelievable; in many ways, even worse than with JFK, because it marked a transition from merely "horrible" to "hopeless".

That really marked the time when people started to want to elect a Kennedy, any Kennedy, to any office possible - it was an emotional strategy of dealing with long-term grief. Anyhow, that's my historical analysis.

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meh - if Jeb wants to run, I'd listen to his platform, see if I agree, and if he matches best, I'd vote for him - if not, I'd vote for someone else.

Anyone meeting the qualifications can run per law.

Anyone with a sibling can testify to how different sibs are from each other and their parents.

non issue

When Jeb was Gov of Florida, he was a pretty good
governor. I observed a few things.

- The first one was the amount of criticism because
of his name. Nothing was ever said about his actual
actions, legislation, or programs. Many critics had
(as usual) no actual knowledge, just knee jerk reactions.

- When there was some type of civil vs gov issue, the special interests (like money-scamming lawyers and the ACLU) would demand a state-level special investigation to override the usual legal process.
Jeb would say, "There is a process in place and we will follow that."

So, he supported the structure of govt and law and gave no one special privilege. He also didn't strong
arm the local politicians just because some special
interest wanted him to.

- He supported environmental initiatives that were clearly defined on the state web page and financially supported them. Hydrogen/electric/hybird cars.

- He understood the culture of the state.

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When JFK was killed, the feeling was of a young, vibrant hope-filling Administration cut off in its prime. It really was very much like a death in the family.

JFK was sold to the American public like Elvis.
Handsome and personable. The first President
that tv really helped (Kennedy vs Nixon debate).

Actually, he messed up just about everything he touched.

His "dream" programs were just that.
Most were later gutted by other Presidents when
people finally understood that they didn't work in reality.

People treat him like he was Elvis in a suit.

I thought he was one of our worst Presidents.

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