
Palin with Charles Gibson

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I feel much better about Palin not being the next VP or president, I think she bombed with Gibson. She really had the deer in the headlights kind of look the whole time. the best line was when Gibson ask her how Alaska's close proximity to Russia could give her insight into the situation in Georgia the past few weeks and her answer was: "Their our next door neighbors here in Alaska, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska"
I can see why they are keeping her far far away from the press because they will eat her alive.

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Kudos for both Gov. Palin and Charlie Gibson. Both had alot riding on the first contact of three interviews.

Charlie was faced with the same damned if you do and damned if you don't situation and I believe he acquitted himself well, albeit maybe a little stilted trying to put forward the image of a hard hitting investigative reporter when that really isn't his style. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt when he occasionally deviated from his normal third person style making a few of the comments sound personal.

Governor Palin also did well in staying on message, probably one of the most difficult jobs for a VP candidate. Certainly the acerbic bloviating bloggers will parse and dissect each phrase and word. They will certainly fit out of context excerpts to their own aims.

I think that ABC has made a mistake in editing the interview. The cuts are very sloppily done and will undoubtedly lead to question and comment. Probably not warranted, but when has that stopped the blogosphere? I'll predict now that the left will say they left out the Governor's gaffs and the right will claim they edited it to make the Governor look less prepared.

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I feel much better about Palin not being the next VP or president, I think she bombed with Gibson. She really had the deer in the headlights kind of look the whole time. the best line was when Gibson ask her how Alaska's close proximity to Russia could give her insight into the situation in Georgia the past few weeks and her answer was: "Their our next door neighbors here in Alaska, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska"
I can see why they are keeping her far far away from the press because they will eat her alive.


Did she have an advance copy of the questions?

I don't think she bombed but she sounded a bit scripted.
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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her answer was: "Their our next door neighbors here in Alaska, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska"

Ouch. That sounded a lot like a Miss Alaska pageant answer. :D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Yesterday we had the same question about the "God told us......" Gibson did the same thing - trying to make her look like a nut..........

The networks are playing her entire quote and showing that she was saying Pray that this IS God's will.

It makes Gibson look like he was trying to set her up.

She did fine, no matter what she did XX people here will say she sucked and XX will say she did fine.

For now I fall on the she did fine.
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I am sorry man, there is just no way I can take anyone who thinks living next to Russia gives her foreign policy experience to deal with the Situation there seriously, and I questions any one who does.

I understand she might bring something’s to the table (I have not seen them just assuming here). The bad or what I view as being bad, the comment above, her stance on abortion, Her stance on abstinence only education, Her stance on evolution, Etc. (there is more) Each one of those things is enough for me to think she is nut case.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Did she have an advance copy of the questions?

I don't think she bombed but she sounded a bit scripted.

As I recall, almost everyone that ever gets interviewed on national TV has their publicist (if they have one) work with the media to arrange what questions will be asked and what topics to stay away from, etc.

My wife used to be a publicist, and I've seen some of these documents that get produced and used for interviews. You'd be surprised how scripted it can get.

Not bashing Ms. Palin here - as I said, just about everyone does this, with few exceptions.

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Her stance on abstinence only education.

The idea that worked so well in her own home. :D:D:D:D:D

(Unlike my previous post, this one IS bashing Ms. Palin, just a bit. ;) )

If you are going to bash her you should have researched what she DID as Gov of AK.

Maybe look up her funding of family clinics and the like. It might come across better[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Maybe look up her funding of family clinics and the like. It might come across better.

It was just a joke that didn't have anything to do with her record as governor - it was about how the idea of "abstinence only" didn't really get the job done at home.

Teens fuck - that's a fact. Try as we may to deny this fact and hammer abstinence into them (no pun intended) they are going to have sex anyway. If they are not EDUCATED in the matters of sex and reproduction from a relatively early age, can we really be all that surprised when we see teen pregnancy and STD transmission on the rise?

I'm glad she funded family clinics and the like, and if she helped some people out, more power to her.

Sorry if I offended you -

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Did she have an advance copy of the questions?

I don't think she bombed but she sounded a bit scripted.

As I recall, almost everyone that ever gets interviewed on national TV has their publicist (if they have one) work with the media to arrange what questions will be asked and what topics to stay away from, etc.

My wife used to be a publicist, and I've seen some of these documents that get produced and used for interviews. You'd be surprised how scripted it can get.

Not bashing Ms. Palin here - as I said, just about everyone does this, with few exceptions.

If you're talking about people in the entertainment business being interviewed you're exactly correct. Negotiations are made between the entertainment chat shows and Hollywood celebrities and promises kept out of fear that they will be shut out of the process.

If you're taking about actual news people doing interviews of US political figures, then you're only about 50% correct. As a courtesy, sometimes, the topics might discussed, but almost never the actual questions. Sometimes when dealing with crazy dictators of other countries, the interviewer might make some exceptions just to get to talk with the person; Barbara Walters and Kadaffi for instance.

No legitimate news organization is going to allow that nonsense with a US political figure. ABC is no exception here.

What political figures -do- however, is try to get the person they think will be the easiest on them. Charlie Gibson is not an attack dog when it comes to interviews and he absolutely did not "set up" Palin to make her back peddle on the "God's will" question as someone earlier had suggested. If she looked stupid, it was her own doing.

Virtually EVERY news outlet had been vying for the "get" of Palin. Gibson got it precisely because he is KNOWN to be credible, yet soft on interviews.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Maybe look up her funding of family clinics and the like. It might come across better.

It was just a joke that didn't have anything to do with her record as governor - it was about how the idea of "abstinence only" didn't really get the job done at home.

Teens fuck - that's a fact. Try as we may to deny this fact and hammer abstinence into them (no pun intended) they are going to have sex anyway. If they are not EDUCATED in the matters of sex and reproduction from a relatively early age, can we really be all that surprised when we see teen pregnancy and STD transmission on the rise?

I'm glad she funded family clinics and the like, and if she helped some people out, more power to her.

Sorry if I offended you -

I was not offended. I simply pointed out a path that may help you understand. (but I did not know you were joking)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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As I recall, almost everyone that ever gets interviewed on national TV has their publicist (if they have one) work with the media to arrange what questions will be asked and what topics to stay away from, etc.


I didn't.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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As I recall, almost everyone that ever gets interviewed on national TV has their publicist (if they have one) work with the media to arrange what questions will be asked and what topics to stay away from, etc.

I didn't.

Of course you didn't, Kallend - the media knows better than to fuck with you. ;)

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As I recall, almost everyone that ever gets interviewed on national TV has their publicist (if they have one) work with the media to arrange what questions will be asked and what topics to stay away from, etc.

I didn't.

Of course you didn't, Kallend - the media knows better than to fuck with you. ;)

So it seems;)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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