
Christianity - it now makes so much more sense

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I have no idea what "praising the wrong God" or any god is all about. Why don't you explain it to me.

That's what some Christians do. They go to Internet, log into the forums, and teach everyone else how they should devote their lives to the same God just to be saved from Hell.


I do know that knowledge of God allows me to know myself, and makes it possible to navigate through a confusing array of choices so that I reach my destination unscathed.

I feel sorry about you - I could do the same, and even more (because I'm not restricted by religion), and do not need your God for this.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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One remarkable 'end of the world' cult, back in 1899, did the usual THE END IS NIGH thing; repent and you will be saved; have faith; believe in the lord; etc.

New year's day 1900 arrived. (Should really be 1901, but who's arguing?)

The world continued!

The leader was asked WTF?

His perfect answer was that the world HAD ended, but the non-believers were so blind that they never even noticed.

(I wonder if the Heaven's Gate cultists got to that comet? They sure believed strongly enough.)


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Producing evidence is easy. Every broken life that has been redirected into a productive, optimistic, joyful life is evidence. Every time that information is shared with another with similar results, that is evidence.

Your own "evidence" works against you. If people being "changed" by your religion is proof that it is true, then people who aren't changed by it (many) are proof that it isn't true.


Multiply that by 2000 years and still going strong, that is evidence.

People worshipped the sun for far longer than they have worhsipped Jesus, and they were all "optmistic and joyful" too.

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Producing evidence is easy. Every broken life that has been redirected into a productive, optimistic, joyful life is evidence. Every time that information is shared with another with similar results, that is evidence. Multiply that by 2000 years and still going strong, that is evidence. Evidence, as well as wisdom, may not always fit into your preconceived notions. If you have similar evidence for the hopping sketi monster , go for it.

OK, well then what about all the people that find joy and comfort in a religion that is different than yours? Or all the atheists that tough it out and get thru their problems by sheer will power without an imaginary friend? Perhaps you are starting to get the picture but I doubt it. Here it is- it is your HOPE in God that you are getting joy from. The idea of an almighty brings you comfort. It could just as easily be a belief in the sketti monster, because his existance is just a verifiable as your God's.

And your definition of evidence needs some serious work.
RE: Ryno
>Or worse than that, you are a believer but have chosen to deny and betray his grace, and for what, evidence of the invisible?
-Belief only in verifiable science
-Trying to better life here instead of hoping for an afterlife
-Helping others because it is right, not hoping for an imaginary reward
-Letting others live life according to their own principles and not forcing my beliefs on them

Take your pick. And don't even get me started on what is really invisible.

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Well, I think you and I got off on the wrong foot! I have a little smile on my face because I cant believe I read your first post so quickly and completely mis understood it. I thought you were comparing my thought process to that of jeffery dahmers. I was totally wrong in that regard and I sincerely apologize.

I loved your paint on life and it is not up to me at all to reveal mine to you, I dont have that power. There is a difference between you and I. I believe Jesus is God and you seem not to, but I dont see much of a difference in our enjoyment of life.

I talk about guilt, condemnation, yes, but I also talk more about love, hope, faith, joy, freedom, and living life to the fullest. As a believer, I know there is a judgment. Either it is already being executed in our hearts, or it is after death. As a non-believer, you believe there is no judgment. Yes, I only know this because of the Gospel and Jesus Christ and I am believing it more and more the longer I walk with him.

Nevertheless, you are you and I am me, we are who we are. But, I definitely wouldnt assume that living with the life of Jesus is denied the beautiful perception in not only doing the things you enjoy, but also communing with God, and in my lifes experiences, not even surfing the clouds comes remotely close to communing with God in spirit and in truth....not even close.

One life? I dont believe that. I believe that those who die with Jesus live with him, where, I cant possibly know. The bible says Heaven, but paradise to me would mean nothing without Jesus, so as long as hes there, I will be forever in praise.

But again, I am very sorry that I said, "people like you", I really am. I just read through it so fast and I believe I was in a hurry to get something done here and these forums are sort of addictng (for lack of better word) and I may have had others to "get to", but, no excuses, I am sorry.
"We didn't start the fire"

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Here it is- it is your HOPE in God that you are getting joy from.

This is one of the greatest gifts of life. Hope that inspires Joy. What your missing is why we have hope, and until you get that understanding and that perception, im afraid you may not ever see why, instead, you will constantly be on the side that persecutes what it doesnt understand.
"We didn't start the fire"

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Producing evidence is easy. Every broken life that has been redirected into a productive, optimistic, joyful life is evidence. Every time that information is shared with another with similar results, that is evidence. Multiply that by 2000 years and still going strong, that is evidence. Evidence, as well as wisdom, may not always fit into your preconceived notions. If you have similar evidence for the hopping sketi monster , go for it.

That same 'evidence' can be produced by every religion, including all the ones that say all the other ones ore going to burn.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I had no idea that Jesus would heal my outside as well as the inside, but surer than I am real, he did.

Define heal.

When the flesh is in pain it can be healed. When the soul is in pain, it can be healed as well. My flesh was addicted to many things, the healing of my soul healed my addictions as well.

You didn't define heal.
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That same 'evidence' can be produced by every religion, including all the ones that say all the other ones ore going to burn.

Maybe, maybe not. I do not speak for them. I only speak about what I know. I would like nothing more than for everybody to be happy and get along, no matter how they have constructed their personal realities. But so far that wish has not been granted.


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OK, well then what about all the people that find joy and comfort in a religion that is different than yours? Or all the atheists that tough it out and get thru their problems by sheer will power without an imaginary friend? Perhaps you are starting to get the picture but I doubt it. Here it is- it is your HOPE in God that you are getting joy from. The idea of an almighty brings you comfort. It could just as easily be a belief in the sketti monster, because his existance is just a verifiable as your God's.

To those who are spiritually complete, in need of nothing, I salute you. I have nothing to offer you, but wish instead, to learn from you if you will share any of your wisdom. To any who are like me, struggling to discern good from evil and do the right thing, I do have something to discuss. So please don't assume that my comments are meant for everyone that may read them.


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Matt, he's not going to get it, he doesn't distinguish between belief and reality the way we do.
Ryno, you also have it backwards yet another way... I'm an atheist. Yours is just one of many religions none of which make much sense when viewed critically. I go by knowledge taken from objective reality. I don't "believe there is no judgement" because belief has no part in my awareness of its absence. I know that I have seen no evidence whatsoever to lead me to think there would BE one of any kind, let alone the specific christian flavored judgement you insist is reality. And the intensity of your belief is strong enough that you are openly claiming with a straight face to have personal knowledge of the thoughts desires intentions value systems and behavior of an assumed creator of the universe. This is not rational. If it involves belief, it is not knowledge. You can't have a conversation about what IS without using facts and you can't have a reasonable discussion without using reason. You're not using either one.
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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Once again you completly miss the point and avoid responding to a logical topic. The point, again, is that it is the act of having hope that you are percieving to get benefit from. Could be a hope in the Christian God, Zues , Allah, or the sketti monster, it doesnt matter. If that gives you the jollies, then go for it, but don't try to convince others that it is right for them (which is one of the core beliefs of Christians:S)

Ahh, before I said I was not going to dignify your absurb posts with a further reply and I mean it this time.

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Matt, he's not going to get it, he doesn't distinguish between belief and reality the way we do.
Ryno, you also have it backwards yet another way... I'm an atheist. Yours is just one of many religions none of which make much sense when viewed critically. I go by knowledge taken from objective reality. I don't "believe there is no judgement" because belief has no part in my awareness of its absence. I know that I have seen no evidence whatsoever to lead me to think there would BE one of any kind, let alone the specific christian flavored judgement you insist is reality. And the intensity of your belief is strong enough that you are openly claiming with a straight face to have personal knowledge of the thoughts desires intentions value systems and behavior of an assumed creator of the universe. This is not rational. If it involves belief, it is not knowledge. You can't have a conversation about what IS without using facts and you can't have a reasonable discussion without using reason. You're not using either one.

Actually, +1.5 because my beliefs hold up to criticism from science:ph34r:

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...And for what its worth, thanks, glad you like my take on reality. I've met plenty of christians that were unshakable in their insistence that my failure to bow to their god meant I was evil because I beg forgiveness from nothing and refuse to consider myself guilty. I had to be deluded and could not possibly be experiencing any joy in life because I haven't got any Jesus nor have I abjected myself before any religious ideas since I was old enough to reject them. I'd hope the rather undeniable fact of my existence, exultant moments and all is proof enough for you to accept that it is entirely possible to have a full complete fulfilling and happy existence without any belief in gods saviors salvation judgement, sin and all the rest of it. To me one of the biggest best freedoms I ever earned by mental effort was freedom from your god.
You never did address the reason I spoke up in the first place though... You openly stated that people who think they deserve life must understand that they deserve just the opposite. Do you not see this as wrong? Think about it man, do you have any idea what that kind of corrosive belief would do to the mind of a child if you infected them with it? They can't create handle or process the kind of elaborate rhetorical "what the definition of "is" is" mental gymnastics necessary to try to turn a thought like that into something they can draw hope from.... They'll simply understand that Daddy just told them they deserve to die, even God thinks so.
You could easily kill a kid that way. If any kid you ever said that to ever suicides, they're doing exactly what you convinced them God wants and will make you theoretically if not legally guilty of murder. I'd suggest reevaluating your ideas.
On second thought, there may be a practical reason for this kind of self propagating belief: Natural selection.
Ryno you may actually be helping evolution improve the species by direct application of survival of the fittest.... any child strong minded enough to reject the idea as fundamentally incompatible with their basic survival functions, lives. Any child weak minded enough to try to believe in and live up to "deserves just the opposite" dies easily, possibly automatically if they're prone to depression, thus eliminating themselves before they can breed and leaving the gene pool open to the strong, who will of course then fight among themselves for space in it. Its brutal, but its about the only rational explanation I can think of for propagating an idea like that. There are better ways to improve the species, Ryno. You could just run around passing out candy to fat kids.
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Well, I find it interesting that you seem to believe you have the best words to raise children with and that faith in Jesus Christ is such a poisonous substance to them. But, you have only focused on exactly what you wanted to focus on. You heard me say we dont deserve our lives, but failed to hear the rest of it, which is coincidentally what Jesus is all about. Jesus is Life, grace is love when you feel you dont deserve it. If you have never felt as if you dont deserve to be loved, then you dont know what im talking about do you? If you heart ever did want for something more, I can only hope it would find what mine found, as it is, we are at a point in this conversation where faith meets denial, not doubt, and I dont think we could go any further do you?

As for the deserving death comment, I said it to express that life is a gift and everything we have is a gift, this is to inspire humbleness...or did you give yourself life? Did you create your own opprotunity?....life has an origin, a beginning and it has shown that it takes life to GIVE life, and Jesus, who is Life has come to give us more through an understanding and perception of life itself. But while you ponder how many errors you see in my thought process, why dont you tell me what you did/do to deserve your gift of life.
"We didn't start the fire"

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Once again you completly miss the point and avoid responding to a logical topic. The point, again, is that it is the act of having hope that you are percieving to get benefit from. Could be a hope in the Christian God, Zues , Allah, or the sketti monster, it doesnt matter. If that gives you the jollies, then go for it, but don't try to convince others that it is right for them (which is one of the core beliefs of Christians:S)

Ahh, before I said I was not going to dignify your absurb posts with a further reply and I mean it this time.

Listen, I dont enjoy engaging you anymore than you do me, so I wouldnt flatter yourself so much;)....but, Much of your intelligences, though graceful in sound, have absolutely no substance at all when someone is searching for the deeper aspects of the human spirit. Many of you offer nothing but quesitons about evidence and proof, while never submitting to you not having evidnece or proof to the contrary.

Faith on the other hand, while completely ridiculous to your ears, offers me an endless depth of understanding, perception, and spiritual revelation in which I apply to my everyday life with incredible and indescribable sucesses. Life has made one of its greatest qualites something that cannot be bought, or even taught, but only given. While faith is completely ridiculous to many of you, dont you think it is at least slightly intriguing that it has so much power over the mind of man? Faith in Christ is not about how much you can destroy, but how much love you can let in from love itself. There is no act of hope, you either have it, or you dont. Again, we have our hope through love, so it is the love that carries the true power. I dont believe that love is just an act...do you?

One of the good pleasures of God is giving the gift of himself to the humble, to those who are like little children. I really didnt know what Jesus meant when he said that, but as I type these words, It is being revealed more and more. "You have hidden these things from the wise and the learned and revealed them to the little children, yes Father, for this was your good pleasure".
"We didn't start the fire"

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As a believer, I know there is a judgment. As a non-believer, you believe there is no judgment.

You have labeled belief as knowledge, and non-belief as belief. Backwards x2.

Your intelligence will make it harder and harder to find faith. You clearly are very smart, like JCD, but seriously, what does this have to do with anything? Nevertheless, belief comes from knowledge and non-belief is a type of belief. For example, you believe there is no God based on the knowledge you have believed, and your disbelief is still a belief. Yeah, im pretty sure JCD taught me that one with his intelligence. Again, none of this has any substance, its simply an expression of prideful inteligence...ego,
"We didn't start the fire"

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I had no idea that Jesus would heal my outside as well as the inside, but surer than I am real, he did.

Define heal.

When the flesh is in pain it can be healed. When the soul is in pain, it can be healed as well. My flesh was addicted to many things, the healing of my soul healed my addictions as well.

You didn't define heal.

heal |hēl|
verb [ trans. ]
(of a person or treatment) cause (a wound, injury, or person) to become sound or healthy again : his concern is to heal sick people | [as adj. ] ( healing) a healing effect on the entire body | [as n. ] ( healing) the gift of healing.
• [ intrans. ] become sound or healthy again : he would have to wait until his knee had healed.
• alleviate (a person's distress or anguish) : time can heal the pain of grief.
correct or put right (an undesirable situation) : the rift between them was never really healed.

I didnt desire to be addicted to anything, but I was. Jesus removed that desire, he healed me by revealing a greater desire, God.
"We didn't start the fire"

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Ryno I hate to tell you this but I think you're spinning your wheels here. Your response has so little coherency I cannot derive any useful information from it. The sentences just don't connect to each other.
I appear to have made the mistake of bringing a gatling gun to a pillowfight. My bad.
Good luck with that whole god thing, hope it works out for ya...
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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Your intelligence will make it harder and harder to find faith. You clearly are very smart, like JCD, but seriously, what does this have to do with anything? Nevertheless, belief comes from knowledge and non-belief is a type of belief. For example, you believe there is no God based on the knowledge you have believed, and your disbelief is still a belief. Yeah, im pretty sure JCD taught me that one with his intelligence. Again, none of this has any substance, its simply an expression of prideful inteligence...ego,

I am under the impression that you did not understand my posts.
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